Anatomy Of A Spiritual Union Pt 7: Preeminence Of His Spirit
The Preeminence Of His Holy Spirit
Timeless, ageless, eternal is our bond. Rightness from the beginning of time and lived in right now; assigned to each other, assigned to this. Now that we have found each other, our Lord begins the realignment of our lives, on earth as it has been in heaven. Speaking to me, my Lord says,
A Relationship of Preeminence
“You have found each other. Rise above. Your relationship has preeminence. Live in that place of preeminence with each other – you have arrived at a holy, preeminent place and I want you to live there as one. Embrace it, embrace each other. Come deeper in Me as one. Let me show you the preeminence of what I have called you to and how I want you to live there above all else.”
A Divine Reassignment
The journey of realignment to this place of preeminence was a smooth path, but surrounded by screams from the demonic forces that tried to prevent it. Though YHWH accelerated our connection and realignment, it takes time in the natural world to accomplish the task of turning from the direction we’d been headed before we found each other again, to a life He always wanted us to live together. Waiting to be together in person for the first time, our spirits continued connecting in a powerful way, instinctively feeling we had found what we’d been lacking all our lives.
A Sense of Profound Peace
Michael wrote these words to me. . . “I think my spirit has always been aware of you, if not connected. But now that my soul and body feel you it is almost overwhelming. It is just a feeling of always knowing you. There has been this sense of searching in me for some time. People accuse me of never having enough, but in reality, I think I have been connected with you always. Finding you has fulfilled a part of me that was always restless and seeking. Moreover, there’s such a sense of peace it makes me understand it was you I’ve been seeking all these years.”
Everything Finally Fits
Oh, how that touched me and made me feel so complete. . . “I really, really feel that too, like there is a part of me that just has been incomplete without you. I feel full when I am talking with you or really feeling you close in the Spirit. And just looking at a picture of your face I suddenly get an unbelievable sense of calm, like everything finally fits, or everything is finally going to be okay. I really cannot wait to see you in person. I love you so much, thank you for sharing that, thank you for feeling that for me. You make me feel so incredibly valuable to you. . .I am so in love with you.”