long testimonies

Testify of God to others

One way to praise God is to tell others of the great things He has done in your life. Our Father loves us and shows us through the things He does. What blesses Him is when his Children take the time to honor Him.

What I’ve found, is that Jesus is doing things in our lives all the time, it is just that we rarely here about them. Some of the testimonies I’ve heard from people deep in the African bush are stunning. God is the same anywhere in the world. It is just that some places require more faith than others.

Share the faith of these long testimonies

As you read these long testimonies, I ask that if they touch your heart, share them with others. Let others benefit for knowing how great our God is and how He loves us. Increase their faith so that they might believe for such great things in their lives too.

Big hugs and lots of love,


Testify by Crowder