Think It Not Robbery To Be Equal With God

If You Have Seen Me, You Have Seen The Father
God wants you and you want God. Nothing in your life is really as all-consuming as your desire to be one with Him. However, there is so much static out there about what it means to be one with our Lord, that it is really difficult to be with Him fully. Plus, you realize you imperfection and are constantly wondering whether you are worthy of His love.
The truth is, God made you to be one with Him. It is not whether or not He wants to be with you or in you, it is practically the only thing He’s thinking about when it comes to you. A diamond, dropped in the mud, is still a diamond. You, even though you have been muddied by the Devil, are still the most precious thing in this universe to YHWH.
God in us

God loves you so much, He even offers to dwell in you. When the Holy Spirit takes up residence inside of your body, you speak in other tongues. This is THE SIGN that God indwells you. From that time on you carry a treasure within that is worth more than all the diamonds in the world. God is precious, therefore that makes you precious.
Furthermore, we need to give honor where honor is due. Loving each other as the Holy Spirit leads is loving God Himself. Therefore, understand that loving a brother or a sister is, in fact, worshiping YHWH in the way that He originally designed. Conversely, if you hate your brother, and God is dwelling in him, you are hating God Himself.
Let God shine through you

Let me say this plainly, “you need to be Spirit filled.” Those who reject the infilling of the Holy Spirit are rejecting God. However, after you are Spirit filled as evidenced by speaking in other tongues, you need to allow His Spirit to manifest through you.
Many people, who are baptized into the Spirit, still operate by their natural minds. The Spirit of God dwells in them, yet they still make decisions on what they think instead of listening to Him. However, once we are filled with God, we need to let His Spirit take over. God does not force us, but if we let Him, He will reveal Himself through us to others. In effect, to the extent that we yield to His Spirit, Christ walks the earth again in us.
Think it not robbery to be equal with God
Thus, when we are fully manifesting God, we are showing others His image and likeness. When people see us, they see God, when they hear us, they hear God, when we touch them, God touches them through us. When that happens, people recognize God in us and they worship Him. This is why the common people heard Jesus gladly. God was in Him reconciling the world to Himself. Nowadays, God is in us finishing that work of reconciliation.
A holy kiss is God in you kissing someone. As you let God reveal Himself in you He kisses through you. A Holy Kiss is holy because He is Holy. God, who knows everything, does not kiss someone unless that is what they need and desire. You, essentially, are lending your body to the Holy Spirit to love on another person. When they feel the love of God through you it shakes them to their very core.
God in us, the hope of glory
Put your will to His will. Decide you are going to say yes to God’s still small voice inside you. Wake up in the morning and ask, “Beloved, what do you what to do through me today”. His will, not thy will be done. Trust His voice and allow Him to possess your every waking moment. Be a manifestation of the sons and daughters of God and fulfill your destiny. Amen.
Hi Mike,
Seeing how I’m not accepted by God, in your opinion ,should I question my very Salvation?
(Preface, I recorded and uploaded the current notes vid before I read and answered your comment. So my vid was not specifically in answer to what you wrote.)
Dear Chad,
I am not quite sure exactly what you’re saying, but I would not question your salvation. Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. If you have done that and currently believe, then your salvation is not in doubt. The only other thing is to be baptized in Jesus name by immersion, however, this is not even mandatory for salvation. The thief on the cross demonstrates that.
If you are asking, however, if you need to be Spirit filled to be saved, I don’t believe that. Else, a great many believers during the dark ages would be doomed. If I get what you are driving at, perhaps I was not clear enough in my essay.
If you seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues, then it is God’s business when He fills you. At the turn of the 19th century people would pray earnestly for months to receive this blessing, and their experiences of being filled were quite dramatic.
However, and this is the point I am making, those who set themselves against being Spirit filled and speaking in other tongues make a grave and perhaps fatal mistake. I believe that we have entered a time of Strong Delusion. While people in past centuries could stop at salvation and did not even know to seek the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, that is no longer the case.
The lesson from the 10 virgins is clear, those who have enough oil enter into the marriage feast of the lamb, those who don’t remain in darkness. These are described a foolish virgins who did not prepare.
It is hard to share with people just how serious our times are. So many have made so many claims in the past concerning prophecy. However, my warning does not come from my understanding of scripture through study, but through revelation of the Holy Spirit. I believe the Holy Spirit knows the times and the seasons we live in. However, it is up to you to listen, hear, and obey God yourself and decide whether the things I say are true or not.
What I am saying, is that in the contest that is upon us, if it were possible, even the very Elect would be deceived. Therefore, being filled with the Holy Spirit is not optional any longer, but absolutely necessary to withstand the deception of the Antichrist. Most people do not understand that they are living in Strong Delusion right now. Furthermore, they have little idea of how bad Strong Delusion is about to become. I only see by revelation, else I would be blind to it too.
People who do not have the Holy Spirit living in them, as evidenced by speaking in other tongues, do not have the oil they need to withstand the fall of this all-encompassing night. Out natural minds cannot cope with the words that the false prophet will speak, much less the miracles that he will perform in the sight of that false christ.
Speaking in other tongues does not automatically mean you will stand strong against the son of perditon, it only means that you have a very important tool in your toolchest. If people do not yeild to the Spirit of the Almighty, then they Holy Spirit dwelling in them profits them little. However, those who do not have the Spirit of God dwelling in them, do not have that particular tool avaliable.
I firmly believe that those who stand against the infilling of the Holy Spirit, as evidenced by speaking in other tongues, are setting themselves up, at the very least, to become martyrs for Christ during the great tribulation. After the Man-child is caught up to God and to His throne the Dragon, having great wrath, goes after the remnant of the church with a vengeance. During that time, those who would make heaven their home will be beheaded for their testimony of Christ. The bonus for them is, if they stand strong, they will be in the first resurrection and the second death will have no power over them.
Being Spirit filled is a huge asset. Entering into the Tabernacle Experience is also a part of stocking up on the oil of the Holy Spirit. We need to be as close to God as possible, therefore we should not neglect His offer to dwell in us. If you have earnestly sought to be filled, but never spoken in other tongues, keep seeking. God knows what He is doing and will fill you at the time of His choosing.
I hope that clarifies and helps.
God bless,
Thank you for your response! It was very thoughtful and informative!
Dear Connections,
It is a truth that when we are one with God, He is seen. This is why we like songs about love, for it refects who God is. Those who sing such words and melodies, are God manifest in their flesh. Moreover, people do not have to be professing believers to show forth His glory. Even though mountains speak of cataclysmic events, they are still magestic. Likewise, even in our fallen state, we sometimes look and act like God too.