Are You A Christian Mistress? Part 1

Are You Christian Woman In Love With A Married Man?
Today I am speaking about a topic rarely discussed in polite company: that of being a Christian mistress. To most, this is a taboo subject, but to a few, it is a holy calling. Christian mistresses believe in and love Jesus Christ, yet they are literally called to love a married man. Though most people chalk this up to weakness, in some cases it is evidence of extreme faith and devotion to God.
This type of relationship, though rarely mentioned positively, is more common than people think. Moreover, the reasons these relationships exist are not well understood. Many believers automatically judge a Christian mistress as a homewrecker. Yet, sometimes, women who become mistresses are more righteous than the wives they are destined to replace.
It’s not exactly what you may think
Most believers assume that any marriage made for any reason is holy matrimony. They believe that no one can violate that sacred relationship. Thus, a Christian mistress, no matter what the circumstances are, is automatically labeled an adulterer. However, this judgment is based upon the assumption that God automatically sanctions all marriages. However, the truth is that unless God joins the man and woman together, He does not recognize their relationship as anything more than an earthly contract. While natural-minded people may believe that all marriages must be preserved at all costs, God does not. Believers make unwise life choices all the time in other areas, which when they realize their error, simply repent. The rash vows made in many marriages are no different.
What some call a Christian mistress may be a Divine Mate
Marriage, as currently practiced by the Christian church, is an idol. Just because you have a piece of paper does not mean God must honor it. Many times, what some call a Christian mistress is, in fact, God correcting a terrible marital mistake. To God, it matters a great deal whom you marry, therefore if you marry out of YHWH’s will, He sometimes leads you to divorce.
Therefore, when God goads a man and women to be together, it can be a holy calling and not a fleshly fling. When our Lord decrees that an earthly marriage is null and void, in some cases He brings another mate of His choosing. However, because the church and many believers worship marriage more than they respect God, most misjudge the will of His Spirit in such cases.
Jesus is also Lord over marriage
The fact is, many times the earthly wife is the problem and not the mistress. Sometimes the Christian mistress is being Spirit-led, while the Christian wife is opposing God’s will. Earthly wives or husbands, who are not called to be with their current spouse, can actually be the ones sinning. A Christian mistress can be, if led by the Holy Spirit, completely in the will of God. Unfortunately, believers often condemn this type of behavior without question, knowing they risk being condemned themselves if they don’t. However, like the Pharisees in Christ’s day, we sometimes reject the very one God is using to do His will.
Though I called what you may be doing a Christian Mistress, that is not really what you are at all. You are, in fact, God’s divine choice to be the mate of the person you are in love with. It just that those who look at your situation assume that you are not following God because you don’t fit their doctrine. Just like those who misjudged the woman washing Jesus’s feet with her tears and drying them with her hair, they don’t really understand what is going on. However, if God is leading you to be with a married man, most often it means He is instituting a Divine Divorce to free him from an earthly contract that is not His will. You, like Esther, are the one that God has chosen to be the queen of your king.
God doesn’t honor contracts made in His absence
In conclusion, to be sure, there are affairs which are sin. Moreover, you can take my words and misapply them by assuming you are Spirit-led just because you’re attracted to someone. Though David may have ended up with Bathsheba in the long run, taking things into his own hands didn’t work out so well. If you are simply coveting someone’s husband without the leading of God, problems will ensue
However, sometimes God institutes a divine divorce in order to join Divine Mates. Therefore, when a Christian mistress comes into a married man’s life, it can be the will of God. In such specific instances, God is not violating marriage, He is joining Divine Mates.
If you are a Christian woman and you feel that God is leading you to be in a relationship with a married man, trust God. No one will understand and it is perhaps the hardest thing you will ever do as you believe your Father. However, when you hear God’s voice, let your heart rest in Him and accept His holy calling.
Are you dazed and confused? Don’t despair, there is hope
If you are in this type of situation and are feeling confused, I encourage to read more about Divine Mates. This article alone cannot explain everything that you need to know. God bless and may His Spirit comfort and keep you. Amen.
Dear Michael
I Love a married Man and it means a lot for me! In the night he is my Sky and at the day he is my Sun.
You know why? It is Gods decided to send him to me, also is it Gods Will that we be together and for us to be whole. I testify of what God has done in my life and the blessing it is to me! We believe in God and thank him for blessing us with a lot of Love!
Big hugs,
God bless you Michael
Dear Rita,
Thank you for your comment! I think you are very brave for testifying of the truth and standing up for what God is doing in your life. May it give hope and encouragment to others who find themselves in a similar situation.
Big hugs and God bless,
What we have allowed the Devil to do in our lives is to define everything by sin. That is, fallen lucifer takes something God originally made and messes it up until Christians think they can’t have anything to do with it. Thus, things which are perfectly okay, which He meant to be a blessing are effectively kept away from us.
Take for example the concept of a “Christian Mistress”. In reality such a woman are many times a Divine Mate, given by God to further His will in the lives of people. Yet, to even get people to begin to understand what is going on, I have to use the terminology of sin, because that is practically the only thing people can related to. I can’t just say, God is breaking up an ungodly marriage and reforming it into a Divine Union, because most people have not reference point for that.
God made sex. God knows everything there is about sex. Yet, the Devil has taken something God made very good and perverted to such an extent that most people associate eroticism solely with Satan. The music Band “Eagles” sings about “Witchy Woman” portraying the best sex as sinful. Christians, who are rightly afraid of sinning, keep to the side lines and restrict sensuality to between people who God may or may not have joined together.
Moreover, because of our predetermined mindset that intimacy = sin, most people automatically assume the worst case scenario about any physical expression of love. Most automatically assume that no boundaries in intimacy means that everyone will fall into temptation.
Shame is so deeply ingrained into us, that we can imagine little else. Our shame keeps us from trusting God and allowing Him to define our intimate behavior. We trust rules and cultural prohibitions to protect us rather that teaching people that they must submit to the Holy Spirit in all things. In essence we cling to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil rather than trust that the tree of life will protect us.
True order in God’s church comes from obedience (on a personal level) to the voice of God. Each and every one of us must hear God and obey Him. The only way to get us not to sin is to remove the desire to sin. This can only happen as Christ lives in us. Once you remove the desire to sin, all the situations that people fear will cause sin don’t matter anymore. Even being naked in a room alone with the opposite sex poses no temptation. No one touches anyone inappropriately anymore because the Holy Spirit in them never wants to do that. Moreover, if someone approaches you inappropriately, you simply won’t want to sin with them either.
God is emphasizing intimacy at this point in the churches history, because the Bride of Christ is about to meet her Bridegroom. As we put on our white garments our thoughts naturally turn towards being with Jesus intimately. No bride who prepares for her wedding day, doesn’t think about and anticipate her wedding night. Love always leads to expression. Holding hands, kissing, caressing, and eventual consummation is the way God designed mankind to work.
Therefore, if you are wanting to be the Bride of Christ, you cannot be opposed to being intimate with Christ. Moreover, because the Spirit of Christ dwells in His people, you cannot be opposed to being intimate with His body. This is what is coming and those who reject God’s presence in His people, because they cannot get passed their shame, will not be His Bride.
Natural minded people cannot and will not understand what I have just written. Furthermore, there is no way I can explain Divine Love to those who only see intimacy in an earthly context. Sex, to most, will always equal sin and shame. Only God’s Divine Mate will enter into His secret place and become one with Him.
In conclusion, God is a patient lover. If you are new to Divine Love and Holy Consummation, YHWH is not demanding more than you can bear. God is lovingly drawing you into His inner chamber and not forcing anything upon you. When I speak about the consequences of rejecting God’s love through His body, I am speaking about those who “reject” not those who don’t understand and are shy. God will always work with a willing heart even if people struggle to break free of their misconceptions. So, if your heart willing, but you just want to hold hands with God at this time, that is perfectly ok. Enjoy being with Him and allow your love relationship to develop naturally over time. However, there will come a time when you are the one that wants to experience Him as much as He desires to experience you.
God bless,
Why write about removal of sinning when condoning adultery? Why Christianity? I can accept if this is Islam but why smear Christianity by justifying the sins of adultery when written over and over again how God asks us to honour marriage and detest divorce . Is it not more Jesuslike not to give up on your marriage but to love each other biblically.
Do not trust false teachers let your later life be filled with regrets. God will forgive yes but God hates sins more than we could imagine. Otherwise why send Jesus instead just waving a divine sponge and cleanse us of our sins.
Dear WinNie,
Thank you for you honest comment. I think a lot of people, at first glance, feel the way you do. They see a woman with a married man and they automatically judge then as a sinner. However, what I am saying is that perhaps we are not the best judges of what is really going on. While it is good to honor our commitments, God does not want us to honor them more than we honor Him. If we have married out of His will, it is not proper to assume that just because we made an earthly commitment, God must go along with it. This is presumptuous and prideful. After all, are not we servants and God our master?
If you have married incorrectly, and God wants to change your marriage to a union that He approves of, sometimes He will bring a chosen person into the life of a married person. This person is anointed by God to love you and it is His divine will that they do. Many times, in such situations, the marriage you currently have is not based on love but on duty. You keep up appearances to the outside world while you are dying inside. This is because the person you chose was not God’s choice and therefore He does not honor or bless that union. Your children are not the children that God desired to be born. A choice you made, without considering the Creator of the whole universe, messed up His plan for your life and sometimes, because of His great grace and mercy, he provide a way to come back into His will.
You say, “do not trust false teachers” but I say to you, do not honor foolish vows that mess up your life and the lives of your children forever. It is good to honor you marriage vow if it is in God’s will to do so, but if you have married our of pride, lust, or riches, do not think, for a moment, God has to honor your foolish choice.
I am not saying that every woman who comes between a man and his wife is righteous. There are those women who simply covet what another woman has and are willing to do anything to get it. However, not every woman is like that and somethings what we call a mistress is simply God trying to correct a very bad and damaging mistake.
Big hugs,
“I am not saying that every woman who comes between a man and his wife is righteous. There are those women who simply covet what another woman has and are willing to do anything to get it. However, not every woman is like that and somethings what we call a mistress is simply God trying to correct a very bad and damaging mistake.”
Perhaps, instead of calling her a “mistress” call it what it is… God allowing for re-alignment. The reality is this.. in God’s grace, God will work in a myriad of ways. At the same time, if you have have married someone God did not intend for you to marry, He is just as powerful and capable to navigate you out of that marriage, allow some time for healing and THEN join you to the one He desires to be with. Why muddy the waters further by prematurely sending your Divine Partner while in a marriage contract. End the contract and move forward in your Divine partnership and bless and honor the partner you were in contract with and possibly had children with, pray and bless them with their own Divine partner. They are just as deserving!! Oh and those children birthed from that union are NOT unclean or unworthy!!
Dear Jenean,
What you state seems to be a more reasonable way, but that is only to those who live by their natural minds. Whenever God decides to unite two people is His prerogative. If it is inconvenient for those who have married out of his will, I don’t see where it is our business to second guess Him.
With all due respect, I do believe God created us with the ability to use our minds in reasonable in loving ways. We do not need to leave a trail of broken hearts and abandoned children in our midsts.
Much love,
Dear Jenean,
I can see you have a real sensitivity towards people and their circumstances. While I think that Divine Divorce is unfortunate, I recognize that it is sometimes necessary. People sometimes make bad choices that leads them away from the path that God foreordained. The further they leave God original path for their lives, the more they must change to return to it. Sometimes this means leaving the life that they have build contrary to God’s will. Sadly, sometimes this affect children too.
However, the error that some make is to stay in their disobedience for their children’s sake. They think that by doing this, they are protecting and helping their kids. The truth is, though, that persisting in your error, for whatever reason, does not help you or the people around you. The disharmony between you and your spouse most often filters down into disharmony in your children’s lives. My mother and father were like this and I can say, from experience, that I wished they would have just divorced and got it over with, instead of putting us children through their unhappiness.
Truly Divine Divorce, if done at the behest of the Holy Spirit, is often a good thing if both parties simply yield to His will. God hates divorce, but He hates people not doing His will more.
Big hugs and lots of love,
Dear Connections,
Underlying the will of God are solid reasons for everything, even if we don’t understand them immediately. What you read here on the Final Feast are some of those precepts that, when revealed, dispel a lot of confusion.
God made intimacy between men and women for Himself. YHWH intended it to be enjoyed between people He chooses to unite with each other in Him. In this way, as we become one with each other physically and emotionally as we unite with God spiritually.
This is a departure from most established Christian religious dogma and many find this precept difficult to understand let alone justify in their minds. Add to that a long history of abusive cults where one of their exploitation of this very area. With the proliferation of cults, there is a very real risk of being so afraid of everything, that we are not open to the true move of God when it comes.
However, misuse of something God created doesn’t suddenly make the thing created sinful. In fact, when we realize that the expression of love is at the center of God’s plan to unite His body of believers, it is no wonder that Satan has worked overtime to try to scare us off the very thing God called good.
Moreover, everything I ever write on this topic always comes with the caveat that you alone bear the responsibility for your personal actions. Never go further than God leads and if you are unsure, wait and pray until you are. With this in view, let us move forward into this revelation.
Sexual sin, fundamentally, occurs when people engage in sexual activity with someone God doesn’t want them to have that type of relationship with. This spans the spectrum from the least intimate behavior to the fullest expression of intimacy. If you are intimate with anyone God is not leading you to be with that way, you are missing the mark – license or no license. It doesn’t necessarily mean God doesn’t like the other person, but just that particular expression with them is not in His will.
Man, in his natural mind, reduces heavenly designs to mere natural laws, which became necessary due to sin, but in the beginning it was not so. Everything we did was to be regulated by His Spirit, even our intimate relationships. Literally everything we did was meant to be Spirit led. In fact, the first holy kiss took place between Adam and Eve. That union was sanctioned by God himself and needed no other authority. For those led by His Spirit, it is the same today. If God leads you to be with another, no matter what it looks like to those around you, trust and obey your heavenly Father.
Due to sin and a lot of man’s natural minded thinking, everything on earth is very incongruous with what God really wants. Therefore, when the Holy Spirit comes to His people, a lot of rearrangement takes place. It is merely a cleansing of His temple, which nowadays is the body of Christ.
Marriage has become an idol and like anything that seeks to subvert God’s will or His people, it must be done away with. It is not that marriage, in and of itself is against God, but that the way in which many people use it to stymie God’s will is.
Let God bring us all back to the garden and obey His Spirit in all things – even our love relationships. Amen.