gate keepers

A word to the Gate Keepers

I don’t like Gate Keepers.  In fact, Gate Keepers are the reason I started The Final Feast in the first place.  Every time I started talking on a forum or Facebook, some Gate Keeper would shut me down.  These self-appointed defenders of the faith are merely extensions of the compromise and natural minded thinkers of the normative church.  They feign openness and acceptance, yet get them just a little bit beyond their doctrinal comfort zone and they pounce.

God’s Man-child will make a show of you openly

I have news for the Gate Keepers of this world, God is about to do something that will make Samson’s treatment of the philistines city gate look like child’s play. You will not be Gate Keepers anymore, because there will not be any gates to keep.  Everything you seek to preserve will be demolished and nothing you do will save it.

You will let God’s people go

God is about to liberate His people from your ilk and deliver them once and for all from the bondage you impose.  After God’s judgement, Egypt never rose to greatness again, because God laid waste to it.  You will never again dominate God’s people, because God’s love will possess them.

God is calling to His Bride and we will hear His voice.  Though you try to squelch His Spirit, we will not regard you any longer. The voice of our beloved is all we care to hear.

Gate Keepers, we shall see you no more

Our deliverance will be complete and final.  Like the army of Pharaoh; Gate keepers, we shall see you no more.  It is our time of freedom from fear. Gate Keepers will no more prevent God’s people from worshiping Him in Spirit and in Truth.


Michael James King

When You Believe by Celtic Women