God's Love Club

The vision of Tabernacles Central is to, as clearly as possible, articulate the Tabernacle Blessing to the Bride of Christ. We desire to be a lighthouse for those who seek safe harbor from the storms of confusion about Spiritual Connections.

To that end, we are beginning a podcast called “God’s Love Club!” We design this Podcast as a platform to share revelations of the Tabernacle Blessing. Many who begin to spiritually connect are unsure of what is happening and how this phenomenon fits into the scriptures. We want to encourage those who are feeling God’s love through sharing our testimonies with you.

God’s Love Club! is not exclusive, but rather inclusive! People loving Jesus to the fullest extent possible this side of heaven are welcomed. We invite you to join us weekly on our journey of discovery into the mysteries of God’s Love.

God bless,

Michael and Christi

God’s Love Club! Episode 1 – What Is A Spiritual Connection?