My Stand On Spiritual Connections At Community Chapel & Bible Training Center
I am Michael King, and this is my stand on spiritual connections at Community Chapel & Bible Training Center
Christ says,
“ But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.”
Matthew 10:33
I have been thinking a lot about this scripture lately. People commonly believe this passage refers to being forced to deny Christ or die. I believe, though, that the meaning of this scripture goes far beyond martyrdom.
I believe that you can deny Christ in many different ways and to many different degrees. It can be as little as remaining silent when someone next to you uses the name of Jesus in vain. It can be going along to get along with people who say that all religions are equal. In fact, our whole manner of life can be a denial of Christ if we do not do the will of our Father.
Long lost friends
I contacted an old friend the other day after many years. Suddenly, I felt Spirit led to reach out to Douglas by email. I found him very gracious after all those years apart. However, one thing he wrote to me stuck in my mind like a splinter. He called what God did at the church we used to attend “sin.”
I thought about his accusation against that revival for a month, trying to decide whether or not to let it “pass.” After much agonizing I felt lead of the Spirit to confront him about calling what the Holy Spirit did of Beelzebub. In the end, under strong conviction, I could not ignore his statement because I felt that “going along to get along” would be, in fact, denying Christ. I simply could not imagine having to give an answer as to why I did not stand up for my Lord. I had to defend what Jesus did at Community Chapel & Bible Training Center.
No further Devil, this is where I stand
I wrote a very strong and pointed letter to my friend Douglas. I told him I stood against his characterization of what God did at CC&BTC as being “sin.” Moreover, Douglas caused me to think about my hesitance to “own” what God did there too. Whether out of intimidation, fear or because of my reluctance to visit old memories, I kept my spiritual genesis a secret all these years.
After much consideration, however, I will not stand idly by while others talk badly about my Father and what He did at Chapel. I have had it with those who lived through that marvelous move of God’s Spirit, blithely denigrating it. I am against those who speak evil of spiritual connections as if it were something sinful. You, who call what God did of Beelzebub, are spiritual cowards. Moreover, I will not allow the Devil to cause me to avoid who I am and where I come from any longer. I no longer fear of what others may think or say.
For the record
Therefore, I wish to state, for the heavenly record, that I attended Community Chapel & Bible Training Center during the 80’s and partook of the move of spiritual connections. I fully accepted and immersed myself in it. It was a marvelous move of God’s Spirit, given by His grace to a people who earnestly sought Him. Though some took the love and liberty that God showered upon us and used it for selfish purposes this was, by and large, not what most people did with it.
It has taken me over 30 years to come to a point where I feel I can speak about these experiences. Some in authority at Community Chapel & Bible Training Center did their best to destroy me and others like me. Fortunately, by God’s immeasurable grace, the misguided leadership of that church did not succeed. I sincerely hope there are others that made it through too.
I am proud to have experienced spiritual connections at CC&BTC
As a Spirit filled Christian, I am proud to have attended Community Chapel & Bible Training center. I am privileged to have experienced God’s move of Divine Love. I reject all those who, out of convenience or deception, do not recognize the amazing things that our Father did. The move of connection love was a true, righteous, and holy move of God’s Spirit.
As I feel led I will write and testify about my time at CC&BTC in order to give a positive, yet honest, account of the moving of God’s Spirit there. Too many have freely disparaged what God did as sin. I am here to say, “shame on all of you who do that!”
Don’t blame God for what you did or what happened to you
Yes, some used what God was doing as an occasion for the flesh. Of course, some people stumbled and could not handle the manifestation of God’s Divine Love. Various leaders did unconscionable things. False shepherds sacrificed their own sheep to maintain their control over others. However, none of that negates what God did. Furthermore, no one should blaspheme the Holy Spirit by calling what He does sin. Man, and only man, made a mess of God’s wonderful outpouring of life, liberty, and Divine Love.
My experience at CC&BTC is a very glorious and very painful chapter in my life. This pain has nothing to do with God for my Father stuck with me when no one else did. It has everything to do, however, with the heinous abuse carried out by the misguided and egotistical leadership.
Setting brother against brother
Moreover, I believe the persecution which occurred at “Community Chapel” is a foretaste of a greater persecution to come. When God moves again in the Tabernacle experience, Christians will turn upon Christians worldwide. As it is written,
“ Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.”
Matthew 10: 34-36
Healing and help
I hope that as I share the lessons from that harrowing experience they will be instructive to others. When people face similar types of persecution in the future I hope this helps. Perhaps writing about my experiences may even help me personally gain some closure.
I will not deny what Jesus did…ever.
In conclusion, I resolutely stand before my heavenly Father and man and declare that spiritual connections are from God. I testify that the move of God’s Spirit was genuine. I reject all those who ridicule that revival as sin. The destruction that took place in some lives stemmed from man’s pride, greed, and arrogance. Whatever negative that happened was merely a result of God’s liberty crashing headlong into institutionalized legalism. Something, as they say, had to give.
To be continued…
God Help The Outcasts
Dear Connections,
It bothers me that so many who went to Community Chapel and Bible Training center disrespect the move of God that happened there. When I search for information about CC&BTC what I find is usually very negative. I think this is a shame because people never get to find out the wonders of the Spirit that God showed us.
What happened at Chapel was so profound it has taken me nearly 30 years to understand it. What you read now, here on this site, is the culmination of years of searching for the truth. I thank God He is graciously giving me understanding.
There was a time when I thought I would never progress beyond what God did at Chapel. I remember being in the prayer rooms after church praying and asking God about what was next. I knew, by the Spirit, there was something more, but between the persecution from the church leadership and the doctrine that still bound me, I couldn’t seem to break through. Fortunately, with my spiritual connection, I have finally come to know what God was leading us all towards during that heady time of spiritual revival.
It has taken many years for me to gain perspective too about the people who so greatly misused and abused us. Initially, I was very wounded and hurt. The church leadership essentially became a tool of Satan as they tried to control what was going on. Ostensibly they said it was for our own good, but in reality, it was to preserve their position of power and prestige. This became apparent in the long and bitter fight over the assets of the church.
As mixed up as Don Barnett was, he stayed as true to the Spirit as he was able. As I look back I give him respect for that. However, His wife and the Elders I do not. They hurt the people of God and allowed their selfish desires and aims to goad them to do terrible things in the name of God.
I am not sure how much I will end up writing about this. I used to think that speaking about Chapel was irrelevant. However, these days I have come to understand just how closely it mirrors what is about to happen to the church at large. Having lived through that move of the Spirit and seen the apostasy of those who rejected it, I know now that God showed us the future.
In conclusion, what I write will be my perspective. It will be the memoirs of a person who actually lived through the Chapel experience and survived despite the best efforts of the leadership to destroy me. I do not know how many of us came through that furnace intact, but I hope there is more than a few.
Dear Connections,
I have had a good time talking with a few former members of Chapel. Wow, what a trip down memory lane!
This is what I feel very strongly in the Spirit,
“Do not let the light of Connection Love be extinguished”
God bless,
Dear Connections,
I have little patience for those who denigrate the Rhema of God. Many are bitter about what happened at CC&BTC. I know full well the errors that were committed by those who abused their positions and liberty. However, to call of Beelzebub what the Spirit did is simply out of line and wrong before God.
What happened at Community Chapel & Bible Training Center was a revelation of the Spirit. However, some men and women refused to allow God to lead and guide them, messing up badly. No one was a saint through all that happened, but many tried their best in a very difficult situation. Though I witnessed many people behaving badly, still I never blamed God for the errors they did.
What happened at CC&BTC is a microcosm of what will happen when the general move of Tabernacles hits the world. It is a sneak preview of the both the birth of the Man-child of Revelation chapter 12 and the great falling away. The dividing line is whether you follow the Holy Spirit and accept His Divine love, or reject it and attack it as evil. Those who accept Spiritual Connectio and walk with integrity before God will become the Elect. Conversely, those who reject the love of the Spirit will apostatize and serve the Antichrist.
I hate the spirit which manifests through those who disparage what God did at CC&BTC. Though they call themselves Christians they are, in fact, Antichrist in spirit. They have allowed a root of bitterness to make them into ravenous wolves. I spent months on a forum full of former church members trying to speak kindness and reconciliation to them. However, thought I spoke to them peaceably and patiently, many nashed their teeth like wild beasts while others, even former friends, stood back and held their cloaks.
God told me to stay there for a time until, thankfully, one day the Holy Spirit said I could leave. Unfortunately, many former Chapel members are so blinded with rage that they cannot and will not acknowledge the miracle of Spiritual Connections. Their personal hurt and bitterness keeps them from the truth of God’s Divine Love.
I, along with many others, suffered greatly at the hands of misguided leaders and church members at CC&BTC. However, rather than allow what others did wrong make me attack what God did right, I choose to promote that which is good. I choose to give a good report and say we are well able to take the land.
The move of the Holy Spirit in the first century church did not go smoothly either. There was much persecution and bad behavior, however God says,
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.”
Philippians 4:8
In conclusion, if you object to the bad things that took place at Chapel, don’t do them to others. Walk straight before God and pray for those who despitefully used you. However, do not ever denigrate what God did amongst His people, because that was holy and pure. I know you are hurt simply because I was devastated too, yet do not come to me and blaspheme God because you still have a chip on your shoulder. I simply do not want to hear your evil report. Why lose your soul because of what others did? That makes no sense to me. Allow God to heal you and do not ever, in my presence, attack the Holy Spirit.
Michael King
If you believe the “connections doctrine” is a authentic move of the Spirit of God, where do believers move to next.
Dear Richard,
Thanks for your comment and question. We appreciate your input! The Tabernacle Blessing and the teaching about Spiritual Connections, is somewhat new to the Body of Christ in our day and age. Since the Book of Acts, we have had very few moves of love that have infused Christ’s believers with this type and degree of “oneness” with God. I was talking with Christi today, saying that there are many people both in and outside the church that are pre-tabernacles. They feel the calling of His Spirit to become something more or to be a part of something greater, yet they find no place within the current church system to do it.
Therefore, and more to the point of your question, there are many things believers can do next. First of all, they themselves can be open to Spiritual Connections between themselves and other believers. Truly, the Tabernacle Blessing is better felt than telt. Allowing God to flow through you to another saint is perhaps the best way to fully understand what the move of Spiritual Connections is all about. The final feast website is mostly a confirmation ministry. We write about Spiritual Connections and the Tabernacle Blessing so that when people begin to experience it, they will find these essays and know that they are not crazy or sinning.
Secondly, you can speak to others about whatever part of the Tabernacle Vision God impresses upon your heart. We had one brother, Steven, who testified about God’s love in Spiritual Connections to his tough Biker Buddies, bring them to tears. It is kind of do what your hand find to do where you are at with whomever you know. If you are a leader in a church preach it. Or, simply begin a small Bible study, and you can share this blessing with others. One thing that is true about this teaching is that, once you have heard it, you can’t forget it. Remember, we have entered into an era where the Body of Christ, i.e. anyone who believes in Jesus, does the work of the ministry. No longer is speaking about revelation confined to clergy or those who have been taught by men. Right now, the Holy Spirit leads and guides all of us into all truth, individually. So, whatever God leads you to do, just haul off and do by faith and speak boldly what He reveals to you.
Finally, for a few, they are called to be part of what we are doing here at Tabernacles Central. They either help us online through editing, programing, or writing or, some are called to come to where we are at and join in helping us articulate the message through the internet, pod casts, and vlogging (coming soon). This is a very specific calling though, and not many do it.
Finally, the next step for you could simply be listening for God’s voice and doing what He says today. What that is, God will reveal. If you are open to Spiritual Connections most likely you already are beginning to have one or Jesus wants to give you one or more soon. In the mean time, just disengage your natural mind and give way to His Holy Spirit, letting Him lead and guide you moment to moment. Clear and entire day for God and just start out in the morning asking Him what He wants you to do, then do it. It is kind of like the Jim Carey “Yes Man” movie, but with God as your director.
Hope that gives you some ideas,
Thanks again for commenting!
Big hugs and lots of love,
Many thoughts and conjectures…Something I know Michael is this….God was waiting for anyone who would cry out to Him for the ‘Super Nova Mega’ What I mean is….The Super Nova Mega with HIM.
Would love to have a conversation….Did we know each other? If not…perhaps it’s time…CC has been on my mind constantly for awhile now.
Dear Mishayah,
Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it very much. I know for many, Community Chapel and Bible Training Center is a tough topic. It took my many years to gain enough perspective to complete the picture that God was painting and then move on. Of course we can have a conversation, perhaps we will find that we do remember each other. You can email me if you wish at and we can take it from there.
Big hugs and lots of love,
I attended the community chapel church and high school from 1978 to about 1983. Certainly God was moving and working there but the flesh of MAN distorted that essence and tainted the end results.
By the way Michael King my girlfriend at the time was completely infatuated with you. I think all the younger girls were totally enamored and in love with you also. I would hear them talk amongst their groups “If only I could be close to Mike King.”
Dear Scott,
Your name sounds familiar. Nice to hear from you! Lisa is Actually Virginia Baglien – tha was her name back then. How have you been? What has God been doing in your life since Chapel? Big hugs and lots of love, Michael
I had a Mega and did not keep it spiritual and I am very sorry about that. I have repented and Jesus forgive me
Dear Dan,
Thanks for you comment and sharing with us so honestly. I remember that it was a trying time for everyone involved. Don’t be too hard on yourself, I am sure you did the best you could with what information you had. God loves you very much.
Big hugs and lots of love,
Thanks for your love. I am still open to connections but the split really hurt me. My wife had connections and we had to heal and to and go on with Jesus(what now?).We are walking and believing for our love.
Dear Anon,
Yeah, I hear you. The split was a difficult time in all our lives. It took me years to heal and to be able to speak about Spiritual Connections again. I pray that God be with you and you wife in all you do and also that you both find peaces and happiness.
You are welcomed her anytime!
Big hugs and lots of love,
Spiritual Connections, among other things that developed were what I have come to recognize as Exalted Revelations that evolved out of Pride very much on this order:
Is 14:13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:
II Thes 2: 9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie, 10 and all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
Dear Richard,
Thank you for your comment, I appreciate you voicing your opinion. I think it’s important to recognize that there are various perspectives on what went on at Community Chapel and Bible Training Center during the move of God. While we may not be in full agreement on issues, the fact that we are brothers and sisters in Christ remains – and that is a good thing.
Personally, my take is very different than yours as I do recognize that God did amazing things during that time. In fact, in all my days and from among all the many things that the Holy Spirit has done since, those experiences with connections rank as some of the most precious and life changing.
You quoted two scriptures. The first, in Isaiah and the second in Thessalonians. The first, which is a reference to pride, you perhaps mean to show that those who entered into the move of the Spirit were prideful. With this, I agree. Those who lead Community Chapel and Bible Training Center were conceited and thought more highly of themselves than they aught. However, this was not just them, most of us thought that we were God’s chosen and had more revelation than others. While, admittedly this is not good, I believe that pride is one of the easiest sins to fall into and that many, who judge others, do not know that they are taken in this error themselves.
The second scripture, I take as your sentiments towards the move of the Spirit. Again, personally, I do not think that one can tar the whole of what God did by the actions of the few. Moreover, just to call people out for things you disapprove of, is not helpful.
If you spoke to Jewish believers in the first century, it would be hard to find one that believed that “The Way” was a good thing. This shows that when God does something significant, not everyone understands or agrees with it. In fact, if you talked with a Jewish believer at the time, they would probably have all kinds of reasons that belief in Christ was the root of all the worlds problems – no its salvation. However, time has proven different. Moreover, I believe that Community Chapel and Bible Training center will be seen as the Azuza Street of the Tabernacles movement.
Was there real pain in the families of those Jewish believers who had their sons, daughters, mothers, fathers and other family members follow after Jesus? Yes, certainly. Did the people who left the Jewish faith wish to see their Jewish families suffer heartache? Again, certainly not. However, those who answered Christ’s salvation and call could not stay Jewish for the sake of those who did not understand what God called them to do.
Likewise, those who answered the call of Tabernacles at Community Chapel and Bible Training Center, did not want to see those who could not accept what God did suffer. However, given a choice between denying what the Holy Spirit was doing or following after their God, the choice was clear and many made it.
The truth is, that no matter how imperfectly those who wanted to follow after Jesus in the first century did so, it did not make the Jewish people who wanted them to deny Jesus right. The Jews had drifted from from God until they could not even recognize God manifest in the flesh. In fact they wanted to stone the Son of God. In a much smaller way, those at Community Chapel and Bible Training Center who thought we violated scripture wanted to stone us who embraced Jesus 2.0 in connections and sought to cast us out for His names sake.
Regardless of our differences, I do acknowledge that the pain many went through and the heartache they felt was very real. It has taken me a long time to heal from it. I hope you do too.