Sometimes, Your Feet Have Just Got To Move!
Solomon, who was a very wise man, said that “to everything there is a season” and in these seasons there is a “time to dance”. Today I wish to talk about the season of joy that God is about to bring to his people.
Tabernacles is a time of joy. It is a time to rejoice in our bridegroom. If earthly weddings are a time of great joy then it stands to reason that the marriage supper of the Lamb is going to be joy unspeakable.
It’s hard not to be a Martha

Many times in our Christian walk we become consumed with doing things. Like Martha we are mindful about much which, while important, causes us to miss the simple joy of just being with our savior.
For instance, prayer should be a free flow of conversation with our Lord. We should simply be able to talk to Him as we would talk to any close friend. Yet we sometimes even make this most natural of activities a scheduled event complete with time quotas and lists of things to speak to Him about. Prayer sometimes becomes something we have to do rather than what we want to do.
Doing many things, but getting nowhere
I remember when I was in Bible College I ate, drank, and slept the Word of God for years until I could hardly pick up the Good book anymore. I was so saturated with the Scriptures that I had little room for anything else in my life. One might think such a state of affairs was the ideal for a young man of God, but truthfully, all that study became a burden rather than a joy.
After Bible College, for at least ten years, I never read or studied the Bible. I had no desire to even look at it. Yet during that time the Holy Spirit taught me more by His Spirit than I ever learned in class. As I would be walking down a dirt road the Spirit would simple start speaking to me about a new truth. As I would be doing daily chores God would teach me how He really viewed certain doctrines. In this way learning was not work but an easy-going conversation between Father and son who walked together daily.

In the last few years I have again found joy in listening to the bible on tape and like just letting the Word of God wash over me. However, these days I let my heart direct me on what to read or listen to, while allowing the Holy Spirit to illuminate His Word without putting so much effort into it.
God is the one who does everything

In so many areas of our Christian lives we are working way too hard at being whom we “think” God wants us to be. We are so busy doing the things that we believe He wants us to do, sometimes we forget that He, as it were, is in the living room. In truth God is the one doing everything and we cannot add to what He does. Better for us to just sit at His feet until He directs us to get up and do something. Until then though, let us not worry about what to do.
The next move of God will come with dancing borne out of joy. We will raise our hands, love our brethren, and dance with each other while we worship our King. This will be spontaneous and above all will be “fun”.
Time to have some fun and dance!
I feel that in my own life I need to have more “fun with God”. I know that it is not easy for us “Martha’s” to put down our wash cloths and aprons. We need to just relax a bit for tomorrow will really take care of itself. Yes, we are at the end of the age and the antichrist is probably already among us. Yes, there are wars and rumors of wars. But really, what can we do about it more than just worry?
The bottom line is that we, as virgins waiting for our bridegroom, need to stock up on oil. This oil we desperately need is the Holy Spirit. The way to obtain this oil is simply by being with God. Here is a fundamental truth:
“God dwells within His people and so to be with God you must be with His people.”

In this day and age God is not in a burning bush or a pillar of fire but rather He dwells within the hearts of men. If you want to “see God” look into the eyes of your brothers and sisters who are yielding to the Holy Spirit. When you want to hear God speak find someone who is allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through them. If you want to feel the touch of God, allow Him to touch you through those around you. We are the Body of Christ.
In conclusion, the time has come for the Shulamite to dance before Solomon. It will be a dance of love, passion, and above all joy. What God has for us who love Him, is beyond anything we can currently imagine. I look forward to experiencing it with you!
I do love wisdom, the book of proverbs, not been there in quite a while think I might check it out again.
This post has me thinking of the joy of the Lord is your strength. I think that is true about Martha’s, especially if your role is a ‘doer’ in life in whatever way, you can become that focussed on your role and others needs, your own relationship or just being with the Lord can almost take a back seat.
I think if most believers were to listen to my conversations with God, they would probably raise an eyebrow! I just chit chat to him like I would my mates…I remember one conversation I went down the ‘but road’ with God…you ever done that? you wriggle and worm about knowing really what God is saying, but its a tough cookie one or challenging, so you try every which way to get out of doing it…so you think of all sorts of reasons why not to do it starting each off with the word ‘but’. I know you talk about listen, hear and obey on time, and as much as that’s the ideal, i’m sure there are times where we know we didn’t. I have these kind of conversations, literally…God is like yeah but I already dealt with that, right but what about…and that one, then the next but, and we learnt that lesson already aint we? by all means we can go back round and relearn this stuff, i’m quite patient that way, but my turn to but, I would much prefer you just believe what you already know…
I come from quite a structured background, and my personality is quite inquisitive and analytical, however good these are…they can get in the way, same with the stubbornness, can come in handy…can be a wall creator! So its quite hard at times, to just be and let God because the way you are bleeds into the God bit, if that makes sense. This is where I have found meditation and contemplation a really good spiritual tool to use with spiritual habits, when struggling because ultimately it does help you to ‘be still and know He is Lord’, the peace, this is simply a stepping stone not a must do route though.
Like today, was praying for some friends and it was like God said…chill out kids, now imagine God using such speech and it not being of the KJV variety? I think for me now the bible has become more a tool to help when the Holy Spirit is leading me down something or a subject, then I will also look to the bible which then I also go back to the Holy Spirit and so on, this marries the Holy Spirit with the Bible, and doesn’t have the Bible being the only teacher to God’s people. Man shall not live on bread alone.
‘In this day and age God is not in a burning bush or a pillar of fire but rather He dwells within the hearts of men. If you want to “see God” look into the eyes of your brothers and sisters who are yielding to the Holy Spirit. If you want to hear God speak find someone who is allowing the Holy Spirit to speak through them. If you want to feel the touch of God allow Him to touch you through those around you. We are the body of Christ.
In conclusion, the time has come for the Shulamite to dance before Solomon. It will be a dance of love, passion, and above all joy. What God has for us who love Him is beyond anything we can currently imagine. I look forward to experiencing it with you!’
Amen, this is one massive Truth I have learnt this past year, in fact in many years, the love of God I feel now, with me always, tripping my heart off in random places at random times is completely new and completely wild and have to say I am loving it!
A question, probably quite random but all the same will ask…how do you marry … your joy is in the strength of the Lord, with you shall work out your salvation with fear and trembling?
A quote off my friends fb wall thought would add…
“And every day, the world will drag you by the hand, yelling, ‘this is important! and this is important! and this is important! You need to worry about this! And this! And this! And each day, it’s up to you to yank your hand back, put it on your heart and say, ‘No. This is what’s important.'” – Iain S.Thomas.
Dear Kingdomsheir,
Great comments! It is really great that you are sharing because it brings in different perspectives that enhance the over all value of what is said. I think what you share is very “relateable” and gives a examples of some of things that are written. This is a demonstration of how the Body of Christ supplies what each part needs and how we are “together” more than the sum of our individual parts.
Your right, when you say you “talk with God” many times people imagine at thundering voice full of stern authority. However, God’/s still small voice is very personal to each one of us and He “speaks our language” so that we can understand Him better. Being that the Holy Spirit is inside us now it is no wonder we hear Him in our minds and hearts.
Joy, (I am musing here) is a by product of faith in the promises of God. His promises are really spectacular and so when we realize we are saved, get to have new glorified bodies, will leave eternally with Him on a New Heavens and New Earth, it is impossible not to have joy.
Along with that joy, however, there is a recognition of the seriousness of our salvation and the consequences of allowing the cares and worries of this world to rob us of our faith. No one can take us out of our Father’s hand but we can decided to neglect our salvation and loose it by ignoring it.
I think both are possible to do at the same time in various ways.
God bless,