
Our time of love has come

To begin with, consummation, or sexual union, is central to everything in this creation. Finding your mate is the single biggest drive in our lives. To bring forth after our kind is a profound desire embedded within us from birth.  This is so because God Himself desires to bring forth after His kind.

God made our Bodies to function as vessels for His Holy Spirit. We are never truly alive unless we consummate our relationship with God, allowing His Holy Spirit to be in us. Without Him, we live far below how our heavenly Lover meant us to live. In fact, when we connect with God it is a revelation. Union with our bridegroom is like waking up from a dream to newness of life.

God wants His way with us.

Jesus said,

“That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me”

John 17:21

The Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle of the wilderness is a place of intimacy and union.  It is where man meets God and they both reveal themselves to each other. That is why those who come into God’s presence must be clean.

We are made for love

Yielding to God, for women, comes more naturally then it does for men. Our Father fashioned women to yield their most sensitive parts to their men and consummate their love. Therefore, when it comes to opening up and accepting God’s love, women have a very real and powerful example to follow.

Most do not understand the level of intimacy God desires from them. His banner over us is love and His desire is towards us. The passion of God unites us in ways we cannot yet imagine.

Natural consummation foreshadows spiritual consummation

The sexual relationship between a man and woman foreshadows Holy intimacy. When the two become one flesh through coupling, this represents the type of oneness God desires to experience with His bride. Orgasm typifies the surrender and bliss of that union. Consummation unites each individual in a mystical/physical relationship that binds the two together.

Women naturally desire to yield their bodies to a man who loves them purely. Their hearts submit first through trust and respect, which naturally leads to taking the person of their love inside their most intimate parts.  So too, we love God because He first loved us, naturally opening up and allowing Him to come inside our hearts and fill us with His Spirit.

God is our heavenly covering

Love begets union. As we fall deeply and passionately in love with another, close is never close enough. As a man covers a woman, she opens her body out of a desire to be filled by her lover, both experiencing oneness. This is an intimate picture of how God wishes to unite with us. God demonstrated this union through impregnating Mary. Jesus Christ, the son of God and Mary, is the perfect fusion of God and man. What Mary was to God in the flesh, God wants us to be to Him in the Spirit.

True submission is not subjugation

It is a relief and not a burden when a woman submits herself to true love. A woman, on her wedding night, willingly disrobes and stands before her lover naked and unashamed.  In the wedding chamber a woman gives herself for the pleasure of her mate. Likewise, submission for true believers is not a burden but a joy. When we submit to God’s pleasure our burden is light and our yoke is easy.  Our love causes us to open up and be filled by our lover’s Holy Spirit. We rejoice with joy unspeakable at His presence in us. We long for more of Him and want to do and be whatever He desires. The weight of His glory is our delight and not our burden. When the Holy Spirit covers us we feel protected, loved, and whole again.

His yoke is easy and His burden is light

As we cease from our own labors, moving as He moves, all our cares and worries fade away.  We are lost in His love as the Song of Solomon depicts.  Becoming one with Him, we cease to be a separate person, submerging ourselves in everything that He wants us to be. We, as it were, take our place at His side to once again be near His heart.

Kissing towards God

Some have begun to experience these sensations during high praise in Spirit led worship. They make love to God through kissing towards Him in praise.  YHWH comes down and fills those who open up to His presence until there are no words to express the ecstasy of His love. People spontaneously break forth in tongues during their powerful union with Him. Their bodies, souls, and spirits are lost in the moment. They are filled with His Shekinah Glory as the fusion of God and man takes place in them. In mass, they cross over from this world into the next. The Body of Christ tastes of their inheritance in the world to come as God’s love transports them into heavenly places.

We undress before God

Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty. Many have a relationship with God, but do not fully trust Him. People give part of themselves, but never let God have His way with them. As two lovers kiss in tender intimacy, so we are to worship God.  We give ourselves to Him in any way He desires.  Just as in earthly marriage, the heavenly marriage bed is undefiled.

Moreover, part of walking in the Spirit is not to care what God does with us or through us. People’s natural minds tend to take over and modify what God wants. Consequently, it is our natural man’s reasoning that often keeps us from experiencing God’s love.

Intimacy is at our very core.

We are created to be intimate beings.  Intimacy is at the center of who we are. It is literally how we are conceived. Just as a woman is shaped to receive a man in the natural, we possess a God-shaped space in our hearts (Olam) that only YHWH can properly fill.  The Holy of Holies speaks of complete intimacy, uncovering, surrender, and oneness. The only way we can approach that intimate place in God is through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It is Christ’s shed blood that rent the veil, giving us access to the Holy of Holies.  The Holy Spirit penetrates our very being in the act of Divine Marriage.

God’s love changes us

Intimacy, as I said, comes down to trust. God trusts us, through Jesus Christ, with His most intimate parts. Our bridegroom penetrates us, breaking through our barriers, changing us forever. After we become one with God we are never the same again.

Connection to one another through His Spirit is how we make love to God. This means, actually, that most of what God wants to tell us is bound up in the typology of the act of love-making. The marriage bed mirrors how God wants to be with us in the Spirit.

My Dove, My undefiled

Many act like virgins in the courts of Solomon while God wants an Abishag to be intimate with. This is the reason for spiritual connections and it is holy ground. Stand before God, as lovers do, naked and unashamed. We are created for consummation, i.e. to be filled with God.

Earthly marriage is a precursor to heavenly marriage with Jesus. We, as the bride of Christ, lay down on the marriage bed of heaven. With joy we open wide to receive our heavenly lover. Our desire is to be forever His desire.

The Bride writes,

“Draw me, we will run after thee: the king hath brought me into his chambers: we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will remember thy love more than wine: the upright love thee.”

Song of Solomon 1:4

Our hearts yearn to receive His passion. We want to be taken and ravished by His love, feeling the power of His Majesty in us. God designed our very bodies to picture heavenly consummation. Our ability to orgasm is a type of the heavenly oneness with the Spirit of God through Christ. In that explosion of surrender, we cry out to God in perfect abandonment. It is the consummation after the marriage supper of the Lamb that is the reason for life. The act of intercourse is a foretaste of things to come.

The Bride presents herself before Jesus

Everyone kneels in God’s presence.  Our vulnerability is born out of awestruck wonder.  God’s love compels us to open our most intimate parts to Him for consummation of our heavenly marriage. The revelation song listed below is a picture of spiritual consummation with God. At the beginning it is low, slow, and intimate. Waves of joy and praise course over everyone as God descends and covers them. Passionate praise rises to the edge and then falls, only to rise again. Finally, in holy passion there are no words to describe God in us!  As they give themselves to God everyone breaks out into spontaneous praise in the Spirit!

This is the Body of Christ making love to their heavenly Bridegroom

Revelation Song by Kari Jobe

In conclusion, making love with God is a beautiful thing.  We are with Him once again, naked and unashamed where eye hath not seen nor ear heard what God has prepared for them that love Him.
