Sometimes, Our True Love Is Not So Obvious

If you have seen the movie series “Back to the Future” you know that Lorraine was destined to marry George McFly and that altering that future threatened to wipe out Marty Mcfly and his siblings. Unless Marty restored Lorraine and George’s destiny, Marty’s future would cease to exist.

Though “Back to the Future” is fiction, it does touch upon an eternal truth,

“There is a mate that is your destiny, but if you miss your true love, your destiny may be lost forever”


When a person is about to marry, two types of potential spouses show up. First, there is the mate that God chooses for you.  Normally they, like George McFly, are not obvious to our natural minds.  The truth is, your future Adam or Eve may be someone you have known for some time, or have developed a recent friendship with.  They may even be a childhood friend.  However, you will know a comfort around them that you have rarely, if ever, experienced.  Your true love will look you directly in the eyes as if they have known you forever. Sometimes, if you are open to the Spirit, you will also feel a deep connection that goes beyond boyfriend/girlfriend.

Just as there is an Antichrist, there are anti-mates

The second type of mate that will show up are those Satan wants to foist upon you to derail God’s plan in your life.  These will be objects of desire, women or men who are confident in themselves to the point of arrogance.  People whom your natural man will desire for their beauty, charisma, position or wealth. In fact, everything that God’s chosen mate does not seem to be, they will seem to possess in abundance.

Thus, you have a choice to make.  Do you listen to God and choose His mate, or do you marry Satan’s selection?  Unfortunately, more often than not, people choose unwisely.  This one rash vow disrupts the plan of God in their lives and the lives of any progeny for years to come. Like Marty McFly’s photo in “Back to the Future”, God’s children begin to fade and the future He foreordained vanishes.

The mate that God gives you is eternal

Saints, God sees the heart of your future mate and will select the right one for you. The Divine Union that God picks is eternal, while the mate that Satan offers is temporal. By diverting your eyes from God’s choice, the Devil seeks to keep you from your destiny.  God knows your chosen mate will be with you through thick and thin, while another will desert you during calamity. God knows your children will be blessed if born in the will of His Spirit.

The bottom line is, do not marry out of the will of God.  Your choice of spouse is the most important decision you will make during this lifetime. Realize the gravity of picking the right mate and purpose in your heart to yield to the Spirit of God.  You sow the seeds of divorce when you disregard your Father’s pick of your future mate. Therefore, yield to His still small voice and choose wisely.

Fight for your divine mate, your future generations are depending on you