tabernacles quotes

Tabernacles Quotes

“God is not looking for perfection, just availability.”

Michael James King

“Better to have died in faith than to live in unbelief.”

Michael James King

“As we become willing to obey we also become able to hear.”

Michael James King

“No man can do great things for God. The best that a man can hope for is to let God be great through him.”

Michael James King

“When the student is ready, a teacher will appear.”


“The Devil never gives more than he seeks to get.”

Michael James King

Doing good in our disobedience, while it might bless others and seem appropriate to those around us, does not cause God to accept our rebellion.”

Michael James King

Where there is no sin in the heart there can be no sin in the action.”

Michael James King

Sin is mainly of the heart.”

Michael James King

True obedience to God is not just obeying what you know of the scriptures, but being available to obey the voice of God when He speaks.”

Michael James King

God’s plan is for us to catch hold of His Spirit and to enter into the Promised Land in short order. It is only our unbelief as a people and as individuals that, at times, causes foreseen interruptions in His plan.”

Michael James King

In every true move of the Holy Spirit is possible for the church to enter into Gods rest if we will believe.

Michael James King

Many people, including Christians, are married to the wrong people simply because they did not consult God as to their choice of mate in the first place.

Michael James King

More truths of Tabernacles

Walking on water is not impossible. It is our hesitance to obey God that causes us to sink.

Michael James King

As we obey He makes the way.

Michael James King

In the New Heavens and New Earth people are neither married nor given in marriage because the love that is shed abroad in our hearts is greater than marriage.

Michael James King

God is not an “ala Carte” God, but an “all or nothing” Lord.

Michael James King

If, through His grace, we come to our senses and decide to take up God’s path once more, we begin again at the exact spot where we left off in unbelief.

Michael James King

The difference between certain death and certain deliverance is often times just a prayer of thanksgiving and a couple of hours away.

Michael James King

Those who embrace spiritual truth are persecuted by those who do not.

Michael James King

Most of the truth that God wants to restore to His church has not been received yet.

Michael James King

Almost every major doctrine of the church is either partially or wholly in error.

Michael James King

Principles, while being good for general guidelines in the absence of direct communication from God, should never prevent us from hearing and obeying God’s voice in the moment.

Michael James King

A great move of the Holy Spirit is already here if we have eyes and ears to know it.

Michael James King

Encouragement is more powerful than correction.

Michael James King

Old ways won’t open new doors


Though there have been isolated manifestations down through history, there has been no widespread spiritual fulfillment or accompanying spiritual experience related to the Feast of Tabernacles, it is yet to come.

Michael James King

As individuals become one with His Holy Spirit we will experience Emanuel or God with us, once again. Christ will walk the Earth again in the form of the fully revealed (manifested) sons of God.

Michael James King

The spiritual experience of Tabernacles will re-integrate each individual’s body, soul, and spirit in to one complete person causing them to act with consistency throughout their whole being.

Michael James King

True love, the type of love the Christ showed to others and commands us to have, is a spiritual experience we must receive and not something we can produce in and of ourselves.

Michael James King

True freedom lies not in keeping the types and shadows of the Old Testament but in living like Adam did in the Garden of Eden even before the law was given.

Michael James King

Jesus is a Jewish Messiah.

Michael James King

If you truly wish to know God, accepting Him for what and who He really is, then that same truth which sets you free also separates you from those who do not wish to accept it.

Michael James King

Though the current word of God does not contradict scripture it may contradict our present understanding of the Old and New Testaments. It is the blind belief in our own error that causes many to stumble when further truth is revealed.

Michael James King

Just as Jesus came to His own and they received Him not so to in our generation Jesus will come to us and many will again miss the time of their visitation.

Michael James King

We must dare to speak the current word of God to His people, as God reveals it, no matter what the cost or else we are unprofitable servants.

Michael James King

It is not the words you say but the actions you take which determine whether or not you believe.

Michael James King

God will permit no one to enter heaven that has not come to Him purely by faith.

Michael James King

We do not have it figured out.

Michael James King

The purpose of God in outpourings of His Spirit is to restore mankind to the sinless perfection of their pre-fallen Garden state.

Michael James King

At some point all God-given revivals will threaten to dissolve any religious system.

Michael James King

A church structure built upon a foundation of error cannot stand upon a foundation of restored truth.

Michael James King

Wisdom comes from above

Unless you have a specific calling and anointing to stay in a church that does not accept the restoration of the truth you have been shown it is to your spiritual detriment to stay and try to change the system. You will waste your time, talents and will exhaust yourself mentally, spiritually, and physically with a people who do not have ears to hear or the will to obey what the Spirit is saying.

Michael James King

While the church likes what Jesus does they do not like who Jesus is.

Michael James King

The fact of the matter was that,because God stood with the children of Israel at the Red Sea, Pharaoh’s army was “as good as dead” even before it arrived.

Michael James King

God expects us to take care of the need He presents us with.

Michael James King

Why would God call you to do a large thing when you are not obedient in the small things?

Michael James King

God calls years before the actual event simply because it takes years to fashion you into the vessel that can actually be sent.

Michael James King

If you do not show up when God calls it is impossible to be chosen.

Michael James King

At some point being called demands personal action.

Michael James King

Equality with God does not mean that Jesus was a separate god but rather that He was the exact representation of the one true God.

Michael James King

When faced with a choice between what you believe and what God is obviously doing one has to make a decision: do you accept God and change your theology to fit your experience or do you reject the experience and cling to what you believe.

Michael James King

A worldly church cannot affect the world … because the world has affected the church.


The voice of God and the law of God work together to reveal the will of God in our lives.

Michael James King

What most concerns a rat it is not where the cheese was but finding where the cheese is. For the Christian it is not where God was, that is most important, but finding where God is.

Michael James King

The Heavens and Earth were God breathed, Adam was God breathed, the scriptures were God breathed, and our very lives are meant to be God breathed.

Michael James King

Everything in the mind God is a mystery to our flesh. The only way we can truly hear God’s word (Rhema) is through revelation given to our spirits.

Michael James King

God never meant for us to live by the knowledge of good and evil but rather we were created to live by revelation.

Michael James King

New understanding may proceed experience, but experience nearly always results in new understanding.

Michael James King

Christianity is an experiential faith and not just an intellectual exercise.

Michael James King

Fresh revelation indicates a fresh experience of God.

Michael James King

Adam was made a living soul by the breath of God, therefore, the supernatural is our origin. Jesus was born through the will of the Spirit and therefore, in Him, the supernatural is also our birthright.

Michael James King

It is impossible to become fully like Christ without living and operating in the supernatural as He did.

Michael James King

If the Holy Spirit did those types of miracles when He was merely with them what do you think He will do now that He is actually in us?

Michael James King

The word was only written down because God’s people refused, out of fear, to hear His voice.

Michael James King

God has been leading us back to the garden since the fall of Adam. Jesus was the last Adam and, in Him, we are also a new creation.

Michael James King

Just as righteousness is imputed to us through being in Christ so to perfection can only be realized in us through becoming one with God.

Michael James King

Walking in the Spirit is not something we do but Someone we yield to.

Michael James King

God has a plan and to the degree that we align ourselves with His will we align ourselves with His purpose.

Michael James King

The common people want God and they only want God and until they get God they will not be inclined to listen to anything we say.

Michael James King

Pride is the basis of Strong Delusion, therefore, humility is the basis of Strong Revelation.

Michael James King

Why do we take for granted that God’s will is done in heaven but feel that it is optional to obey Him here on Earth?

Michael James King

The Holy Spirit was given so that mankind could come back into perfect relationship with their heavenly Father.

Michael James King

In the coming years what will matter most to each and everyone one of us is each other.

Michael James King

We are literally not bound by the natural laws of this present universe because we are citizens the world to come, the New Heavens and New Earth.

Michael James King

It was the Rhema that Adam and Eve heard in the Garden of Eden and the written word was only given after mankind refused to hear God’s voice at mount Horeb.

Michael James King

All revelation is derived through the Rhema.

Michael James King

Scripture is but a small subset of the Rhema. There is much more of the Rhema than scripture to be had if we will only allow God to speak to us and through us.

Michael James King

The Rhema is the expression of the logos.

Michael James King

“Regarding the Holy Spirit, “If you have never been under the influence of It, you have little hope of understanding It””.


Stopped at “The Rhema.” Need to put quotation marks in.

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