In this essay, I write about topics that some consider taboo in Christianity. If frank discussions of intimacy bother you, please do not continue reading.
Close forever
There is a point in God where you step away from the knowledge of good and evil and begin to eat only from the tree of life. As you live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God you return to a state of innocence. In this place there is true freedom. You only do that which you feel led to do by the Holy Spirit. Revelation comes easily as you sink deeper into whatever God chooses to give to you with joy and gladness.
What you find is that God has every good thing planned for you. All the things that used to seem sexy and erotic in this world pale in comparison to what Our Father has for us in Spirit led freedom. Agape love turns us “on” more than we ever thought possible. We become living erotica through the Spirit as we yield to the very one who created the act of marriage.
No shame as we go deeper into love
Better yet, there is no shame in any of what God gives us. We share our bodies and our minds completely with abandonment, experiencing a joy not of this earth. Coupling with wild spontaneity, we scream and pant with relish, feeling only love for our mate God has so graciously given us. As we unite through our spirits our souls follow suit in such an explosion of ecstasy, our mortal bodies can scarcely contain. Real sexual expression, Eden’s first love, engulfs and caresses us past the point of no-return as we immerse ourselves deeper into one another.
This is what naked and unashamed is, pre-fallen intimacy with the Divine Mate of God’s choice. Holy consummation is the ultimate expression of Divine Love. We unite in holy sex as God mingles with our spirits, souls, and bodies. God forbids nothing to those who walk in the Spirit and function as He intended. God actually anoints our experience with His presence, encouraging us to go forth, be fruitful, and multiply.
A flowing stream
Esther expresses,
“I read the latest episode 21, it’s like beautiful stream flowing clear and deep from our inner selves. When you present it so honestly like that, it really adds a lot to it. I love you my beloved.”
You drink from my love
She continues,
“I feel that we, in general, seem to be existing together in this higher place. As we talk and feel each other these days it’s coming from a much deeper level. You drink from my love as I drink from yours and God quenches both our thirsts. Love has always driven this union. From the beginning, God continuously drew us together as Divine Mates, connecting us spiritually until we are one.”
“We are like one flame of love separated into two from eternity. Two people being drawn like magnets to find one another. It’s like destiny determined that our love must happen. When God sealed our union and led us into our own inner chamber, His divine desire catapulted us into the heavenlies. We drink of the intimacy with God and each other at the same time. It is an eternal love that many waters could never quench.”
Deeper into love
Esther expounds,
“To have your eternal mate known to you on earth creates an automatic union. Marriage here is but a small representation of our marriage to God in heaven with our spiritual mate. Restoration can only mean we are to be as Adam and Eve were meant to be. We are beginning to experience a taste of their existence.
This is why God is leading us deeper into love. We’ve had only snippets of this in our adventures so far. The more we submit our lives to His Spirit, the more we see and walk in the reality of His Divine Love. Like yesterday, I just let go and it seemed that my spirit stayed alert and ‘forward’ longer than ever before. I got up today feeling in ‘the spiritual zone’ still. I now believe we can have this physical and spiritual existence consciously and continuously all the time.
The more we trust each other and God, the more spiritually aware we are becoming. Scales falling away, our blindness removed by the washing in the water of His current word.”
The veil has been rent
In conclusion, Esther says,
“This is the work Jesus did as he said, ‘it is finished’. When Christ gave up the ghost, God tore the veil from top to bottom, revealing Himself to the world. There is no barrier that separates us from Him now. We don’t have to live our lives in deception anymore. Jesus said,
‘That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.’
-John 17:21
This is us with God and each other. Much of our spiritual union (when completely free) is to be in a euphoric/ecstasy state because His love is so strong and present with us all the time.
In truth, all we are doing is tapping into the reality of our lives in the world to come. We’re experiencing what’s already happened and is happening and going on in eternity. The only difference is, we are just becoming aware of it.
Always and forever I love you. I’m thanking God for our connection because it’s taken me deeper into love with Him. I’m so glad and happy we’re experiencing our Beloved together.”