First Contact
Dear Brethren,
If you would like to contact us, please fill out the short form below and one of our team will reply shortly.
God bless,
Team Tabernacles
Some encouragement to make first contact
Normally, contacting us is very big step for people. Even though you might assume that it would be no big deal, many have “mind battles” over saying an initial hello. Perhaps it’s fear of the unknown, or lack of confidence, or one of a hundred different things.
However, we encourage you to write if you feel led of His Spirit to do so. Many times, our futures hinge on seemingly small decisions. For instance, I remember that a person invited me to a Bible Study about being Spirit filled. At the time I was attending a free will baptist church, where even raising your hand during worship service was considered scandalous.
Decisions determine destiny
About half way up the road to the house where the meeting was, my friend and I stopped to consider whether we should go on. My friend said, “You know, our pastor says these people are not right. I think we should go back.” I sat and thought for a moment, then said, “You know, if these people have more of God I want it.” I was driving, so we attended.
Thinking back on it, that one decision probably set the course of my life. From that Bible Study, I sought to be Spirit filled with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. From there I went to Bible College. During that time at school, I experienced the Tabernacle Blessing. After that I made a dedication to follow only God’s Spirit which has lead me to writing this today.
Making first contact
If you feel a goading of God’s Holy Spirit, listen to it. Doing exactly what He says to do, when He says to do it, because it the most important thing you can do now, at this moment. Trust Him and allow yourself to be subject to His will, He will never lead you wrong.
Big hugs and lots of love,
PS. While I do encourage people to contact me, please to fill out the form fully.
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