bible training center

For the record, I consider it a privilege to have experienced the moving of the Holy Spirit at Community Chapel & Bible Training Center.


Let’s be real, many who attended Community Chapel & Bible Training Center suffered a lot. Some suffered because they embraced Spiritual Connections and some because they did not. However, life goes on.

To me, the most important take-a-way from Chapel is that God is sovereign. No man, nor woman, can or should have veto power over God in your life. I remember sitting in front of John Bergen, hearing him say that he would use the threat of disfellowshipment to his full advantage. Basically, he was saying that I will destroy your life unless you tow the line. I ask all you, where is he now and what does he matter? The answer is he does not matter to me, no, not one iota.

The main take-a-way from Community Chapel & Bible Training Center

Chapel is an object lesson to all who have ears to hear, what it will be like in the coming move of Tabernacles. This greatest of revivals is going to bring out the best and the worst in God’s people. Those who reject God’s love will do all manner of evil to quench it, but like those misguided people in Chapels leadership, they will fail miserably.

I stand by and still fully embrace Spiritual Connections as a profound and necessary move of the Holy Spirit. I stand against all those who denigrate and malign what God did in and through His people at Community Chapel and Bible Training Center. Whatever bad that happened to you at Chapel, was not because of what God did, but was because of how men and women misbehaved.

