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“The Tabernacle Blessing is not something intellectually understood from a distance, a person must hold it, taste it, and experience it.”

Knowing God is a total experience that is visceral.  It’s like tasting the pancakes above. You need to taste it to fully experience it. Or, its like being in front of speakers at a rock concert: you literally feel the music flowing through your body.

God is reality.  YHWH is what truly is. God is something we cannot live without.  Divine Love is a positive addiction.

You cannot be an observer and ever fully know God.  Standing on the shores of this world, you cannot feel the waters of life.  You must jump in and immerse yourself in His presence.

Knowledge is dust.  Intellect is feeble.  We join with His Spirit so that we know Him through becoming one with Him.

God is our home.  Our Lover is where we truly live.  YHWH created us for him and nothing else on this planet can satisfy our need for Him.

Here is a truth,

“The Tabernacle Blessing is NOT theology, it is God manifest in and through our flesh.  You cannot know the Tabernacle Experience without being baptized in it.”

Recently, I have come to understand that as much as Divine Love makes sense to me, it doesn’t make sense to many.  I experienced the promised land of Tabernacles and even though I could not stay, I tasted it for a time.  Trying to explain Tabernacles is like describing the promised land to someone born during the 40 years of wilderness. They simply possess no frame of reference.  Anything they can imagine doesn’t do justice to actually being there.

I wish I could take every one who reads this and show them exactly what I’ve seen.  I say it is better felt than telt.  I think only God can illuminate this blessing to people’s hearts and souls. Individuals need to feel the Divine Love of God flow through them in order to understand it.

A deep desire to experience God

Speaking at a church one Sunday , I asked if anyone wanted the experience that I talked about. A young man suddenly jumped out of his pew and ran to the front of the church.  He got so excited to receive his blessing that he literally sprinted for God.  That was God working in his heart and soul through the words that flowed through me that morning.

This revelation has to be felt so that people not only hear with their ears but feel with their hearts and spirits.

God says,

“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

Matthew 18:20

Better felt than telt

Truthfully, the written word on this site is more of my spiritual “notepad” than anything else.  It has been a way for me to download and organize the things that God has shown me throughout the last 30 years. I think, perhaps, it has been preparation for something more. However, just as God speaks the worlds into existence, He speaks Tabernacles into the hearts of men and women who hunger.

My friends, speak the Tabernacle Blessing.

God bless,

Spirit Move by Kalley Heiligenthal