Break Bread: Give The Revelation of God To Those In Need Of His Spirit

Breaking Bread
I have been talking with others about how to best “distribute” the final feast. Right now, it’s all one big banquet table which, I have been told, is a bit overwhelming. People tell me “where does one begin?” Even dividing it into sub-sections still presents so much choice that it can be confusing.
What we have been talking about with others is the concept of “breaking bread.” That is, passing around the final feast so that each person can “break of” a piece of it. Or, we can break off pieces of it ourselves and give to others so that they are nourished and satisfied.
A firm foundation for the Tabernacle Movement
I have felt that there needs to be a “firm foundation” upon which to build this movement. Building a theological foundations is what this website is about. It has to be solid because eventually people are going to dig into the roots of Tabernacle theology to prove whether or not these things are true. So as radical and Antimonian as this theology may first appear, it is actually solidly based in both Old Testament and New Testament scripture.
One of the difficulties I face is that I am a theologian by education, therefore what seems common to me is often unfamiliar to others. My object, though, is not just to have pretty theology, but to actually effect real change in the Body of Christ. Therefore, we must give to those who have need in a way they can recieve it.
Break the Final Feast into bite sized portions and give it to those in need
Break the Final Feast into bite sized portions and give to others as they have need. Strive to be “under-controlling” of how people use these teachings. Think of the tabernacle theology as merely a match to strike. Once the fire is lit, allow it to burn as it finds fuel in people’s hearts. Tabernacle Theology will morph into something we do not yet imagine. A fundamental principle of the Final Feast is:
“God created the church, therefore He is the best One to lead it.
Be not controllers, be facilitators. Don’t have creeds, be led by the Holy Spirit daily. There needs be no church membership because, In Him, we are already one. Advise, do not command. Exhort and encourage and do not judge and shun. Through the Tabernacle experience we all become one with God, naturally finding consensus through our shared experience in Him. Therefore, until we become one with God there will be differences of opinion. What remains vital, though, is to connect with one another on the basis the of love of the Spirit.
Reformations are always messy to the natural minded
Historically, the restoration of any of any of the three feasts in the New Testament church age has been a time of great uncertainly and confusion. Jesus was tried in the night and his disciples scattered. Mid evil Europe was literally plunged in religious wars because of 99 thesis nailed on a church door by Martin Luther. People supposed the apostles and those who received the gift of the Holy Spirit were drunk. The Azusa Street revival was sometimes very disorganized but it spread over the entire earth in its own organic way. The restoration of the spiritual fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles will follow this pattern.
Break bread with others
In conclusion, we are providing the tinder to anyone and everyone who desires to use it. Build your own fires as you see fit. Warm up with God as He leads. Become one with our Father and we will be one with you. It is an exciting time and we look forward to seeing how God reveals Himself in you!