Divine Union: When God Joins A Man And A Woman Together
Do you have a divine union?
God says,
“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.”
Genesis 2:21,22
Should we dare tell the whole truth?
Often times, people fear to tell the whole truth when it goes against common convention. Also, there is a lot of demonic push back from the evil one when fundamental truths are set straight. However, if we are ever to mature in Christ, we must have the courage to plainly tell others what the Spirit is saying to this generation.
Christians, by and large, have little understanding about Divine Love. We, as it were, see through a glass darkly in the area of intimacy, and Godly intimacy is perhaps the most opaque of all.
Divine Union
In the beginning, God made Eve for Adam. She was taken out of him and then brought back to him to be his helpmate. God is the one who authored their relationship. It was a divine marriage.
We see other divine unions in the Old Testament; Abraham and Sarah, Issac and Rachael, Boaz and Ruth, and Joseph and Mary just to name a few. God authored and approved all these relationships. Through these unions, God brought forth children who would bless nations. These godly relationships were more than mere physical unions, for they were also spiritual unions that produced offspring born according to God’s plan.
What God hath put together
A divine union is when God puts two people together to further His plan for mankind. These are not random pairings, but matches made in heaven. Through foreknowledge, according to the wisdom of our Father, YHWH chooses your mate. God authors them,; therefore, He blesses children born of such unions. Children conceived according to God’s will are born of His Spirit.
Other than accepting Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, there is no more important choice we make in life than who we wed. Our wife or husband impacts our usefulness to God and influences, to a great extent, our growth in Him. Marriage partners, equally yoked according to the Spirit of God, help us reach our full potential in Him. Likewise, our seed also conforms to God’s plan, therefore our children are blessed.
Does God have complete sovereignty over your life?
I ask you, if we are bought with a price and we are not our own, is the choice of whom we marry really up to us? Shouldn’t we allow God to lead and guide us in every area of our lives? Marriage is one of the most critical decisions we ever make; therefore, our choice of spouse cannot be entered into without the express guidance of our Father.
God brings us together
So what does divine union mean in “real” life? First of all, it means that we must seek the will of the Holy Spirit for our choice of mates. Secondly, it means that we must allow God to connect us with our future wife or husband. We cannot allow outward appearances or worldly attributes to be the determining factor in romance. Beauty fades and fortunes change, but a mate that God chooses endures forever. Literally, we must pray and ask for God’s blessing on our choice of spouse. We have to trust our Father’s voice more than we trust our emotions and personal desires. God tries the hearts of men and women. Only our Father knows what we are made of. The Holy Spirit is the only one qualified to give an accurate recommendation of who will be a proper fit in our life.
Love at first sight is God matchmaking
Do you know what “true love is?” True love is God matchmaking. God draws people together through true love. True love is a spiritual connection, not just physical attraction. God makes His will known through divine love, which powerfully joins two people together. True love is actually a taste of the first love of Eden, and its power is legendary.
Seek your Father’s permission to wed
In the end, unless you receive permission from God to wed, you simply should not do it. Going against your Father’s will in this one area can cause you to deviate from His path in all others. Marrying unwisely may alter your eternal destiny.
In conclusion, seek a divine connection for your future mate. We must allow God to choose wisely for us when it comes to deciding whom we will marry. Let your Father join you together in Divine Marriage so that no man will ever put you asunder. Amen.
Dear Connections,
It is difficult to talk about the real state of marriages in the Christian church. There is so much man-made dogma about holy matrimony that getting to the truth of the matter is nearly impossible. This institution is just something people don’t question.
Sometimes, when I write, I feel like more of a spectator than author and find myself wringing my hands as the words flow. The contrast between how things really are in God and what the world thinks marriage should be is almost polar opposites. Most of the time, what we view as God sanctioned marriage is, in fact, demonically authored adultery. Gasp, sputter, reel, choke….what! Yes, that is the stark truth of the matter and the false doctrine of marriage as practiced by the Christian Church has been the source of much of the misery of mankind.
Just as Satan came between Adam and Eve at the very beginning, so too the Devil comes to mess up marital unions today. If fallen Lucifer can subvert God’s plan for your mate, then he can derail much of God’s will in your life. This strikes at the very heart of the family and, when you multiply this church wide, Satan nearly subverts the entire plan of God (or at least that is his aim).
There is coming a wave of Divine Divorce that will sweep ungodly marriages away in our generation. It will be the most painful move of God imaginable, but it will set right what the Devil set wrong in believer’s lives. Our Father will supernaturally break up those earthly unions He does not approve of and divinely join together heveanly unions He dose approve of. Relationships will be remade in His image while the institution of earthly marriage, based upon self-will and pride, will dissolve.
The strange thing about what I am writing is that it does not even begin to describe what is about to happen. My words do not go nearly far enough. This move of the Spirit is greater, deeper, grander, and more radical than we can possibly imagine. The price people will pay to get in line with the will of the Holy Spirit will be nothing short of a gethsemane experience. Most will not choose to say, “nevertheless not my will but thy will be done”. Most will reject this calling of our Father and they will sink into the morass of “Strong Delusion” having rejected the light.
The Bride of Christ withholds nothing from God, not even her body. As true servants of the Most High we will obey in ways that would make Abraham proud. Radical, elemental faith does not even begin to cover what we will do by the voice of the Almighty. If you think what I write is “out there” you have not seen anything yet.
God bless,
Dear Connections,
When God made the aprons for Adam and Eve to wear in the Garden of Eden, he covered our shame. As His first children cowered and tried to cover themselves with fig leaves, our Father took pity. The fact that we were ashamed of our nakedness was only an outward show of a very inward change in our basic nature before God. Today, we are so used to shame that anything but shame seems odd and uncomfortable to us.
The Christian church has not only embraced shame, but institutionalized and codified it. They call it “doing all things decently and in order”. They say it is wisdom to hug a sister from the side in order to avoid all “appearances” of impropriety. In fact, the ultimate expression of church dogma about intimacy are priests who do not marry and cloistered nuns.
As usual, practically anything the normative church is very certain of is diametrically opposed to how God really is. Lack of physical intimacy is what defines the Christian church today, therefore you can be pretty sure the intimacy define who God is. In fact, we see this is true, because God wrote a whole book on love and intimacy called “The Song of Solomon”.
God says,
“Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine”.
Song of Solomon 1:2
“His left hand is under my head, and his right hand doth embrace me.”
“It was but a little that I passed from them, but I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother’s house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me.”
“Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins, which feed among the lilies.”
” Thy navel is like a round goblet, which wanteth not liquor: thy belly is like an heap of wheat set about with lilies. Thy two breasts are like two young roes that are twins.
“I am my beloved’s, and his desire is toward me.”
Song of Solomon 2:6, 3:4, 4:5, 7:2-3, 7:10
In the final analysis, our fear of intimacy is actually a fear of being close and vulnerable to God. However, our Creator made us for intimacy with Him, it is the point of creation, the very reason for literally everything we see, therefore, embrace intimacy and embrace God.
God bless,
Dear Connections,
Funny isn’t it, people always seem to want to get married in something that represents nature, then go on a honeymoon to places like the Garden of Eden.
There is just a language of heaven, a language of love that those who connect with God from the inside out and enter into His chambers with Him just have. He wants intimacy with all His beloved, with His bride. When His intended submits to Him in holy intimacy, she demonstrates her true heart towards her beloved as she yields completely.
That is true divine love and intimacy, borne from God and received and nourished from the inside out as you learn to just let go and have no inhibitions with your beloved. I in He as He is in me, connected as one through and through with each other. This is true oneness with God.
Be blessed
Thank you so much for sharing this.
Dear Love,
Great handle!
Thank you so much for your comment.
This website has helped set me free tbh, without seeing this website God has taken me and the one he has for me on a journey that is unimaginable, so I can confirm I have been through similar experiences but without this website before hand yet I never knew why it happened unless he would tell me, all I know is that this is a path that as he said to me when it comes to marriage “very very less than few have walked”
Dear Joshua,
I am glad that you are finding some confirmation of things God is already doing in your life. I pray that Jesus will continue to lead and guide you in all things.
Big hugs and lots of love,