There Is A Heavenly Stage And We Are God’s Chief Musician
In the city of our Great King, there is a temple. It is the Temple that is the heavenly pattern of all earthly temples. Within this temple there is a holy of holies that is the mercy seat of our God. There is also a stage and we are the chief musician.
All earthly stages mirror the heavenly stage where the Seven Spirits of God worship before their lord. It is in the eternally city, where the congregation of the Lord is. Originally, this city was in the sides of the north, on the mount of God in Eden.
In the Beginning, Lucifer was the chief musician, ministering on this stage before the Most High. She was perfect in beauty, the sum of all wisdom, and the covering cherub of this creation. Lucifer used to sing similar songs as “fill me up God” accompanied the host of heaven.
The first estate of Lucifer
Worship in heaven was beyond anything we can imagine. The light and power of the Seraphs’ song permeats the inner beings of all those present. Even the most extravagant concert here on earth is but a shadow of what heaven holds. The Chief Musician worshiped YHWH. God adored her until the day that sin was found in her heart.
Luci could not accept that God intended to create Eve. Moreover, she would not accept that her Lord intended to bring forth after His kind through her. God’s wife left her first estate, seducing Arch Angels to lead a rebellion against the Lord of Heaven. The truth is, mankind is not fighting a fallen angel, but locked in mortal battle with a fallen Seraph.
Fill Me Up God
The Bride of Christ is the replacement for fallen Lucifer. As Esther replaced Vashti, we are predestined to be crowned with glory as God’s Chief Seraph. Tasha Cobb’s performance is a prophetic picture of what we are to become in Him. Selah.
As you listen to Tasha sing, realize what she is really saying when she sings “fill me up God”. She is inviting the Lord of the Heavens to make love with her and everyone else in the sound of her voice. This was the original function and purpose of Lucifer, now that mantle has fallen to us. What this video portrays is an enactment of the marriage bed of the Lamb. The only thing lacking is for us to realize what Holy Consummation is among the Body of Christ.