You Don’t Have To Be 100% Right All The Time

Christians Have All The Time In The World
Below is a video link that demonstrates the type of revelation that is available to the Body of Christ in our day. It is way beyond what you have learned in most churches. It is not so much that any one person has to be 100% right, it is more a realization that everyone can hear the voice of God for themselves. When you stop being a slave to what other people say, you begin to enlarge your borders and live in a bigger world.
Justin Abraham is not limited by what other people say, but only by what God reveals to Him. Therefore, new revelation ways of seeing things can be explored. This is very important because what we need to know in our day isn’t what people in past centuries needed. This “current” revelation feeds and informs us now. It is fresh manna from heaven.
The Holy Spirit is the only one who is 100% right
This generation of Christians is learning to live purely by revelation. God gives revelation to us as individuals, yet when we compare notes, we are of one heart and soul. Submission to God’s Spirit means submission to His will and since God is one, we are one too.
Moreover, it is doesn’t matter if we are 100% right. We look through a glass darkly and know in part. However, the truth becomes clearer and clearer as we grow into the fullness and stature of Christ. When you read my writings or listen to someone like Justin Abraham, listen to what God speaks to you and don’t worry about the rest. Hear your Father’s voice through us and the parts that don’t seem right, leave for another time or dismiss altogether. That is exactly what I do with those I meet, read, or listen to.
Doctrine is what someone else has told you to believe
Many people taught us what they think is right, however, we must experience God and learn what is right for us. You are the only one who can listen to the Holy Spirit for yourself. Furthermore, you can’t go to heaven on someone else’s faith, you must believe on your own. Listen, hear, and obey on time what God says to you personally. In this way, you will know Jesus and He will know you.
Dear Michael,
Being “people of the internet ” we as a people need to glean what we can. What I dislike most about the news nowadays (besides being poorly written), is the fact that they give you few facts, a bunch of conjecture , and a heaping helping of opinion. Just enough to get your interest. Then, if I really want to know the truth, I have to spend a couple hours searching and reading and gleaning. I can’t say if you are 100% right all the time (I doubt if you are), but the Holy Spirit immediately and unmistakably bears witness to many of the things you write.
Keep up the good work ,
Dear Steven,
Thanks for the comment. I agree with you! Getting the news is work these days!
I think also, you are right in the bearing wintness thingy. That is what it is ultimately going to come down too, knowing Jesus in one another.
Big hugs and lots of love,
I really liked what Justin said concerning space-time. however, I have one insight to share concerning what he said. It is not necessary to justify revelation by scripture. Revelation from God should be able to and does stand on its own merit. I notice this a lot with the “Mystic” movement. No matter how far out what they say is, they always tie it into some scripture.
I know the scriptures and really, many that Justin gives do not speak directly, or even indirectly, to what He says. However, he gives the impression that they do. At some point, you just have to lose the training wheels and speak revelation and leave it at that.
David Wilkerson, who I really do believe was a prophet to our generation, used to rely on scripture to much too. I think, though, that he was often at his best when he just spoke from the Spirit with little to know chapter or verse to back him up.
Perhaps these Christian “Mystics” are aware of this and are simply bowing to the peoples reliance of believing that the scriptures attest to what they are saying. However, I think it muddies the water and hinders rather than helps their message.
One other point, Isaiah was not quoting scripture every time he wrote something. There seems to be a fear in ministers to simply speak pure revelation. There always has to be “qualifications” or scriptural “justifications” for what they say. This is simply not true.
Either what you are saying is the word of God or not. The people you speak to need to know if it is or isn’t by the Spirit. When you quote tons of scripture as you say something new and fresh from God, you engage peoples minds rather than their spirits. We do not have to justify revelation by scripture.
When I write, God brings scriptures to my remeberence and I sometimes include them in what I say. However, what I write would be just as valid and true without them. I know tons of scripture and I really like the Bible, however, it has little to do with the veracity of what God reveals to me these days. Why? becuase I know my Father’s voice and I trust Him.
Reliance on our natural minds as some sort of a safety net is a trap. Knowledge, in any natural form kills. Only knowledge through revelation gives life. Whenever we revert to our natural reasoning we partake of the forbidden friut. I simply don’t anymore and really don’t miss it.
How can you say such things? We must rely on the Bible or we will go astray. Those who walk in the Spirit do the things contained within the law. For such there is no outward law because it is written in their hearts. This is the essense of going back to the garden. The law was only given because man would not hear God’s voice. However, when we return to the garden and walk with God in the cool of the day, we naturally do everything that the scriptures speak about.
This does not make anything in the scipture untrue or of less value, but why read the book when you can talk directly with the Author?
God bless,
Lieber Michael,
Wenn wir 100ig wären, wäre es doch zum einen langweilig.
Zum anderen ist es doch so das es nicht sein kann das wir perfekt oder Vollkommen sind.
Wir machen täglich Fehler, diese Fehler sind dazu da um zu lernen in jeder Lebenslage.
Gott hat auch Fehler gemacht bis er aus seinen Fehlern gelernt hat und machte dann alles so das es perfekt ist.
Deshalb Glauben wir an Gott er hat alles richtig gemacht.
Außerdem hat er uns sein Wissen seine Lehren weiter gegeben.
Er lebt uns, wie auch sein Sohn.
Gott segne dich
Dear Michael,
If we were 100 percent, it would be boring.
On the other hand, it can not be that we are perfect or perfect in what we do ..
We make mistakes every day, these mistakes are there to learn in every situation.
God has also made mistakes until he learned from his mistakes and then made everything so that it is perfect.
That’s why we believe in God, he did everything right.
Besides, he has given us his knowledge of his teachings.
He lives for us, as does his son.
God bless you
Dear Rita,
Well said! Thank you for commenting, we always appreciate it when you do. Sharing what God is showing you helps everything see better!
Big hugs!