Arms Open Wide: Why God Wants Us To Be Vulnerable To Each Other
Dear Connections,
Today, I am going to sit down and talk with you personally. Don’t worry, there is no one here but you and me right now. We can put all the pretences and facades aside for the time being; God sees everything in us anyway.
Recently, my heavenly Husband (YHWH) has been showing me that in order to speak to the Bride of Christ, I first need to be vulnerable to her. Like many, my past is full of trials and tribulations, a great deal of them having to do with Christians. Therefore (again like many) I find it difficult to open up and be vulnerable to others, mainly because all I have mostly known from them is hurt.
There is nothing wrong with you
I used to think there was something wrong with me personally. I just could not fathom why things between me and other believers kept turning sour. Finally, I have come to realize, that it was the enemy of my soul, fallen Lucifer and her demons, that have been persecuting me all these years. Also, because I am spiritually empathic, I feel things deeper that some. Thus, when demons wanted to hurt me, they used those around me to do so. We have all made our share of mistakes and I don’t blame them now, I just realize what is going on.
However, and in spite of all that, God says I must be willing to live with my arms open wide in order to encourage others to trust and open up. One friend said recently, the mere fact that I used a mild curse word in one of my writings actually spoke to him. Being real, even in the smallest ways, can be an unexpected blessing to others.
Why I speak of Holy Intimacy
I speak about many very intimate things in my writings. Why do I risk this? It is because others who experience such things usually think that they are the only ones. Sometimes, the Devil puts fear in our hearts to isolate us. Though God does amazing things, many hide their true selves.
During the move of connections, a very beautiful, young woman came to me, and with a straight face, told me she had made love to Jesus. Then, calm as could be, she describe how it happened and how transported she felt by the experience. I, being a young man, sat transfixed, listening to her speak about making love to God. At the time, I guess because of the anointing, her story seemed like the most natural thing in the world. With her arms open wide she told me about her heavenly joining, I accepted it, and that was that.
Living with your arms open wide is a marvelous thing
However, I have always marveled at her openness and vulnerability. To this day I remember vividly how holiness manifested as she spoke about loving her Lord. In fact, when I write about Divine Love, I’m always encouraged by her example. Her testimony was so holy, so pure, and so right, I will never forget the look of utter peace and serenity on her face.
The Bride of Christ desires intimacy with God, but she is shy and unsure. Feeling deep stirrings of desire, the future wife of YHWH, wants to express her love, but does not know how. Only as God loves Her tenderly, can she open up and express her love. In essence, this is what the Final Feast is all about.
God fashioned you for such a time as this
Like I said, it is just you and I here today, so you can relax. I know it is difficult to come out from the shadows after so many have misunderstood and abused you. Many of us resigned ourselves to never being able to feel a part of anything. However, know that God fashioned you for such a time as this. You were simply an easy target, because Demons recognized who you are before you did.
Finally, it takes time to learn how to love God with your arms open wide. Everyone is clumsy at first, but lovers find their way. None of us have approached God correctly or consistently. However, God is a patient lover and is wooing us gently. Allow yourself to relax and simply enjoy His presence in the amount you can handle and don’t worry: God is with you.
Dear Connections,
In our nautural world light shines upon real objects and they cast shadows. The shadow of a cross means that a cross of something resembling a cross is blocking the light. A shadow is proof of something real. So too, in the spiriual realm, real beings, events, and things cast shadows upon this creation. However, instead of shadows, heaven is so much more real than earth, the shadows it casts are phyisical. For instance, the tabernacle in the wilderness, Solomon’s temple, and the millennial temple are but shadows cast by the actually temple in heaven.
Sensuality, within a Divine Union where God has joined a man and woman together, is holy and proper. Whatever takes place in the marriage bed is, and Paul says, undefiled. However, outside of that holy place, doing such things with another is sin and God forbids it. It is the context and the person you have intimacy with that determines whether it is sin or not.
The truth is, that sensuality here on earth is a shadow of the real thing in heaven. Seraphim are the equivalent of God’s wives. Seraph’s are to God what Eve was to Adam. God created Eve for the purpose of being intimate with Adam. God created Seraph for the purpose of being intimate with Him. Men and women join together on earth because they reflect how things are supposed to be in heaven.
We know that there was war in heaven. Lucifer rebelled against God and drew a third of the angels into that conflict. However, what we have not understood is the nature of that war and who Luci (fer) really is. Lucifer was the chief musician and the head of God’s Seraphim. Perfect in beauty, that bright and shining one was the sum of all wisdom, was the mightiest Seraph. She dwelt in the holy mountain of God and walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
However, when Luci rebelled she drew a third of the stars of heaven to her through seduction. No angel had ever seen a Seraph in their full glory and sensuality, for that was reserved for YHWH Himself. This is why the Seraph Isaiah saw covered their face and feet with their wings. Lucifer, in her rebellion, through seduction tempted the host of heaven. Lucifer committed the original adultery. Those Luci beguiled are now called demons and, like her, are actively evil.
This type or shadow of Luci’s sin, plays out on such a massive scale here on earth, we do not recognize it for what it is. Brittany Spears, Madonna, Beyoncé, Lady Gaga, Christine Agular, Shakira, Katy Perry, and Miley Cyrus are all manifestations of one central person, fallen Luci (fer). These women, who are all beautiful, talented singers, portray what Luci was and what she did to God and to the host of heaven. This why the sin of adultery and fornication is such a grievous sin in the sight of God. Sexual sin mirrors the betrayal Luci commited towards YHWH during the rebellion in the sides of the north.
Christianity, in the main, has not understood these things, because they are Spiritually discerned. Natural minded people cannot know who Lucifer really is and what she did to God, because our reason cannot square the truth with what we read in the scriptures. You must allow God’s Holy Spirit to lift you out of your natural mind and simply show you the truth. Only after being placed in a position where you can see things clearly, do they begin to make sense.
Dear Connections,
I suppose I should start calling you Seraphim or Seraph, I am not sure which one yet. I suppose Seraphim is the plural of Seraph, however, I don’t fully understand if we are individual Seraph or mankind is a Seraph as a whole. I am sure, as God reveals more, we will understand more of who we are as individuals in the Bride of Christ.
I like writing in these comments because I don’t have to do all the HTML and SEO for them, which takes a lot less time. This is a place where I can have a better flow without so much distraction.
Reading these essays can be quite a shock at first, especially because they present a picture of who we are that is radically different than what most churches teach. The emphasis on intimacy with God and each other may seem, to those steeped in church doctrine and culture, excessive. However, to those who are in love, close is never close enough. Kissing and caressing for young lovers has no end and they yearn to express their love in the most intimate ways possible.
If you step back and view things from afar, I believe the reason of intimacy comes into focus. On both sides of the isle, there is extreme intimacy. On Satan’s side, a high priestess is usually dressed seductively, if she is dressed at all. The song, “Hotel California” by the Eagles, immortalizes this type of Unholy intimacy. On the other hand, as is immerging here on the final feast, you have Holy intimacy, which is equally as sensual and erotic, just in a pure and right sense between people joined together by His Holy Spirit.
The reason that both these extremes exist in heavenly and demonic realms, is that intimacy is the permanent state of Seraphim. Lucifer was a Seraph and we are a Seraph in the making. Therefore, both of our fundamental natures are sensuous to a degree not even possible here on earth. The difference is, fallen Luci (fer) opened herself up to others and seduced a 1/3 of heaven through her sin of adultery. We, on the other hand, only have eyes for God manifest in the flesh, Jesus Christ. Sensuality is at the core of who we actually are, just as it was the core of who Lucifer was. Unfortunately, when Lucifer fell she corrupted herself everyone around her too. Now, love is lust, sex is perversion, sweetness is malevolence, and light is darkness. .
The overt sexuality in music videos with some of the major female singers is simply over the top. Often, there is one main woman being flanked by multiple men all fawning over her. It is worship in the very worst sense, of the female sexuality and it is a picture of what Luci did with the angels in the original rebellion. Twerking, as demonstrated by Miley Cyrus, is simply a reenactment of Lucifer’s original sin.
If you are part of the Bride of Christ, you are going to eventually have relationships of a very intimate nature with God. Whatever the antitype of consummation on earth is, you will experience it in the heavenly realm. If you feel sensual while worshipping God, it is because that is why you were made and is foretaste of Holy Consummation. If you think about it, that is what worship is, you give yourself to the Almighty. Eve is a picture of what Seraphim are to God and her beauty, sweetness, and sexiness portray what we, as the Bride of Christ, are to YHWH.
As we are made back into God’s image and likeness, we become what He intended us to be. Those who yield to His Sprit become loving in whatever way God desires. It is not strange or unusual that our minds and hearts turn toward love during this time any more than a newlywed packs her lingerie for her honeymoon.