Holy Consummation: How The Bride of Christ Becomes One With God
Our time of love has come
To begin with, consummation, or sexual union, is central to everything in this creation. Finding your mate is the single biggest drive in our lives. To bring forth after our kind is a profound desire embedded within us from birth. This is so because God Himself desires to bring forth after His kind.
God made our Bodies to function as vessels for His Holy Spirit. We are never truly alive unless we consummate our relationship with God, allowing His Holy Spirit to be in us. Without Him, we live far below how our heavenly Lover meant us to live. In fact, when we connect with God it is a revelation. Union with our bridegroom is like waking up from a dream to newness of life.
God wants His way with us.
Jesus said,
“That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me”
John 17:21
The Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle of the wilderness is a place of intimacy and union. It is where man meets God and they both reveal themselves to each other. That is why those who come into God’s presence must be clean.
We are made for love
Yielding to God, for women, comes more naturally then it does for men. Our Father fashioned women to yield their most sensitive parts to their men and consummate their love. Therefore, when it comes to opening up and accepting God’s love, women have a very real and powerful example to follow.
Most do not understand the level of intimacy God desires from them. His banner over us is love and His desire is towards us. The passion of God unites us in ways we cannot yet imagine.
Natural consummation foreshadows spiritual consummation
The sexual relationship between a man and woman foreshadows Holy intimacy. When the two become one flesh through coupling, this represents the type of oneness God desires to experience with His bride. Orgasm typifies the surrender and bliss of that union. Consummation unites each individual in a mystical/physical relationship that binds the two together.
Women naturally desire to yield their bodies to a man who loves them purely. Their hearts submit first through trust and respect, which naturally leads to taking the person of their love inside their most intimate parts. So too, we love God because He first loved us, naturally opening up and allowing Him to come inside our hearts and fill us with His Spirit.
God is our heavenly covering
Love begets union. As we fall deeply and passionately in love with another, close is never close enough. As a man covers a woman, she opens her body out of a desire to be filled by her lover, both experiencing oneness. This is an intimate picture of how God wishes to unite with us. God demonstrated this union through impregnating Mary. Jesus Christ, the son of God and Mary, is the perfect fusion of God and man. What Mary was to God in the flesh, God wants us to be to Him in the Spirit.
True submission is not subjugation
It is a relief and not a burden when a woman submits herself to true love. A woman, on her wedding night, willingly disrobes and stands before her lover naked and unashamed. In the wedding chamber a woman gives herself for the pleasure of her mate. Likewise, submission for true believers is not a burden but a joy. When we submit to God’s pleasure our burden is light and our yoke is easy. Our love causes us to open up and be filled by our lover’s Holy Spirit. We rejoice with joy unspeakable at His presence in us. We long for more of Him and want to do and be whatever He desires. The weight of His glory is our delight and not our burden. When the Holy Spirit covers us we feel protected, loved, and whole again.
His yoke is easy and His burden is light
As we cease from our own labors, moving as He moves, all our cares and worries fade away. We are lost in His love as the Song of Solomon depicts. Becoming one with Him, we cease to be a separate person, submerging ourselves in everything that He wants us to be. We, as it were, take our place at His side to once again be near His heart.
Kissing towards God
Some have begun to experience these sensations during high praise in Spirit led worship. They make love to God through kissing towards Him in praise. YHWH comes down and fills those who open up to His presence until there are no words to express the ecstasy of His love. People spontaneously break forth in tongues during their powerful union with Him. Their bodies, souls, and spirits are lost in the moment. They are filled with His Shekinah Glory as the fusion of God and man takes place in them. In mass, they cross over from this world into the next. The Body of Christ tastes of their inheritance in the world to come as God’s love transports them into heavenly places.
We undress before God
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. Many have a relationship with God, but do not fully trust Him. People give part of themselves, but never let God have His way with them. As two lovers kiss in tender intimacy, so we are to worship God. We give ourselves to Him in any way He desires. Just as in earthly marriage, the heavenly marriage bed is undefiled.
Moreover, part of walking in the Spirit is not to care what God does with us or through us. People’s natural minds tend to take over and modify what God wants. Consequently, it is our natural man’s reasoning that often keeps us from experiencing God’s love.
Intimacy is at our very core.
We are created to be intimate beings. Intimacy is at the center of who we are. It is literally how we are conceived. Just as a woman is shaped to receive a man in the natural, we possess a God-shaped space in our hearts (Olam) that only YHWH can properly fill. The Holy of Holies speaks of complete intimacy, uncovering, surrender, and oneness. The only way we can approach that intimate place in God is through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It is Christ’s shed blood that rent the veil, giving us access to the Holy of Holies. The Holy Spirit penetrates our very being in the act of Divine Marriage.
God’s love changes us
Intimacy, as I said, comes down to trust. God trusts us, through Jesus Christ, with His most intimate parts. Our bridegroom penetrates us, breaking through our barriers, changing us forever. After we become one with God we are never the same again.
Connection to one another through His Spirit is how we make love to God. This means, actually, that most of what God wants to tell us is bound up in the typology of the act of love-making. The marriage bed mirrors how God wants to be with us in the Spirit.
My Dove, My undefiled
Many act like virgins in the courts of Solomon while God wants an Abishag to be intimate with. This is the reason for spiritual connections and it is holy ground. Stand before God, as lovers do, naked and unashamed. We are created for consummation, i.e. to be filled with God.
Earthly marriage is a precursor to heavenly marriage with Jesus. We, as the bride of Christ, lay down on the marriage bed of heaven. With joy we open wide to receive our heavenly lover. Our desire is to be forever His desire.
The Bride writes,
“Draw me, we will run after thee: the king hath brought me into his chambers: we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy love more than wine: the upright love thee.”
Song of Solomon 1:4
Our hearts yearn to receive His passion. We want to be taken and ravished by His love, feeling the power of His Majesty in us. God designed our very bodies to picture heavenly consummation. Our ability to orgasm is a type of the heavenly oneness with the Spirit of God through Christ. In that explosion of surrender, we cry out to God in perfect abandonment. It is the consummation after the marriage supper of the Lamb that is the reason for life. The act of intercourse is a foretaste of things to come.
The Bride presents herself before Jesus
Everyone kneels in God’s presence. Our vulnerability is born out of awestruck wonder. God’s love compels us to open our most intimate parts to Him for consummation of our heavenly marriage. The revelation song listed below is a picture of spiritual consummation with God. At the beginning it is low, slow, and intimate. Waves of joy and praise course over everyone as God descends and covers them. Passionate praise rises to the edge and then falls, only to rise again. Finally, in holy passion there are no words to describe God in us! As they give themselves to God everyone breaks out into spontaneous praise in the Spirit!
This is the Body of Christ making love to their heavenly Bridegroom
Revelation Song by Kari Jobe
In conclusion, making love with God is a beautiful thing. We are with Him once again, naked and unashamed where eye hath not seen nor ear heard what God has prepared for them that love Him.
Dear Brethren,
As you can see, some of my writings are rather long. This is not intentional, but rather a result of what is being said through the Holy Spirit.
God says,
“And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, these are the true sayings of God.”
Revelation 19:8,9
In my spirit, I feel led to talk to you about holy intimacy. If you follow the example out, a marriage is meant to lead to intimacy. No one enters such a relationship without the expectation of consummating their love. Likewise, those who aspire to become the Bride of Christ should expect to be intimate with their Bridegroom too.
In fact, intimacy is the point of creation. God desires to create a helpmate suitable for Him. This is why Satan attacked us and why mankind became ashamed of their intimate nature. Lucifer understood that mankind, as a whole, was to be the Eve of God and so, out of Jealousy, tried to kill her and rob God of His true love.
Young boys and girls make faces when someone talks about kissing because it is no yet their time of love. However, in the future, when they are ready, they will wed and mate. This is the progression of our lives in the natural, and this is the natural progression of our lives in the Spiritual. To reject intimacy in the natural world is to remain barren, to reject spiritual intimacy with God is to remain barren spiritually.
When two or three are gathered together in His name, there is Christ in their midst. As we approach the time of our love, the marriage feast of the Lamb, God will be in our midst in a ever increasing intimacy. There will be a consummation with those who enter the inner chambers with the King. It is expected and longed for by those who truly love with the Most High.
Esther and I are sharing our journey into intimacy with God so that you can understand what our Bridegroom desires of all of us in these last days. Opening up and becoming vulnerable to talk about such things is challenging at times, but we are willing to do so because The Holy Spirit wants you to see, by example, what He desires of you. We pray that, those who are called, will be encouraged and emboldened to dance before their greater Solomon as we have, pleasing Him with your beauty and delighting His heart.
God bless,
The sliding scale of God’s intimacy,
Though I highlight deep intimacy with God in these writings, that does not mean that it is that way all the time. Just like a natural marriage has times of great passion interspersed during the general atmosphere of intimacy, in God there are times of heavenly love amidst other forms of closeness.
Within the Body of Christ, most of the time intimacy will manifest in warm hugs, hang shakes, or perhaps sitting close to one another. Maybe like John, you will lay in the lap of another during a time of group fellowship. Most of the time, intimacy is an emotional and physical comfortableness that is born of the Spirit. Sometimes God brings us closer together in order to form connections for specific purposes. Some are deep, personal connections that engender profound trust so that God can heal us. Sometimes, God gives spiritual intimacy to a couple in order for them to mate and bring forth after His kind.
From a smile and eye contact all the way to making passionate love God is always at the center of every true Christian relationship. One cannot handle Divine Love correctly from a natural minded stand point. There are no rules when you walk in the Spirit. The only rule, if you could call it that, is to do what God says to do, when He says to do it, with whom He says to do it with…and no further. If one tries to make rules about spiritual things it only leads to legalism and error.
God bless,
Dear Connections,
There is a lot of talk about intimacy amongst natural minded people. However, in the natural world every expectation and theory “adjusts” when two people make love for the first time. In fact, first time lovers can find being intimate a bit awkward.
Likewise, the church is like a woman who has been chaste all her life and kept in the dark about what true intimacy is all about. She may desire to be loved, but the thought of standing naked before her lover scares her. This is natural and, thankfully, her intended is patient and gentle.
However, at some point after the wedding her exquisite dress is undone and her undergarments discarded. There is the first touch and getting know one another. Love expresses and passion builds. Finally, love consummates in a marriage bed that is undefiled.
What many don’t realize, is that God has been loving us for a long time. In fact, God indwells those who are Spirit filled. You can’t really get much more intimate than that. Unfortunately, the dogma of the church, that mindset against almost any expression of familiarity between believers, prevents God from expressing His love amongst us.
Whatever God does is right. From a handshake to full intimate expression between heavenly mates, all is permissible if led by His Spirit. What challenges believers natural minds is how freely God loves us through one another. Though we have tons of rules and regulations governing physical and emotional involvement between people, God has only one rule: the law of love.
Loving someone is the Holy Spirit in action. The Spirit dwelling in us loves others as God desires. The Holy Spirit is, in fact, God our Father who happens to be Holy. Hence, when we kiss another believer it is a “Holy Kisses” because the one doing it through us is God Himself. When we hug it is God hugging through us. In fact, as we allow God to live in us, anything we do is Holy if lead by His Spirit.
“But how do you tell?” people query. This is usually the first question that people have about Divine Love. You can’t really tell and God says you are not to judge another man’s servant. If you would be embarrassed to go into someones bedroom while that are being intimate, isn’t it inappropriate for you to critique God loving someone? Therefore, do whatsoever God tells you to do only to the level He says to do it and no more. What others do is not your concern. It is as simple as that.
If you are a leader of a church you do have a duty to lead and correct, but only as the Holy Spirit leads. If you are not Spirit led to correct then don’t. Most of the time leaders correct from doctrine, concern over what others will say, or out of natural minded embarrassment. However, all those things I just mentioned are fear based and not the Holy Spirit. Or course, if people are doing things that are actually bad you must take appropriate action. However, in the vast majority of Spirit led relationships you should take a hands-off approach. God has come to His vineyard and you, if you are good and faithful servant, must bow and give way.
This Antichrist view of all things intimate is a ticking time bomb within Christianity. When challenged in this area, otherwise sensible believers often find themselves filled with unbelievable rage. Thinking they are standing against sin, they give full vent to these negative emotions towards those they believe are in error. The sad truth is that their righteous indignation is often not righteous at all, but only a manifestation of Devil and his demons.
Satan, from the very beginning hated Divine Love. Once holding a privileged place amongst God’s angels, upon finding out about God’s plan for mankind, Lucifer’s jealousy turned to rage. It is this rage that infuriates otherwise upstanding believers when they encounter the expression of Divine Love in others.
Someday, when you happen upon these writings, you will understand them because this is what you are experiencing. I am leaving this sign post etched in writing so you will know others have gone before you. You are on the right track even though so many around you think not. God is leading you even though everything you are feeling and doing right now goes against everything you have ever been taught. Breaking free of centuries old dogma is tough to do, but you are well on your way.
In the end, we all stand before God alone. No one, except Jesus, can answer for what we have done or not done during our lives. It is better to trust God rather than men. Take ownership of what God is doing in your life today and walk before Him in the integrity of your heart.
God bless,
Dear Connections,
If you want to see the Seraphim, look closely at Keri Jobe’s face and the faces of some of those as she sings.
God bless,
Dear Connections,
Many assume that intimate relationships with the opposite sex are just physical and emotional needs which people have. However, perhaps natural minded believers have reduced the expression of physical love to much less than God intended it to be. I am beginning to think that being with a mate is primarially a spiritual need, with secondary emotional and physical benifits.
In fact, our need to consummate love, is God given. God created our sex drive in the first place. The desire to become one with a mate is, first and foremost, the need to become one with God. This is the orginal plan and purpose for mankind; we are created to be YHWH’s wife. Thus, our drive to ” know’ a Divine Mate cannot be seperated from our drive to be one with God, because they are one in the same.
The Devil tries to make people believe that having sex is so nasty precisely because it is supposed to be so holy. It is amazing the lengths Hollywood will go to in order to pervert and degrade intimacy in all forms, until many reject it as unholy. Our Advesary never wants us to think about God and intimacy at the same time.
I advocate people allowing God to pair them with mates of His choosing through His Holy Spirit. God wants to bring forth after His kind. The only way for God to have children is the way He demonstrated with Mary through the birth of Christ Jesus. It is the union of God and man that allows God to procreate with and through us. As men and women, led by His Spirit unite, our offspring are literally the children of the Most High.
When men and women mate, they become one flesh. However, not only do they join physically, they join spiritually with each other and God. This is why it is sin for man to put asunder what God joins together. The original intent, as God commanded Adam and Eve, was to go forth, be fruitful, and multiply. However, through becoming one with God during the act of becoming one with one another, God desires to Father children made in His image and likeness. Essentially, our progeny become vessels to show forth His glory.
We have been decieved for so long, the truth sounds strange. Divine love is so rare, that we hardly know what to do with it. Yet, this is the mystery of the church, the destiny of the Bride of Christ, and this is the fulfillment of John chapter 17.
Yes we have been deceived. The Lord just showed me that the deception started in the garden – when Satan robbed us of that intimacy. They were naked and unashamed before God until Satan made them “aware.” Now it is awareness of the truth that will bring us back.
very good read!!!
Dear S,
Thanks for the comment! We are appreciate it!
God bless,
This is beautiful! You explain this so clearly here, and I am starting to see it….thank you for your boldness and faithfulness!
God desires so much more of us than we give Him, so much more….but it’s not a sacrifice, it’s a surrender, and it makes us exactly, fully, what we are created to be when we follow Him into this….beautiful! Thank you!
Hugs –
Dear CL,
I like what you say, “it’s not a sacrifice, it’s a surrender”. Isn’t it just like Jesus to make something that seems to difficult in the natural to be some full of joy and excitment in the spiritual. Truly his yoke is easy and his burden is light as we yeild to his Holy Spirit in us.
Thank you so much for sharing your insights CL, we really are blessed.
Big hugs and lots of love,
Still been thinking about this article…..
God intentionally chose a very intimate picture as an analogy of His relationship with His people, Israel, in the Old Testament – the wife of YHWH, and also as His relationship with His church – the bride of Christ. I think He intends our relationships with Him to be far more intimate than we imagine.
He could have used any other earthly relationship to describe His love for us – and I think a vast majority of the church would feel a whole lot more comfortable about things if He had….we need to accept and adapt to His passionate love for us the way He describes it, and know Him and let ourselves be known by Him.
Thanks so much for sharing this insight – I’m going to listen to “Revelation Song” again the way you describe it above….
Big hugs,
Dear CL,
Amen! You wrote “We need to accept and adapt to His passionate love for us…” This, to me is the crux of the issue we are facing in the end of this church age. Do we accept and adapt to God or do we remain ridged and married to our doctrine? I understand wanting to be true to the scriptures, but as the Pharisees found out, being true to your doctrine is not always the same thing.
As a woman yeilds to her lover we yield to God. We desire to please Him and be what He wants. It is a willing giving of ourselves to a person and not a forced submission to some doctrine. God is coming for a Bride and we are destined to become the wife of the Lamb. This naturally involves intimacy and it is out delight to please our Lord.
Big hugs and thanks for sharing!
Thank you for your faithfulness. I know Jesus Himself trusts you with the subject because He led me to this article minutes after I asked for details with a sincere heart. What you are saying is true. I’ve been experiencing an intimacy with him for 2 weeks non-stop and I feel overwhelmed at times but don’t want Him to stop. I can’t wait to be with Him and He reveals so much more about His word the closer we get. I am discovering that my lover, Jesus can be a talker when He is comfortable with someone (can trust them with His heart) I experienced that feeling of being consumed by the trinity and like John, feeling as though I was dead in the presence of the trinity – only for angels to lift me up only for me to be consumed again. They want me and I want them. But today has been tough bc I find myself overthinking this. It seems too good to be true and I wonder what this powerful trio could possibly get from a little vapor in the wind like me. Comments from demons on YouTube made towards others who experience deep intimacy make me question if I was dreaming about just being with them and being able to be with them in seconds if I wanted to or if Jesus wanted me. I start to wonder if I’m looking at consummation the right way – only for me to feel that I am grieving Them for my lack of faith. He asks questions like, “What is a bride and a bridegroom?” As though to say, this is not child’s play, I need a mature bride. Or He would say, “I created the act and it is supposed to be Holy but the enemy has hurt you so much that you view it as wrong.” When I begin to question He says, “I made you in my image, and I have emotions too and desires to be with you” or he would ask, “what is the true meaning of consummation?” Then I am left with no words. Wow! The enemy is a deceiver. I think that this might be his biggest trick on humanity yet bc it’s so deep. I’ve seen and tasted their presence and it is real and true and has been confirmed by so many scriptures. Jesus wakes me up to say He wants to spend time with me – only to tell me the meaning of things I never even knew where in scripture – only to have them confirmed by his very word. I guess what I’m saying is that it is refreshing to have people like you, Francis Chan and John Piper and Jim Staley (all of whom Christ directed me to in my journey into intimacy). I grieved the one my heart loves and I feel it in my heart. He said the reason I feel the way I feel is because I see that there is a small amount of people talking about this stuff and I have a desire to scream it on the rooftops. He would rather me just pray for whoever I would like to experience His rest – pray that they have a desire and He will do the rest of the work. He said they at least have to have a sincere desire to know the truth and He promised He will show them and consume them. I believe Him. I must have faith now and stop trying to get people to love Him this way in my power.
May God bless you and your wife deeply. I know a bride when I hear one. I’m glad I found you.
Has Christ ever inspired you to hold seminars on this very subject? You are a good teacher. He seems to be waking people up these last days and if new believers learned the importance of intimacy prior to rules and regulations, I feel it would save them time.
Dear Ugo,
Wow, very nice, indepth comment! We really appreciate you sharing with us here on Taberancle Central. I think you are one among many who are beginning to experience true intimacy with Jesus Christ. This is the very tip of a very large move of God’s Spirit and what you are experiencing is just the beginnings of it.
The spiritual things that God is showing you are 100% real. Just know, that there is a process of seeing things from God’s perspective that may challange some of your most fundiment beliefs.
God is leading you,
Thank you for you thoughts!
Big hugs,
Thank you very much for your reply. You are absolutely right. It definitely is challenging some beliefs and I’ve often said I’m in the process of unlearning them.
He is having mercy on me and the speed at which He is teaching me only makes me believe without a shadow of a doubt that there is a need to hurry – hastily, yet very detailed and easy to understand.
Any unbelief grieves Him but He does not hide away long as He had in the past bc we have shared so much together; it seems we are more vested. I am His and He is mine. The only time I don’t hear Him is if I am sleeping and when I see clients (I am a therapist). At times when I need to know the true about something a client says, He whispers it in my ears and it is confirmed. He is doing so much. I feel He will come for us at any moment. I’m so very excited. I told Him the other day that I didn’t think I wanted heaven if I was not going to be a bride because I NEED to continue what He has started here with me.
It’s amazing how He wants time with me – a married woman; like a lover does, yet He prompts me when to go and please my earthly husband and when to take care of the kids while my husband gets to focus on other things. Even when I’m so tired being with the kids all day, my husband got home and they were all crying and screaming. My husband is a wonderful man (matched perfectly for me by God) He was about to take over to give me a break and what did Jesus do?? He said, “Tell him to go out for a drive and run his errands while WE take care of the kids. Put our music on.” I instantly got excited because He had told me which two love songs he likes and I love them to. I instantly forgot how tired I was and my husband was on his merry way. It was a win for all of us. When the kids got so quiet, I knew it was Christ!! He knew what I was thinking and said, “they’re my kids after all.”
I don’t know what that love feeling that comes over people in love is called. What is it called. Effervescence? I have no idea – it’s like the way you feel when someone you have a crush on says something that pleases you. That feeling of hot and cold tingles that run all over your body. That’s what I feel at least once per hour with this bridegroom of ours. Too much to say but I’ll be here if anyone wants specific questions answered. Like you, I wish I could help clarify any confusion for people who are just getting this. Again, your articles and subsequent comments appear to be inspired as the Lord inspired the Bible. I am grateful for your ministry.
Dear Ugo,
Wow, that is so wonderful. Jesus is really moving in your body, soul, and spirit! You know, many who experience Divine Love begin to have manifestations in different parts of their body. I have often wondered if that is just our spirits waking up. Divine Love is the orginal love of Eden. This is how Adam and Eve were connected to God before they fell. It is just a lot more powerful that we ever knew. The total union of our being with God is the sign of Tabernacles. We are yielding everything to our God and in return He is loving us without reserve. Your testimony is so powerful, thank you for sharing it. Know that you are encouraging many who are uncertain and giving them a clear path to follow through letting them know how God is loving you. Very courageous and bold! Thank you so much Ugo. May God richesly bless you and your family.
Big hugs and lots of love,
Michael, forget what I said about teaching this stuff in seminars. I spoke out of sheer excitement and ignorance. I’ve had to pay dearly since I wrote this. It’s not by might and not for the faint of heart. But by His Spirit.
Dear Ugo,
Sometimes people have difficult times with the truth because it is so foriegn to their world view. Hang in there, God is with you!
Big hugs and lots of love,
The beautiful thing about Divine Love, as Ugo seems to be experiencing, is that it absolutely enhances our relationships with our mates that God has chosen for us. Our intimacy with Christ leads to deeper and more beautiful intimacy with those God has joined us to….beautifully authored love by the Most High is as beautiful and fulfilling as it gets!
Dear CL,
Yes, giving ourselves to God helps us give ourselves to other people God connects us with. It is definitely a win/win situation!
Big hugs and lots of love,
Michael!!! Guess what I found!!! A whole bunch of people like us!!! Hahahhahaha a guy who was led much like you were – by the name of Kevin Shorter. Below is a link to his post and hundreds of replies to a single post since 2015 to present!! He sounds a lot like you but I only read this one post of his so I don’t know if he has more writings. But he seems to have spirit led replies as you do for critics. Oh man, I can’t wait till you read the post and subsequent replies. He must be your twin!! Truly must be a bride – like us. I love meeting brides!! Let me know if you want me to comment about your writing in his post. I have not left a comment yet. I just intended to link your site in his comment box for everyone there to read your thousands of articles. Michael….THERE ARE MORE OF US OUT THERE!!! People in the comments are starving to meet more people like them!!!!
Dear Ugo,
That is super kewl. I will check him out and maybe say hi!
Big hugs and lots of love,
thank you so much for this insightful article Michael,
i stumbled upon it , and so glad that i found it.
i only know one other person .. in person .. that understands and to a small degree this level of deep intimacy with God . a few others assent to the fact that it can be like this with God , theologically.. yet seem to persue other persuits . i suppose
it’s something though that is not easily shared / discussed with friends . honestly , it’s deeply intimate bridal chamber territory
Since i absolutely surrendered to Him a number of years ago .. and i left nothing off the table , held nothing back and allowed Him to take me where He willed , this is exactly where i find myself . He has , to my surprise and deep delight , led me to the place that you describe .
i am sure that there are so many more of us , but it is not so openly discussed.. as it’s the secret place of the divine marriage bed .
I too am besotted with this magnificent Lover God who is breathlessly in love with me , and i with Him .
i found proverbs 31:10,11.. we as His wife , and God Himself yields His vulnerability to us .. has entrusted His own tender heart to us . His heart can safely trust in His wife… compared to John 2:24 .. where Jesus knew men , but did not entrust Himself them , and had to protect his own heart and emotions .,
i have come to believe , that those who believe in Jesus , and have experienced Him in this dimension of deep Bridal intimacy… have a far deeper , exhilarating, joyous and meaningful relationship with Jesus .. at a level that makes their heart pound , their soul sing , and their Spirit leap with joy .
Finally .,not simply in the arms of a heavenly friend , brother , helper etc .. but a breathtaking holy union, in consummation of such depth that is beyond our ability to describe.
It’s easy to , hunger after , to fall into the arms and heart of such a lover , a joy to surrender , to have a heart so overflowing with fiery passionate love that we sing and whisper in the night
“ i am hopelessly in love with You , my Lord and King “
i love the song “ kiss of fire “ by kathryn marquis
thank you so much for this article . it has encouraged me greatly .. and helped me see the physical marriage and sexual union and act , in an even greater dimension. This is so utterly Holy . That God allows us to fall deeply in love with Him , marries us , and intensely enjoys us .
bless you ,
Dear Rhoda,
Thanks for you comment, I apologize for the late reply, somehow it got put in spam and I don’t check that folder very often.
What insightful perspectives! You know, I can always tell if someone is really experiencing these things from what they write. There is a certain depth that comes from personal, intimate contact with God. It is not anything we do, but rather something that we become in His presence. It is like a woman who is forever changed by the love of her bridegroom after their marriage.
I believe that there are many like you who are experiencing deep intimacy with Jesus. It is so intimate, in fact, that we hardly know how to speak about it with anyone else. For my part, I realized that unless I have the courage to step out in faith and share what I can about the things God is doing, others will not know the aren’t alone. Therefore, you writing to me with such boldness is a special blessing to me because it demonstrates that writing about His love was the correct thing to do.
I loved the word you used, “Besotted.” Very well put and that is exactly how it is when God loves you. It is overwhelming and deeper than we could ever imagine in our natural minds. You really have a way with words!
I am listening the kiss of fire as I write this. I like it very much, I think I used it at the bottom of one of my blogs. You know, people are getting this, that is why there is this kind of music. It is the call of God through anointed musicians to his Bride. We shall know Him because we shall be like him, and that becoming is taking place now as we go from glory to glory through His love. We are getting a revelation of the bright and morning Star through being loved by Him. It is breath taking.
The point of creation is union, union with Him and with His body. This is our destiny and our reward.
Thanks for the encouragement and for just having the courage to reveal His love!
Big hugs and lots of love,
Hi michael
It’s me again , Rhoda 🙂
Thank you for your kind and encouraging words.
I’ve just read your Emmanuel 2 Bride of Christ.
You are inspiring and encouraging indeed in your writing
and your understanding of His heart .
Thank you !
I love the way that you love Him.
Thank you also Michael, for lavishing your deep and
unbridled love upon Him,
my soul is delighted when I hear of or see one of
His lovers adore Him.
Because I know how much He is nourished and
filled with joy and enriched
when we as His bride, reciprocate His love.
I love to watch people deeply lost in worship, it is to me
as if our spirits are reaching up to mesh with
Him as He takes our desire as an offering .
. and we meet as One, union, enmeshed.
If I may share a little thing with you and all
of you treasured bridal souls that read and
share your heart on these posts? (Thank you,
each one you )
Several times over the years,
I have powerfully heard with my heart,
Jesus whisper
and tenderly speak to me, affirming to me His
love, the words from
His Holy Spirit to
me ..using the Word of scripture from Song of Songs.
These were while encountering His presence in prayer
as rhema, as revelation, that affected me deeply.
His very words ..
“You are fair my love “
and “You take My breath away”
or “You overcome me with your worshiping eyes.”
another that He has twice a few years apart spoken
to me, was
“My love,
let me see your face, and hear your voice,
for your voice is sweet and your face is lovely.”
Of course this delights my, and each of our souls
when we hear Him directly speaking and romancing is in this holy, intimate and
tender way.
So, if i can share ..
it happened several days ago that while deeply
enjoying His nearness in prayer and telling Him
that over and over again, I have fallen deeply in love with Him
love for Him, that I found myself saying
this to Him (instead of receiving the words FROM
“Oh Jesus my only Love. Let me see your face,
and let me hear your voice,
for your voice is sweet and your face is lovely.”
It was like fire of love fell as I felt His sheer delight and gratitude, his unrestrained joy at being
adored this way.
His delighted love overwhelmed me.
I have no adequate words to describe the sight and sense
of His heart’s response
We bring Him a precious gift when we reciprocate His love.
How he longs to hear words of tenderness from us!
He feasts on us as we feast on Him.
Oh! Only glimpses of revelation that leave us lost for words
can describe such holy intimacy.
Please! bride of Christ! press in ever more deeply,
hold nothing back .. there are no limits, there is no end to this
holy ecstasy that you and Him can enjoy together.
Hunger for Him more than our daily bread.
There is more in Him .. exponentially ..
a living ever widening river of entwining
delight to be experienced with and in Him.
All we as His bride desire is to bring Him pleasure, joy,
to delight His heart, and our lavish adoration
and absolute surrender upon Him ..
this and this alone means more to Him than
we can ever know this side of heaven. More than service for Him.
He just wants to hear our voice and look deeply into our
worshiping eyes.
To please the King.
Our life’s calling, to minister to Him, before His face .. our privilege and our joy.
Bless you all ..
Dear Rhoda,
Hi my friend! Thank you for commenting. I really appreciate it when you share with us. It is interesting that I can feel in the Spirit when someone is really in love with Jesus by the way they write. There is a certain tone and timbre to it.
I loved what you said here,
“All we as His bride desire is to bring Him pleasure, joy,
to delight His heart, and our lavish adoration
and absolute surrender upon Him ..
this and this alone means more to Him than
we can ever know this side of heaven.”
This is a really deep revelation.
What I like about comments such as yours, is that it rounds out what I have shared plus gives additional perspectives to others. Please feel free to comment as much as you feel lead. I think you have much that will bless others.
Big hugs and lots of love,
Thank you, Rhoda, for your beautiful words, and your willingness to be vulnerable and share!
This is such a beautiful expression of what I believe Christ desires of all His people – this level of intimacy that you describe! It seems your words are a beautiful, accurate manifestation of what Jesus’ heart was when he prayed: “That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me” in John 17:21.
I have had a similar journey to yours, in that as God was leading me deeper and deeper into knowing Him, and consequently deeper and deeper into realizing and experiencing His amazing love for me, His words of choice for me and to me came through the Song of Solomon. In one instance, specifically, I had just had a difficult, painful experience of verbal abuse from another individual, and as I went away by myself and wept over the pain of the words, I had a very, very clear vision and experience of Jesus holding my face in his hands. And as opened my eyes and looked deeply into His incredibly beautiful eyes, which were full of tears over my pain, He clearly said these words to me from Song of Songs: “All beautiful you are to me, my darling. There is no flaw in you.” And I felt those words from him – and all the painful words that I had just heard melted away into the powerful, rich, honest truth about who I really was (and am) in His eyes.
I think you are so right that He passionately adores our return of worship of love to Him in the way you described. I believe this is what He has desired from His people since He created us. Israel was/is to Him a wife, and Jesus longs for those who belong to Him to become His Bride – in the intimacy and passion you described.
Thanks again for sharing your beautiful experience! It is my prayer that you will continue to influence those around you and those who read your words to press in deeply to our Lover, who so passionately desires that from us!
Love and peace to you, and God bless you!
Honestly, I’m scared to move in any direction. Perfect love casts out all fear but fear of God?? Regardless the direction might be the wrong one. I am not strong nor am I courageous and my fear of God is real. I don’t want to die only to find out I rejected the King and I don’t want God to say I warned you that wasn’t Him and you still didn’t believe Me. I’ve led a miserable life and God has been my only happiness throughout it. Even when I ran off to live in the world, He has always welcomed me back with no reservations but now I wonder if He’s had enough. Realistically I know my King but everyday is a struggle. God in the OT was highly angered by His wife running after false gods. All of my faith is in Jesus… but what if it IS Him and He has given up on me?
I feel like maybe God is waiting on me to make a decision which is impossible to do because the wrong one will be detrimental and I value my relationship with my Creator. But God has high standards and He does not like fear. I’m hearing different stories and I can’t tell which side is which because of the extremely real & consummating experiences I’ve had. Still I have to listen to the voice with the power to send hellfire and show me that every time I go back to him, I get bad results. If only I could pick one side and stay on it. I’m held captive and I want to be set free.
No matter what I do, there’s always doubt, because it’s all based on faith and this has shaken my faith tremendously. I feel my heart will explode soon. Pray for me. Pray God has mercy on my soul and Jesus advocates for me as He understands what I’m going through.
Dear Kelli,
I have edited some of your comment because I am not sure what the situation is. You said a lot of things, some of which did not make sense or didn’t ring true in my spirit. However, what I do want to address is your doubt, fear, and anxiety.
When you love Jesus, it is like being led to green pastures by still waters. He is gentle and he is kind, never demanding or oppressive. Therefore, if you ware feeling any one of these negative emotions stemming from your spiritual experiences, that makes them suspect.
When you interact with demonic spirits, you do feel condemnation, uncertainty, and fear. You do this for good reason: they want to kill your eternal soul.
If you want to be set free, you must seek to quiet yourself before God and listen to his voice plainly. Often times, when we find ourselves in a place of extreme fear and worry, only His voice can lead us out of that darkness.
If you like, we would be happy to have a woman from Team Tabernacles speak with you personally.
Big hugs and lots of love,
Hello Mr. King,
I have commented on another article of yours, but I have a question for you. Do you really think it’s okay to be intimate with Christ? I have had visions of Jesus making love to me and seeing myself giving birth with Jesus’s help. I have profound fear that maybe I’m wrong. I’ve tried to talk to people about my visions and they call me sick in the head and other nasty names. I feel at war with myself most of the time. All I want is to be one with God. I always pray that he discloses what he truly desires from me. I usually get an answer back and it’s usually a word like trust or have faith. But sometimes it’s visions of Jesus holding me and or other intimate things.
I guess I’m just asking for a friend to help me discern these things. I wish I had people who would listen to me instead of jeering at me.
Dear Caitlin,
I was just siiting here thinking how the world and its sin obscures the truth of God. The truth is, you are not off track at all, but firmly in the heart position of any bride who truly loves her bridegroom. Any woman whose heart is captivated by her man, wishes to give herself to him and bear his children.
Jesus loves you and you love Jesus, therefore espress your love as he leads you. No intimacy with Christ is forbidden, for his marriage bed is pure.
It is your time of love, so give yourself to him in whatever way you both desire.
Bug hugs and lots of love
Wow thank you so much for teaching us such insights.. This is going to help me as I was currently asking Christto take my hand as His bride to know how to be intimate with him in worshiping him.
Dear Joy,
Thank you for your comment. I am happy that Jesus is showing his love and leading you as the Shulammite.
Big hugs and lots of love,