100% right

Christians Have All The Time In The World

Below is a video link that demonstrates the type of revelation that is available to the Body of Christ in our day.  It is way beyond what you have learned in most churches.  It is not so much that any one person has to be 100% right, it is more a realization that everyone can hear the voice of God for themselves.  When you stop being a slave to what other people say, you begin to enlarge your borders and live in a bigger world.

Justin Abraham is not limited by what other people say, but only by what God reveals to Him.  Therefore, new revelation ways of seeing things can be explored.  This is very important because what we need to know in our day isn’t what people in past centuries needed.  This “current” revelation feeds and informs us now.  It is fresh manna from heaven.

The Holy Spirit is the only one who is 100% right

This generation of Christians is learning to live purely by revelation.  God gives revelation to us as individuals, yet when we compare notes, we are of one heart and soul.  Submission to God’s Spirit means submission to His will and since God is one, we are one too.

Moreover, it is doesn’t matter if we are 100% right.  We look through a glass darkly and know in part.  However, the truth becomes clearer and clearer as we grow into the fullness and stature of Christ.  When you read my writings or listen to someone like Justin Abraham, listen to what God speaks to you and don’t worry about the rest.  Hear your Father’s voice through us and the parts that don’t seem right, leave for another time or dismiss altogether.  That is exactly what I do with those I meet, read, or listen to.

Doctrine is what someone else has told you to believe

Many people taught us what they think is right, however, we must experience God and learn what is right for us.  You are the only one who can listen to the Holy Spirit for yourself.  Furthermore, you can’t go to heaven on someone else’s faith, you must believe on your own.  Listen, hear, and obey on time what God says to you personally.  In this way, you will know Jesus and He will know you.

Space + Time With Justin Paul Abraham