Paul says,
“For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.”
1 Timothy 2:13,14
The Beginnings of Strong Delusion
What I am about to teach you today goes against much of our societies present mindset. In our day and age it is all about “Women’s rights” and the “equality” of women. However, if we are serious about being true to the word of God, we must allow our Father to give us His judgement on critical issues and accept that He knows best.
This is perhaps the “strongest” meat of the word that I have taught thus far. It is a revelation of a truth that is, at present, 180 degrees opposite of what seems right to the natural man. It is diametrically opposed to the spirit of Antichrist that is gaining the ascendancy in the hearts of men and women the world over. However, in thick demonic darkness we need strong Son light. Therefore, let us stand with the truth so that we are not lost in deception.
Suffer not a woman to teach
The apostle Paul tells Pastor Timothy that,
“But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.”
1 Timothy 2:12
Why is this so? Why didn’t the apostle Paul allow women to instruct the congregation as well as men? The answer to this question is that women, by their very nature, are more susceptible to deception than men.
Lucifer deceived Eve
In the Garden of Eden Lucifer successfully deceived Eve. However, when Eve offered her husband the forbidden fruit, Adam was not deceived. The first Adam knew exactly what disobeying his Father meant, but because He loved Eve so desperately, he joined her in her sin.
Why did Adam do this? Adam knew that eating of the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil would result in death. While I cannot say for sure, I suspect that Adam hoped that his Father would have mercy on them both for his sake. Perhaps Adam felt that, if he did not eat the fruit with Eve, God would certainly have done away with the love of his life and left him alive but alone.
Father, forgive her, for she knows not what she does
In effect, Adam threw himself on the mercy of his Father for Eve’s sake. In our modern day vernacular we would say, “he took a bullet for her.” The apostle Paul, knowing that Eve and all her decedents were capable of putting men in the position, out of love, to do things that are not right before God, did not allow women to spread deception within his churches.
God says,
“Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.”
Gen 3:16
God puts women under submission
Part of Eve’s curse for falling into temptation and bringing damnation upon the whole world was that her husband would rule over her. This was and is a decree from God and it is as relevant today and when God first spoke these words in Eden.
Why is this so? Why did God pronounce this particular part of the curse like that? It is because Eve and all her daughters after her would always be susceptible to deception. God, for Eve’s safety, put her under submission to the one that was not deceived.
The rise of the spirit of matriarchy
I have been thinking about history in this regard for a while and I have been tracing the major events and plausible causes for the decline of our western civilization. In little more than a generation, the United States and a greater part of the western world has fallen into great deception. The United States, in particular, left off being predominantly patriarchal and nominally “One nation under God” to a nation who has been set adrift from any form of Godly principle and dominated by a spirit of matriarchy.
The consequences of the “Summer of love”
At first, I traced the rise of immorality to the sexual “revolution” brought about by birth control in the 1960’s. The “summer of love” set in motion many of the greatest evils of our age. Broken families, unwed mothers, fatherless children, STD’s, abortions, and AIDS compose just a few of the obvious consequences of acquiescing to women’s demands in the area of reproductive “rights.” These evils, while previously relatively rare and held in check by a somewhat moral society, exploded into our lives through the deception of women wreaking incalculable damage to our civilization.
Suffer not a woman to vote
Upon reflecting on this I came to an even more stunning conclusion: the rise of the current wave of Strong Delusion began when women “won” the right to vote. I know that this flies in the face of almost everything that our western civilization believes and frankly, even I believed these lies too, but hear me out a bit on this point.
Women having the right to vote was, in essence, a violation of what Paul taught about women having authority over men. Paul did not believe, under the anointing of the Holy Spirit, that it was right or good for a woman to have such a position of persuasion over men. This is why Paul would not suffer a woman to teach in church. Paul feared the type of deception, the type that Eve succumbed too, infiltrating his churches and so made a prohibition against women teaching men.
The ascendancy of Eve and the acceleration of Strong Delusion
When women gained the right to vote that is when the current wave of strong delusion started to manifest itself in a more profound way in our societies. When women began to have “authority” over men they were able, through the power of the vote, to force their deception upon men and this is the inception point of strong delusion in our time.
It does not mean that everything that women have ever advocated is evil or bad. However, women, in general, remain vulnerable to deception being tempted into believing and thus voting for things that are sin. Of course, all of sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God and men sin just as much a women. However, what I am saying is that females, beginning with Eve and all the way up through the harlot church of Revelation, are vulnerable to believe and act upon the whispers of Satan’s lies.
A society deceived by Strong Delusion
When women received the right to vote then men started to court their support by championing their causes. Evil men, who cared not for the effects of what the women desired, helped them achieve their aims regardless of the consequences. Some of these things, like abortion, have been a disaster for our society. I can think of nothing more heinous than killing an unborn child. Yet, because of strong delusion that has been brought about by a women appealing her case in Roe v Wade, being “pro choice” is some sort of moral right. Oddly enough, years later this same woman became a Christian and repented for the role she played in this landmark case. This is a tragic example of a woman’s susceptibility to deception.
Evil men promote the deception of Eve for self gain
Moreover, who in there right mind would ever want their daughter to to go war and participate in actual combat? It used to be that men protected women and did not put them in harms way. Yet, because of the current feminist mindset of our society, young women are now deployed on the front lines where, if captured, they will be subjected to inhuman abuse. What self respecting country would ever do this? This type of insanity happens when evil men promote Eve’s deception in order to gain power. This is an abomination and a reproach to our country and a prime example of “strong delusion.”
And this is that spirit of Antichrist
Delusion has always been with us through the spirit of Antichrist and has worked within the hearts of men. However, what I speak about is “Strong Delusion” and not simply being deceived. God speaks about this type of deception here,
“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
Isaiah 5:20
We are, in general, unaware of the depth of our deception
I know, by the Spirit, that I write is correct. Yet, I feel push back from a lifetime of conditioning that taught me to believe things diametrically opposed to God. In the guise of equality and human rights Satan perverts the roles and responsibilities of men and women. Fallen Lucifer deceives us so that, when we actually conform to God’s will, we feel wrong and out of place.
God was right to put Eve under submission to Adam
In conclusion, if you want to be a godly woman you must seek to glory in willing submission. God’s decree in Eden is better than the worlds idea of right and wrong. Women only achieve their full potential when she accepts her place of submission. Godly women put the full force of their will behind the truth that they were created to be; a help mate to their husband. Eve’s daughters greatest calling, unless God gives them a special dispensation like Paul, is to be a mother to their children and support their God given husband.
Suffer not a woman to have authority over men
Like Paul, I declare that I suffer not a woman to have authority over men either. Woman may teach other women or children if they are under the authority of a man. I will allow women to operate their gifts when they are in full submission to godly authority. What I write may seem old fashioned or even backward. However, now that I understand what these verses mean, I cannot say otherwise. When A woman usurps the place of a man she is out of order. Woman who is our of God’s order is a prime target for Satan to deceive. Hear the word of the Lord and understand what His Spirit says to His churches. Amen.
I love your write-up and this is coming from Western world this is to afirm that God still have good people in America, women freedom have led the world into family and sexual chaos and with all the nudity and homosexualism in our society today, if a woman want to go to Heaven, she should be under her husband. Thanks and God bless you.
Hi Africatoday2,
Thanks for the comment. It is important to stand for truth with our brethren. Keep following the Holy Spirit!
God bless,
You speak the truth, I stand beside you completely on the word of God!
“God forbid: yea, let God be true, but every man a liar; as it is written, That thou mightest be justified in thy sayings, and mightest overcome when thou art judged.”
Romans: 3:4
Hi, again
I really do like the way you broke down the garden seen! I have never heard it put quite like that. It really helps us understand some profound truths at that very serious moment after Eve ate the fruit!
Well done,keep up the great work!
Dear Chad,
I think that we, as men, need to help women understand the truth of the matter. This is not a contest about who who is smarter, who is stronger, or who is wiser. What is at stake here is the very design of creation and whether or not our love and commitment to Jesus Christ extends to conforming to his image and likeness in all areas.
It is funny, to me anyway, that people will say that they are willing to “die” and become a “martyr” for Christ if it means that they would have to deny him while, on the other hand, something as easy as taking on our respective roles as men and women seems to be impossible. Conforming to God’s design is not oppression but rather it is liberation. To be what God made us to be is our highest purpose in life. An eagle is made to soar and when it cannot fulfill its design it languishes. So too, when men or women will not allow themselves to soar in God and be what God fashioned them to be they languish too.
No one wants to force men or women to do anything. What I advance is the notion that we should all willingly take on our positions in God and strive to fulfill the respective roles He has given us. This is the only way the creation of God works well and functions as intended.
Very soon, simply stating the “truth” of God will be a crime punishable by fines, imprisonment, or worse. There is a “persecution madness” that is about to fall upon the world (which David Wilkerson foretold) that will make simply living Godly in Christ Jesus a crime. While every form of perversion will be not only be allowed but championed by the ungodly, Christian’s will be suppressed, oppressed, and persecuted for His names sake.
There will come a time that when we speak against that man of sin, the son of perdition, the false christ, that we will be deemed enemies of the state. When we decry the Harlot Church that rides upon the beast we will be labelled spiritual terrorists and hunted down for out opposition to that abomination. While all world religions coalesce into one super church who worships the “god of forces” we shall be maligned and hated by all for standing with the one true God.
All I am saying, in reality, is that we must buy oil while it is yet day for a night comes where no man can work. We must do all that is possible to conform to the image and likeness of God, which is Jesus Christ, while we can yet do so without having to deal with persecution at the same time. Many, because they have not prepared, will needlessly succumb to the Beast. It is time to put away our pride and our own ideas about how we think things should be and simply allow God to lead and guides us into all truth. If that truth means that women cannot and should not be “empowered” then who are we to gainsay or resist the Holy Spirit?
God bless,
Michael King
I believe the persecution has begun long ago,and is raging to this day. It is very easy to see if we look globally, it is dimmed quite a bit in the western world but is still here and is becoming more obvious and intrusive by the minute.
2 Corinthians 5:21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.
In the context that Adam was not deceived but willfully took of the apple to save Eve, explains everything when it comes to the Son Of God taking on death to save the world, or specifically the church or the Bride. The story of the fall of man in the Old Testament is the New Testament story of resurrection.
And as men, we have the same responsibility towards the women in our lives. But, how can we if they rule over us?
For women to become what they should be, men most become what they are required to be, leaders of families and other bodies following God.
This is powerful stuff Micheal.
Hi Curtis,
Yes, very good scripture ref. It is just really great how all this stuff starts to fit together. I can’t wait until we all come into the fullness and stature of Christ! Whereas we were all blind we shall truly see.
God bless,
I did type out a reply to this the other day, however my laptop lost it! so instead of my convoluted reply to all you men, I will give a shortened version of it.
Being a ‘woman in the western world’, and living in the UK not America, I can assure that we are not all lost in societies attempts to blind us into deception. Maybe I am old fashioned myself, the preference is that I would be a ‘stay at home’ mum, however long gone are the days where a household can be sustained by a single income, because this is something also that society has done in the last 30 years, long gone are the days where a single wage here can sustain. I felt really grieved to leave my baby girl at home with dad having to return to work.
I am not sure how homosexuality/people’s sexuality can be pointed towards women deceiving people. Men at some point need to take responsibility for their actions or inability to make the right choices themselves.
But yes in general I agree with this post.
Dear Kingdomshier,
It is very difficult, due to our conditioning by society, to resist seeing this issue as a “blame game.” To be sure both males and females have been damaged by the fall of Adam and Eve.
However, the genesis of all that we deal with these days is the “deception” of a woman. Unfortunately, the original deception that precipitated the fall of man came through Eve. She was, of course, taken advantage of by Lucifer and, as it were, tricked into violating God’s commandment. However, to this very day, women are more susceptible to deception then men. Therefore, God has put women under the authority of men for “their’s” and our protection.
Women, in general, chafe at this notion. It is taught that men and women are equal, but in the area of authority, that is not true. While men and women may be equal in the sight of God they were not and are not give the sames rolls to live out in this fallen world.
Men have many problems and one of them is that sometimes their women do not submit to them. When this happens it violates a fundamental mechanism in a man’s psyche which erodes his sense of God given authority. It retards what God made him to be when he feels challenged for leadership.
Having authority over women does not mean that men despise women. For a godly man, and even to a large extent those men who do not even know God, our basic instinct is to protect and cherish our women. Women hold an honored position in our heats even if we often times have difficulty expressing it to them. It is because of our love for women that we are susceptible to their whims and wishes even, sometimes, above following God.
Unfortunately, through no fault of their own, all women have an inherent weakness when it comes to Satan. In view of this, it is dangerous for women to have authority over men because they can be deceived. A woman’s deception can also spread to those around them. Being under a mans protection is a defense against this propensity.
Many times women say, “Well, if my husband would start acting better then I would submit to him.” However, such thinking is backwards. First submit to your husband and then that will give him the freedom to be what God made him to be. By your godly conversation (life) women are to win their husbands to God. It is by demonstrating that love of God through their actions that women minister to and affect the hearts of their men in a positive way.
In the final analysis, sin entered the word through Eve being deceived. What ever position she had relative to her husband changed that day. Until the restoration of all things God has put her under authority for her own protection and godly women should recognize and champion this fact. In the best of all worlds women would willingly take their position relative to men and support them in their roles as their providers and protectors with every fiber of their beings. They would do this trusting that their heavenly Father knows best and they would glory in their supporting roles. It is written,
“Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing. Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;”
Ephesians 5:22-25
I call this “Strong Delusion” because it takes the Holy Spirit to open our eyes to what is truly happening. The strongest delusion in our day and age is emanating from women who, as a societal group, have been deceived by that old serpent yet again. Women in our societies are at the forefront of the preparations of our world to accept the “the harlot church.” At this time in our generation godly women need to take their positions beside their men and hold fast to the word of God even if it goes against everything they have been taught or previously believed. All the world is about to wonder after the beast and we will only stand strong if we have fully embraced our positions in Jesus Christ.
God bless,