![God blesses what He authors](https://www.thefinalfeast.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/hand-281995_640.jpg)
For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestine to be conformed to the image of His Son
God authors you. YHWH set your destiny before He laid the foundations of this world. YHWH, through foreknowledge, marked out your path with precision and love. We all instinctively know this and have an unshakable “gut feeling” that we are meant for great things.
Though God predestines us, we still have free will. God has a glorious future planned for us, however, if we choose to follow Lucifer, we can decide not to fulfill it. This is where people who believe in predestination get it wrong: we do have free choice. The perfect will of God is available for all, yet only those who choose to follow Him can achieve it. Outside God’s perfect will, there are various degrees of obedience, from sainthood to devil worshipper. Most people fall somewhere in between those two extremes, and that is why God allows Christ’s righteousness to cover our sins if we accept Him as Lord and Savior.
We exist in the New Heavens and New Earth
The truth is, we exist as perfected saints in the New Heavens and New Earth at this very moment. I do not know how God does this, but I know it to be true because I have been there and seen it. The foretaste of our inheritance is a portion of our lives in that future place given to us now through the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. God foreknows us because we are with him where He is now. Though God dwells in the past, present, and future, we, who are subject to time, can only access those places through His Spirit.
God blesses what He authors, and we are His story. The paper He writes on isn’t this creation, but the world to come. God destines us to become His wife as we conform to the image of His only begotten son. God foreknows because he predestines; in other words, YHWH decides what He wants to happen then brings it about, no matter how long it takes. You are already written, and the only way you can not fulfill your destiny in Him is if you choose not to.
We have all we need to win
Really, angels are at our beck and call if we walk in His Spirit. They are ministers who are there to help us achieve the story God has written for us. Perfect has nothing to do with our ability, it has to do with God’s will. We are perfected through yielding to God’s desire through His Holy Spirit in us. All that we have to do is be willing and do what He says when He says to do it. All the heavy lifting, all the miracles that must happen, is God’s business and His delight to do.
What we must do, the thing that is our part, is believe. However, even in that our Father says,
“For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”
Philippians 2:12
God blesses what He authors
The truth is, everything is in our favor in God. God is willing that none should perish but that all should have eternal life through His Son Jesus Christ. We have a great salvation, a perfect destiny, and sure future if we will but believe. Amen.
Dear Connections,
Essentially, many are demanding that God honor their choice of mate even if it conflicts with His will. I, like so many others, used to think that whatever choice I made for a mate, God had to honor. Gradually, as I allowed my Father to teach me by His Spirit, I came to understand that God only honors what He authors.
I used to think there were two main heresies in the church: the trinity and holy matrimony. However, the more I see the amount of damage the doctrine of holy matrimony has done and is doing, the more I realize that the heresy of holy matrimony is the granddaddy of them all.
Why, when we think of practically any other area, do we accept that we must completely obey God’s voice, but with marriage we think it is our choice? Our selection of mate affects so much of our lives and the lives of our generations, one would assume that this should be the most Spirit lead decision of all. Yet, again and again I speak to people who heard God say “no” as they walked down the aisle.
To me, there are three types of marriages. The first, which are Divine Mates, hardly ever happens. These are spiritually connected men and women whom God has ordained to be together from the foundations of this world. To these Divine Pairs, the marriage contract is almost an affront to their divine origin. However, if they have earthly agreement for legal purposes, it is fine with God.
Secondly, there are those who are married for many and varied earthly reasons. These earthly marriages are not bad per se, but they do not fulfill the will of the Holy Spirit as God originally intended. These are the majority of marriages that people enter into within the Christian church. Proximity, looks, personalities, family affiliations, wealth, denomination and many other terrestrial concerns form the basis of these marriages. God wants children from His people, so their choice of mate is “good enough” considering their circumstance and willingness to follow Him. Though God would love to give them a Divine Mate, if they were willing, most are not open to His choice.
Lastly, there are marriages based upon convenience, sex, or demonic mutual attraction. These types of marital unions comprise approximately 1/3 of all marriages. We, like ducklings, are imprinted by the types of families we grow up in. If there are problems with our parents, we tend to pick up those patterns ourselves. Abusers tend to come from abusive homes. Those who marry abusers often times learn to be co-dependent from the type of parents who raise them. There are many reasons for generational demons and, unfortunately, these evil spirits tend to pass on the first born and their siblings.
It is for these last category of earthly marriages that Divine Divorce is most suited. We must, as lead by the Holy Spirit, provide a space that God can correct flawed marriages that are not His will. Right now, there is virtually no way, except for the cause of adultery, for people to correct foolish vows. Some even add to the word of God by saying that you cannot divorce except for unfaithfulness and a failure to repent of that sin. Thus, legalists trap people into an endless cycle of fighting and unhappiness while the best years of their lives pass them by.
The truth is that though God does hate divorce, He actually wants is for His people to be Spirit led in their choice of mate in the first place. Moreover, He does not want His people chained to foolish vows they made in their ignorance. God wants to manifest Himself through His people and he cannot do that effectively if their homelife is hell on earth. Therefore, if they are not Spirit lead to marry, and marry unwisely, God allows Divine Divorce.
The clergy were never meant to be “marriage managers” tasked with keeping people together at all costs. Many leaders of God’s church enforce unholy matrimony saying that those who suffer in loveless and/or even violent marriages even present a “good testimony” by continuing in obviously damaged spousal unions. I say, shame on you and “stop it”.
In conclusion, if God is pleased to allow you to be married as you currently are, then go with God. If God blesses you with a divine mate, praise His name for that exquisite gift. However, if God leads you to Divine Divorce your mate do not allow anyone, especially the clergy, to usurp God’s position in your life.
Go with God and many blessings,