A Declaration Of Our Spiritual Union

God Promotes Spiritual Union Between The Body Of Christ
I think it is proper, as much as I am able, to set forth a declaration of spiritual unions. I do this because, since the Garden of Eden, people struggle to understand the intent and purpose of intimate unions between men and women. Indeed, what we call marriage today is merely a shadow of what God originally meant Spiritual Mates to be.
To begin with, relatively few people marry real, God-given mates. Many people chose, Christian and otherwise, to wed according to their natural minds and/or natural lusts. In so doing they damage their own lives, the lives of their progeny, and the plan of God in general.
A type of the Holy of Holies

The reason God wants you to mate as He chooses is that a woman’s womb is a type of the Holy of Holies. Within her body exists the seat of creation and it is where God dwells/manifests during the time of procreation. If God does not choose your mate you profane His temple. Though God built this sacred place, when people enter it contrary to His will, He regards it as polluted. This is why adultery and fornication is sin. Once a holy place is polluted the only thing that can cleanse it is the blood of the Lamb.
Thus, many people are profaning God’s temple every time they have sex. Since they do not have a spiritual union commissioned by the Holy Spirit, they sin every time they enter that holy place. Likewise, whatever issues from those unholy unions is not the perfect will of God.
If you do not have a spiritual marriage, it is unholy matrimony
Unfortunately, there is not much holy about matrimony these days. Most of the time, when people choose their mates, they do so according to their natural minds. Even in a Christian setting, believers size up potential spouses according to their denomination, looks, wealth, family or position. Rarely do people actually listen to the Holy Spirit and wed according to His design.

Contrary to what many think, our choice of mate is not our private business, but God’s divine right. God buys us with a price and we are not our own. Therefore, in this most important area, we do not have the right to choose whom to marry without the express approval of the Holy Ghost. Anything less than a spiritual union misses the mark. This is “THE REASON” the divorce rate in the church is essentially the same as in the world. Rates are similar in and out of church because people marry through reason and not through revelation.
God created sex for His fulfillment
Again, contrary to what many believe, God created sex for Himself. Intimacy, between believers, is supposed to be sacred event with His full involvement. From the very beginning, because God must be present at the moment of conception, only those God joins together are to become one flesh.
God always meant that spiritual unions, like Adam and Eve, to facilitate the greater union of God and man. The virgin birth shows us this fact. God overshadowed Mary and she conceived Christ, demonstrating the depth of spiritual union our Creator desired with mankind. God always purposed that when a man enters the Holy of Holies of his woman there is He in the midst. If you enter God’s sanctuay, without His express consent, you pollute God’s temple, profaning her sacred place. This is the origin of all sexual sin.
God chooses our mates

To put it succinctly, just like Rebecca, God chooses our mates for his purposes. We sin when we wed someone whom God does not approve of. Rebecca was meant for Issac and another would have messed up the plan of God.
Moreover, God does not bless what He doesn’t author. When we force God to be present during unholy matrimony, we cause God pain and discomfort. What He makes a blessing and sacrament turns into a travesty as we force God to partake of our sin. As the sun always comes up on a sinful world, God is always present (in some degree) even when we mate with people He does not approve of.
Do not make marriage an idol before God
Marriage, as it is practiced in the Christian church, is an idol. We make “holy matrimony” a graven image that we serve more than God Himself. “Brides” magazine amply demonstrates this truth. However, in the eyes of God, no matter how elaborately we decorate our earthly marriages, when we mate outside His will, we torment our heavenly lover.
In the next move of God we will experience Divine Love and, as a consequence, Divine Divorce. As YHWH enters His temple everything that is not of Him must be removed. God resists those who choose to do what is right in their own eyes. The presence of God supernaturally dissolves unholy marriages. Spiritual unions take place as believers return to the path God ordains. Opposition to spiritual unions is one reason, if not the reason, for the great falling away.
Will you choose God’s spiritual union?
In conclusion, will you submit to the Holy Spirit or will you cling to what seems right to your natural mind? Will you allow God to cleanse your temple and make it holy or will you resist His will?
A womb-man’s temple is cleansed every month with the blood of the Lamb. Her menstrual cycle declares this. The High Priests supports her in this time of atonement. If in Divine Union, it is a Holy time for the Husband and wife to reflect and repent where necessary. Our bodies truly are the temples of God made without the hands of man.
Dear Jenean,
A woman’s womb is definitely a type (picture) of the Holy of Holies and vice versa. I was quite stunned when I realized that truth.
Well done!
Dear Connections,
I have recently glimpsed where the coming revival of God’s Divine love is heading. I say a revival of Divine Love, because that is exactly what it is. It is the first love of Eden restored to mankind due to the fact that God is manifesting Himself through us exactly as he did through the First and Last Adam. When we are Emanuel, we become a demonstration of His love. When we become “The Bride,” we become a demonstration of the receivers of His love.
What has happened, is that the Devil, through Christian religion, has stripped Christians of their capacity to love as God desires. We have narrowed down the meaning of Holy love to such a small area, that we are hardly able to love at all. Consequently, the real needs of people are mostly left unmet. Unfortunately, due to tremendous pressure to be loved and to love, many Christians turn to sin in order to fulfill their God given needs.
However, and I would ask you to carefully consider what I say, God chooses to describe us as the Bride Of Christ for good reason. Brides, who are madly in love with their Bride Groom, hardly ever wait until their wedding night to kiss, or snuggle, their intended. Why is this? It is because true love demands expression – physical expression. You must demonstrate you love and that is the central portion of the coming move of Tabernacles.
Likewise, those who make up the Bride of Christ will feel passion towards their heavenly lover who dwells in their brethren. As God leads (I wish I could underline this and put it in bold) God is going to love us and we are going to love God. Whatever He needs we will give Him and whatever we need God will give us.
This move of God will crash head long into the institutionalized legalism of the established church. Like accepting Christ, you will either receive God as He chooses to come or be destroyed by your refusal to accept His revelation. Whether or not you will allow God to love you through His body or for Him to love His body through you – is the dividing line that separates the sheep from the goats in this generation.
I pray that God give each of us ears to hear and eyes to see what the Holy Spirit is doing in this generation. It is later than we think, not just in world events, but also in our individual lives and hearts. The darkness that we live in darkens our understanding, not our physical day. Unless we accept God as He wishes to come to us, we will miss the time of our visitation just as the religious establishment mist Christ in the first century.