Tabernacles Theology

The Theology of the Next Move of His Spirit
Tabernacles theology is almost a misnomer, because in reality, Tabernacle Christians live by revelation and not theology. Engaging our reason to figure out spiritual things is just not the way we do things. In fact, given the choice between theology and Rhema, we choose the latter every time.
Yet, for those who are coming from a normative church setting, some sort of bridge may be necessary to help you understand what Tabernacles is. Jesus sat down and spoke with Nicodemus and told him about spiritual things. Nicodemus was trying to understand within his theological framework, the things of God, but having a difficult time of it. Jesus did not condemn, but recognized that he found it challenging.
Sometimes the knowledge of good is an impediment to true understanding
For myself, it took the Holy Spirit a long time to work me out of my “learned” theology. I was a very difficult and incremental process for me. Many times I still find myself hampered by my Bible College days, it is one reason why I switched from writing about Tabernacles to Seraph Hunter, it allows me the freedom to express without having to feel like I have to square it doctrinally.
In the end, no one will make heaven their home because it made sense. All who see the New Heavens and New Earth will do so strictly by faith. Everything that is not of faith is useless in the kingdom of our God and will be done away with.
Find out more about the Tabernacle Experience
I invite you to read through these essays about the Tabernacle Experience and see if these things be true. Search the scriptures if you like and prove all things by them. God has a lot a wonderful things in store for us and I pray we all enjoy them together!
Big hugs and lots of love,
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