Behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it
There is a heavenly doorway that Esther and I have ventured through which leads to a vista we have not seen before (or at least not clearly.) It is a level of intimacy with God we didn’t even know existed. It is, perhaps, the point of all creation. We, the Bride of Christ, are to be the wife of God.
In the first century A.D., our Father demonstrated the union of God and man when the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary. As a young virgin betrothed to Joseph, Mary found herself with child by God. This holy offspring, Jesus, was the result of the Creator of the heavens and earth impregnating a human woman. This, our Creator thought, was proper and good in His sight.
The union of God and man
The point, though, of the way in which the second Adam came forth, is that God united with Mary physically. A sperm impregnating an ovum is the very definition of the end product of love-making. Moreover, since God is the creator of that whole process, He is intimately familiar with how it works and why He designed it that way.
If you believe you are the Bride of Christ, isn’t it time to realize that your relationship ends up love-making with our Creator? If that were not the case, then God would not use the motif of a bride and a marriage supper. Those who eschew intimacy, when it comes to God, are acting like a girl who refuses to kiss her husband on their wedding night. In fact, if you are truly God’s intended, the desire to be one with Him should be overwhelming at this point.
The children of God go astray
The way that God brings forth His children is through mating with Spiritual Connections as they become one with each other during sexual intercourse. The resulting offspring of those types of unions are literally the Children of God. Therefore, this is where the Devil tried to mess up God’s plan for mankind. It is written,
“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, that the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. And the Lord said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.”
Genesis 6:1-3
The sons of God were those of the lineage of Adam. Those who were the daughters of men were of the lineage of Cain. Though Adam and Eve fell through sin, after the birth of Seth’s son Enos, men began to call upon the name of the Lord and seek His face once again. God says,
“And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the Lord”
Genesis 4:2
Why God destroyed the world through a flood
What actually precipitated the flood was the mixture of those two lines. When the sons of Seth, the sons of God, began to marry the daughters of Cain, God had enough and said,
“…My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.”
Genesis 6:3
When we marry outside the will of our Father we wreck His plan. When those of the lineage of Seth intermarried with the lineage of Cain, our Father felt His only option was to destroy the Earth and start over with Noah.
I said that to say this: if God destroyed the whole earth over people marrying contrary to His will, how dare we marry those He does not approve of? When we do, we mess up our lives and the future of our children. In short, we mess up God’s will and design for this world. In our day and age, just like in the days of Noah, marrying contrary to YHWH’s will ends in destruction. However, in our case, it is not a destruction of water but of fire.
The wife of the Almighty
God created mankind to be His wife. We are called the Bride of Christ. Jesus is God incarnate, and we, as his body, are God incarnate too. A wife’s role, as evidenced by Eve, is to be a mother and a helpmate to her husband. We, taken as a whole, are to be the mother of all living in the world to come and a helpmate to God, bringing forth after His kind throughout eternity. God destines us to literally populate the stars of heaven in that new cosmos. The children of the Most-High worship Him spread across a boundless universe He creates anew.
What we are experiencing now is a titanic struggle for the destiny of God’s chosen mate. We are Seraphim of this creation. Satan, in his malevolence, desires to kill us through damning our souls to hell. Therefore, God sent Christ; the first-born of many brethren, to redeem us. God’s mate is who we actually are and this is the destiny the Devil tries to keep us from fulfilling.
Become one with God
We mate with God through mating with each other. As we join in the flesh, God joins with us and we become one in Him as His wife. This is what all love songs, in their basic form, allude to when they sing about love being eternal, or heaven being a place on Earth. Therefore, although the truth is all around us, we lack perspective and anointing to see it. Mating is, in fact, the very “point” of this creation. Literally everything mates, because God wanted to make sure we understand that He wants to mate.
With this in mind, reading through John chapter 15 and 17, we grasp the true depth of what Christ speaks about. No longer separating physical intimacy from worship, we love fully as God intended. Our idea of a pure relationship with God is updated to include the physical also. We learn that God always intended loving Him to be as deeply physical as it is spiritual. In fact, love-making in the Garden of Eden was the highest expression of worship possible.
If God kisses you, the Earth moves
Today, in many churches, manifestations (physical effects) of the Spirit are discouraged (if not outright banned). Ministers fear anything that looks remotely unseemly to the natural man. Thus they fall into the trap of rejecting intimacy among believers even when Spirit-led. This deprives God of the physical expression He created us for in the first place. The aim of Satan is to rob God of the love He wants to receive and give through His people.
The great apostasy is primarily a negative reaction to Divine Love. Many Christians are predisposed to reject all forms of intimacy. Thus when God moves upon His people to love one another in pure ways, which “look like” sin, the majority reject God’s Spirit. This is the tail of the Beast that very few believers see coming. Rebuffing Divine Love is the unexpected thing that causes a third of the stars to fall from heaven.
The apostle Paul says,
“Which things also we speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.”
1 Corinthians 2:13
In conclusion, understand that God leads and guides us through His Spirit and not through our natural minds. In order to receive the current word, we must learn to hear His voice and trust what He says above what we think is right. None of these truths are all that difficult to embrace and benefit from, but they do require a degree of trust and acceptance of God’s voice that most do not possess. Here is a truth,
“We become able to hear only as we are willing to obey”
Submission is the key to everything in God and only those who will put aside their own will and accept His will can truly see.
Finally, Divine Love is far deeper and more expansive than anything this Earth has to offer. Divine Love is, in fact, as infinite as God Himself. Embrace God as He desires to be loved. As a wife yields to her husband, we, as the wife of God, yield to the advances of our lover too. As a man touches the secret places of a new wife for the first time, her body reacts. Therefore, do not fear physical manifestations, for they are the natural by-product of our Lord’s spiritual love. Of course, we are going to have reactions to the intimate advances of our Creator. It is, in fact, the most natural thing in the whole Universe.
Dear Connections,
People tend to call anything beyond normal Christian doctrine gnostic, mystical, or heretical. People who know salvation but not Holy Spirit baptism reject speaking in other tongues as “out there” or “unbiblical”. Those who speak in tongues do the same to those they feel are beyond their theological comfort zone too. While I view where I am at as perfectly normal in the things of God, many who have not experienced these truths may be tempted to label them as mystical.
However, none of this is mystical. None of what I write is special, secret knowledge that only a slelect few can possess. Neither are these things heretical. In fact, it is those who look askance at these writings who are, many times, unknowing heretics.
While I, on one hand, take the theology of the Lamb’s wife to is logical conclusion, others who oppose this notion are avid polytheists who believe in a triune God. Some, who are aghast at the intimate nature of our relationship with our Creator, think that tongues and miracles have ceased, thus denying the very gift of the Holy Spirit. Still others, who count themselves more doctrinally correct than I, reject the catching away of the saints and think staying around for the tribulation makes them better Christians.
The depth of understanding of God through revelation never ends. If I seem “out there” to you, know that I have barely scratched the surface of who God really is and what His plan for us entails. The Rhema of God is as infinite as He is and there will be no day, now or in eternity, that we will come to the end of our Father.
A man does not bring a wife into his home to live with him, without having an intimate relationship with her. Likewise, God is not bringing us into eternity without having an intimate relationship with us either. We should get over our Victorian concepts of purity equaling chastity. True purity is, in fact, as sensuous as the Eve in the Garden of Eden, because God created it to be so. Purity is being in right relationship with God in whatever way He desires. Mary, the mother of Christ, was pure in that she bore Jesus while married to another man. God did not violate their marriage vows, but fulfilled them in the way He meant them to be from the very beginning.
This fulfillment of Bridal Theology is not radical, it is merely factual. God designed mating to be a union between man and Himself. Mary, in a very literal sense, is the first born among God’s many wives of this creation. She is the restoration of YHWH meant Eve to be. Though she bore the son of God through immaculate conception, the sons of God are born through Spiritual conception that goes hand in hand with physical procreation. This is the full restoration of Edenic love.
The majority are almost always wrong. This is because the majority walk after the flesh and do not walk in the Spirit. Walking in the Spirit is very simple: you listen to what God says to you personally, accepting and obeying His voice. There is nothing more to being Spirit led than that. It is natural minded men who make following God complicated.
The reason some things begin to sound “mystic” is that our ability to describe heavenly things though earthly language fails at some point. We find, after a certain level, that we can only approximate what we see and experience. This is why God is better felt than telt. Only through actual experience with Him can we truly know Him.
The church of Philadelphia is different than the church of Laodicea becuase is in love with God and the other is in love with itself. Therefore, one is caught up to heaven and escapes the tribulation while the other gives their lives as martyrs in it. This is a very real choice that all of us will face in the not too distant future. Those who imagine themselves strong enough to endure the wrath of Satan personified are deceived already. Though many are refined and purified through persecution, giving up their lives rather than bending knee to worship the image of the Beast, is a terrible price to pay.
It is time to shake ourselves and remember who we are in God. Recognize the day of your visitation and become the wife you are meant to be. Let’s open up to our heavenly lover and please Him in whatever way He desires. The door is opening, trim your lamps, and enter into the marriage feast of the Lamb with joy and thanksgiving.
Dear Connections,
I have been thinking more about Mary and God. It seems I am missing something here that is really important. I don’t know quite what it is though. I mean, other than Jesus himself, is there any more important event in human history? The conception of the Messiah was miraculous in every way possible and it done between an infinite, all knowing, all powerful God and a human woman.
What was the picture God desired to show the world through their union? Of course, it was the issue of their union that is demonstrates the union between God and mankind. However, why was it done in just this way? After all, the first Adam was simply formed out of the dust of the earth. Eve was taken from Adam and made a living soul. Yet, the creation of Jesus warranted the most intimate act possible.
Then we have the Bride of Christ portrayed as a chase virgin who is betrothed to God incarnate in the person of His son Jesus Christ. Mary, is perhaps the greatest picture of God plan for mankind there is in scripture. She was young, a virgin, and chosen by God to bear His son. If she is to represent what God wishes to do with the whole human race, then it is important we understand who and what she is to our Father.
Brides, if successful, become wives. It is the natural order of things. Therefore, if God has chosen to describe us as a bride, then it is logical to assume that we will become a wife. God took marry as a wife and implanted His seed in her womb. She bore the Messiah, Jesus, who was the first born among many brethren. If mankind is a going to be God’s wife, then we will bring forth His children.
How do you bring forth a child of God? You mate according to His Spirit. When you are led by the Holy Ghost and you procreate, the baby is literally the child of God brought forth by His Spirit through you. Likewise, in the New Heavens and New Earth, we will bring forth according to the Spirit throughout all eternity and fill the new creation with the children of God. Our Father will bring forth after His kind.
God bless,
Dear Connections,
What is the benefit of deeper revelation? After all, most of us are not living up to a fraction of what we already understand. Therefore, what does knowing more about God help?
For me, the benefit of knowing the deeper things of God is perspective. Right now, many are operating in almost total darkness even though they believe they possess The Light. Dogma has obscured a great deal of the truth and natural minded thinking darkens the rest. We do not even understand something as fundamental as the Bride of Christ, even though we all want to be part of it.
Currently, what most of us believe is man’s thinking and not the actual meaning of the scriptures. We have been separated from the truth of who God is and what He actually wants by centuries of error layered so thickly we can hardly make out the form of what it once was. Theologians, for the most part, are the epitome of natural minded men, tending to rely upon their intellects to parse out the meaning of the scriptures. They have become the blind leaders of the blind of our generation leading many astray.
Instead of trying to dig through all the muck and crust of man’s traditions, we can simply open ourselves up to His revelation for today and get a fresh word. This word, will of course agree with what our Father has already stated through His prophets, but it will likely not agree with our dogma.
This is where the problem for most people arises. Do we accept God as He chooses to come to us or do we hold on to what we have been told? Truth is, we are in virtually the same place the majority of the religious Jews were in first century. today, when Jesus comes in the guise of the Body of Christ, those who are doctors of the law face the same choice.
Dear Connections,
As I have been ponding why God overshadowed Mary, the point of that was our Father mating with mankind. God and Marry united is a very profound picture of that. Simply put, God wants to mate and bring forth after His kind through us. This was the reason for and is still the point of creation. This is what Satan tried to take away from our Father when he tempted Eve.
This is important to understand because we need to allow God to be Himself in our lives, not just what we want Him to be or what we find acceptable. Truth is, our Creator deliberated chose to impregnate a young woman. YHWH did this for a very specific and profound reason. Though the most obvious reason was to produce Christ, the picture that He painted through that union is also very important to understand and acknowledge.
Due to Christianity’s abhorrence of all things intimate, especial when it comes to God, we tend not to refuse to consider the true meaning of God’s union with Mary. That is what people emphasize the “immaculate” conception. They want to scrub what happened to Mary of all sexual connotations so that she can be acceptable to their idea of holiness.
However, what if Mary had an orgasm? Would that be so bad or inconceivable? What if she enjoyed being impregnated by God? Though it did not happen the usual way, (for she was a virgin at Christ’s birth) it does not mean that there was no physical feeling when it happened. We do not know if there was, but would it be “unholy” being impregnated by God felt good? No, of course not, but most people cannot talk about that because sex = shame.
That type of thinking obscures our ability to see what God is showing us through His union with a human woman. Sex does not equal shame and, in fact, quite the opposite is true. Sexual union is what God created for us in the first place. Our ability to procreate (which is in reality co-creating) is the focal point of our existence. God wants us to mate and He wants to be intimately the integrally part of it. This is the picture that Mary presents to us and signifies.
In conclusion, coming close to God as a bride implies current and future intimacy. We should not be shy about it, but eager to please our Bridegroom in whatever way He desires. If he shares intimate things with us, then we should be honored and spiritually turned on. God made the way of a man with a maid wondrous because it is a picture of how He wants to be with His bride. Most of the time, when a woman is naked and unashamed is when she is with her true mate and is about to give herself to him. Likewise, becoming naked and unashamed with God is a prelude to intimacy also.
Finally, hiding yourself from intimacy virtually garrantees that you will miss out on being part of the Bride of Christ in these last days. Rejection of the advances of our God leaves you only one place to go, into the arms of Satan. Many are so primed to reject godly intimacy as sin, due to false puritanical teaching, that they will persecute the very God they claim to serve when He tries to love them through His body.
I am led to believe that Mary felt good and perhaps even had an orgasm or at least the sensation of it. I believe the details of her experience with God were kept from us on purpose because I don’t see God as sharing His intimate details. Those who get it spiritually, get it. There is something about Luke 2:19 that seems deeper to me than the immediate statements from the shepherds. I feel the same way about John 2:5. Mary intrigues me. She is definitely someone I would like to spend some time with in heaven. I do not see her as talking much but her eyes will tell me plenty.
Now I will speak from personal experience, when the Holy Spirit comes upon me for whatever purpose at the time, the feeling I feel is very similar to an orgasm – only stronger. Take speaking in tongues for instance, I actually feel a sensation of my body lifting up – it feels really good – but feels a lot like an orgasm. So when the angel tells her that the Holy Ghost will come upon her, that is all I can think of…that feeling.
Dear Ugo,
Yes I think you are feeling sensations similarto or perhaps higher than earthly orgasm when you yield to His Holy Spirit. I also think a lot of other women, when they yield themselves to God wholly, are experiencing similar things too. This is, in fact, holy ground with YHWH we respect and reverenced. In the world, intimacy is often used for things that God never intended, yet, just because people misuse His gift, doesn’t mean it isn’t made to be holy. Throughout the world, orgasm is held up as the epitome of sensual expression by everyone. Yet, the mere fact that so many hold it so high and, in fact, praise God during it, tells us something profound.
In the beginning, when everything was good and pure, God created climax. As with all fundamental and important things our Creator makes, He is saying something to us through them. Orgasm is no different and is perhaps one of the most profound statements He has ever made to mankind. Though it is plain God is speaking through such intimacy, dare we listen to what He is saying?
When a woman yields herself to her God-given lover, she not only connects with him but with God Himself. It is the union of God and man during love making, of which orgasm is often the climax, that produces spiritual union and potentially children. I believe that often God’s shekinah glory manifests in a woman’s womb during her passion and that is why people the world over praise God during sex.
If Jesus was the last Adam, Mary may have been, in a way, the last Eve. Though theologians have tried to strip Christianity of sensuality, like you today, we cannot imagine that Mary had no pleasure from being covered by the Holy Spirit. Moreover, isn’t it amazing that anyone would assume it to be anything pleasurable? I think it is shame that causes most people to shy away assuming that Mary had pleasure as she conceived God’s son. However, it is only a woman who was truly in love – body, soul, and spirit, that could say this,
“And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the Lord, And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. For he hath regarded the low estate of his handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name. And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation. He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree. He hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich he hath sent empty away. He hath helped his servant Israel, in remembrance of his mercy; As he spake to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed forever.”
Luke 1:47-55
We have heard that perfect love casts out fear, but I would say to you that it also casts out shame. When we begin to love God as He intended, we regain our innocence. We can look upon our heavenly lover and stand naked before Him. Filled with His Spirit, our bodies become temples of His love as we yeild ourselves to Him for His pleasure.
The desire of the Bride of Christ is to be intimate with Jesus. The marriage supper of the Lamb is but a prelude to the inner chamber with our Lord. While we don’t know all that entails, those who are truly in love with Jesus desperately to be there with Him. It is that love, holy and passionate, that draws our King back to earth to receive His queen.
Though the Devil has tried to make us believe that intimacy is mere animal lust, it is not. Intimacy is God created and given to us for His pleasure. It is proper to allow God to be with you when you make love and to praise His name as you climax, giving glory to Him for the wondrous expression of love He created. It is also proper to speak in other tongues as you mate, for where the Spirit is there is liberty.
Big hugs and lots of love,
Again, thanks for your reply. Yes, I meant to tell you that I love the analogy you are considering of Mary being the last Eve. I can see that as being possible. I heard it first from you while I was reading the blog and meant to mention it in my comment. Let’s see what the Holy Ghost reveals to me about that. I’ve been attending His classes more lately.
Hmm…the idea of praising my lover’s name during sexual intercourse has been my desire for several weeks now. I just feel as though if I did, it would appear as though I’m cheating on my husband with Jesus if my husband heard me. Lord help me. I know it’s fear because I do scream His name in my head- especially when I climax. My husband is getting closer to Him lately as well and we have discussed God during the act – I just want him to get deeper into the intimacy stuff to where we can both scream the Lord’s name. Did you and Esther have a problem praising God during the act? Or has it always come natural for you two? If that’s too personal, just respond in general terms based on what you have heard from others experiences. I know it’s probably all in my head. For all that we know, he probably would not mind if I called out the Lord’s name. In fact it might even bring him closer to doing the same thing. I do like your idea of speaking in tongues during the act. Lately I have been feeling as though I was kissing Him every time I spoke in tongues.
Finally, you mentioned this: “those who are truly in love with Jesus desperately want to be there with Him. It is that love, Holy and passionate that draws our king back to earth to receive His Queen.”
This line of yours drove me MAD. You have a way with words that cuts to the heart – that would make a novice want to give Jesus everything (see the Mary from Bethany comment at the bottom of this reply) Yes! Your comment is how I feel. I want Him SO badly. When I read the word and hear Him speak, I am in awe and amazed. I wanna sit at His feet and eat and drink whatever He’s serving. I can be His slave and His wife. Whatever He wants.
Jesus had a way with words. So bold and sure and passionate. All gifts that the Holy Ghost can offer within His gifts. The Bible is truly a love story. My goodness I even started to see the book of Revelation, Job and Ezekiel as love stories because He is starting to show me the thin line between passion and pain. I asked Him in prayer some nights ago to make me into someone Christ can trust because it hurt me deeply that Jesus could not trust man because He knew what was in their heart. So it created a challenge for me. To become that someone. Then I received a confirmation that blew my mind after midnight from Him. He has the same desire for me and He has chosen me to be intimate with and wants to reveal truths with me. He reminded me that Holy Ghost will teach me what I need to know to become that person for Him and guess what lesson number one was, Michael? Holy Ghost tells me, “read the book of Ezekiel”
My oh my. I never knew Ezekiel went through all that for God. From physical affliction to eating dung to losing his wife and more!! But rather than flinch at it, I could only see God’s passion for a nation – so much love that He can use Ezekiel in this manner to show it. I was reminded of others such as Hosea (instructed to marry a whore) all to show His love for a wayward nation. Then Job’s affliction was all to show off to Satan his pride in having a remnant that are madly in love with Him.
God is too much and when He loves you, He can make you go through the fire to test you and when He trusts you, He is ready, if it is His will, to allow you to die in the process. It’s all a mindset. As I tell my clients. So as I read about all these men who suffer affliction, rather than think, “Why would God allow it?” I actually know why and I am convinced that there is a level of orgasm that the afflicted experience during persecution.
I tell you the truth, when I read about Stephen’s stoning, I could feel as though he felt pleasure with every stone that hit him. And the disciples who rejoiced after being flogged for Christ. When I go through personal struggles, I tend to imagine Christ allowing it for some greater position I have in Him and rather than feel pain or depression, I instantly feel aroused. Call me crazy and perhaps it’s the way I deal with pain but hey…it works!! I can see Ezekiel and the likes of him seated in high places. My goodness, I can’t help but wonder, Is Christ trying to teach me that there is a price to pay to want to be someone He can trust?? I guess as somewhat as a peace offering, He allowed me to take a break from Ezekiel (I’m up to chap 20 now) to reset my brain with John. And my oh my, part of a verse I’ve read hundreds of times came alive. My brain got stuck on this…Mary (Lazarus’s brother) wiped Christ’s feet with her hair with perfume that cost A YEARS WAGES! Let Your mind sit with the words in caps. I wanted to strip my clothes and skin bare for Christ when that Hit me. And I was driving!! 😂 I think wanting to be naked is now my go-to for times when God blows me away with some new revelation. Why is that??? Could it be that I feel like clothes and skin and bones hold me back from Him?
Dear Ugo,
Lovely response and I really thank you for being so bold and sharing so deeply. It is truly a privilege to learn the amazing things of His Spirit that He is doing with you.
You know, I think such transparency is a hallmark of the Bride. She has been with Jesus so intimately, she is confident in what she knows and feels. No long does she wonder what love is, for she has experienced Her lover deep within her.
With Esther and I, we love to praise God doing our times of intimacy. Speaking in tongues is a beautiful way to be present with our Lord during Holy Consummation. To us, it seems highly appropriate to include, yea deeply desire, Him to be with us as we experience physical oneness. In fact, doing so lifts us up into heavenly realms both during and after. I think that, in the beginning, sex was a sacrament that God meant us to engage in as often as His Spirit lead. Eden was a garden of sensual delights and God’s children explored each other robustly. They experienced their God’s blessing as they united, knowing not only physical pleasure but spiritual pleasure as they united with God and each other.
Now-a-days, natural minded people have restricted love making to a mere physical act, yet there is so much more available to us when we yield our bodies, souls, and spirits to God as we mate. Most of the missing chronicles are so intimate that, unless you are led by the spirit, you could not bear to read them. Yet, for all the passion they display, it is only a fraction of what God wants to give His Bride.
There is the deep desire in God’s lovers to go beyond their limits and be whatever their lover desires. Like you say, this includes doing absolutely anything He wants, including martyrdom. Allowing yourself to be a sacrifice for his namesake is perhaps the deepest expression of love anyone can give. Christ allowed himself to be nailed to the cross in our place, simply because he loved us so much. Therefore, we willingly endure pain and suffering for our Lord because we so desperately love him too.
Being naked and unashamed is a return to our natural state of being. Receiving revelation is God covering us and love making. Truth be told, everyone wants to have no manmade barriers between them when they give themselves to another.
What is so satisfying to me is that you show me yet another piece of what God is doing with His Bride. Each and everyone to dares to share about their relationship fills in the picture of the move that God is bringing to His people. You, along with others, are stepping into the inner chamber with you lover and being changed. Truly, what God is about to do in the hearts and souls of his Shunammite is beyond what anyone has imagined.
What has made all the difference for Esther and I is our commitment to never restrain the Holy Spirit between us. We simply do whatever our heavenly lover wants when He wants to do it. I sense a similar freedom in you and a willingness to step out on the water to be with your Jesus. I encourage you to continue to trust Him and yield all you are to his love.
Big hugs and lots of love,
Oh how I long to worship our King with like-minded saints. But what can we do? Every one is so far away. I wonder if interactions over the net and YouTube, etc could count as such intimate fellowship since after all we are in the information age. I guess what I am saying is, what is one to do when just about everyone around you thinks that holy intimacy is nuts? I was just sharing with my husband how sad it was that we shake people’s hands in church and they offer this dead fish limpy shake and a fake smile when all you wanna do is grab them tight and never let them go. Then after church, every files out and is in a hurry to get home – like we all left a concert. My goodness, even concert goers stop and share about them awesome experience on their way out of the stadium.
Yet I have a small group (growing) of people who I can speak freely to about this so naturally but they are either so far away or I’ve never met them. I know when I meet some of you fellow brides it would feel as though I have known you all – all my life (I’m adding Esther to this because she must be like you when it comes to loving my Jesus).
Listen, I certainly hope that a failure to fellowship intimately in person does not keep Christ from returning because I am so over this world. It can’t be, Michael. It just can’t. I don’t see a scripture that says that He won’t come if we can’t fellowship intimately with others in person. If the book of Daniel was referring to the rise of knowledge as what we are now doing online and over the phone and via YouTube, then why can’t we also assume that finding like minded people online and glorifying God in it, count as us engaging in Holy intimacy?
I only know of one other female (a friend of mine) who experiences this intimacy with Christ, but she lives in Houston. But guess what, when I speak to her over the phone, I feel the same exact way that I feel with her as I do when you and I chat online; And when a male friend of my husband and I in Arkansas chat; and when I hear Francis Chan and John Piper, and David Wilkerson on YouTube and when I talk with a former Pastor of ours. What I have learned that is so interesting is that regardless of these people’s doctrines, whether we agree or not, it does not matter because every single one of them LOVE my Jesus so deeply that I am in awe and at times provoked to envy. A kind of envy that produces a healthy competition to out love Jesus.
This love has no age boundaries either. For instance, when I hear 73 year old John Piper talk about Jesus, oh my goodness…you would think he was talking about his lover. He even smacks and licks his lips at times when he talks about tasting and seeing how good Jesus is. My goodness, if one did not know Jesus in an intimate way, they would want to after listening to the guy. The people who I have shared him with are amazed to find that he is actually an older gentleman; he is so full of life and love for Christ that he is more alive than a ton of so called young people. And Francis Chan, He was the first one Christ led me to and he said this about Chan, “He is in love with me.” That made me wanna know who he was. And you, Michael, with the way you write about Him, you are ready to be in His chambers like yesterday.. And then my goodness, the now deceased David Wilkerson – when I hear his sermons, he seems so alive to me.
I used first go to a person’s doctrinal beliefs page and decide whether to listen to what they say, rather I now listen with my spirit to how much they LOVE the Lord. You can’t make that up. We will all know in part in this world so I feel more comfortable admitting, I do not have all the answers and neither do others but I do know they Love my Jesus intimately and that is okay with me. When I listen to these people, I feel as though I was reading a love story that had serious blush scenes. I remember asking the Lord to teach me about the bride of Christ and he directed me to all of you (mentioned above) all within the month of May! My goodness….and month of you are dudes!! lol I hear more guys speaking of Christ intimately than women. Why is that? Yes, like you say in one of your posts, its easier for a woman to offer up themselves but how come i have not seen more women discuss Christ so intimately??? When I hear these men speak about Christ, they sound possessed by Christ. I believe they (Including you, Michael) have gone completely mad. Like, you guys would be the guys that will ask Jesus, “hey, um…what about that flesh and blood you were talking about……we are starving!!” And even Jesus will look at you guys and say, “My Lord and My God, we have obsessed fans on our hands” lol
Well, I admit, I have gone mad for Jesus. I feel love sick just thinking about Him. What did I get myself into. Now I know what it means to pray without ceasing. When someone has consumed you, you have no choice.
Just recently, we learned that out smart TV was offering us 1000 (yes I said one thousand!) channels for free. (back story – we don’t have cable and don’t want anything to do with it – its been over 10 years) So rather than jump and down in excitement at this offer, I felt sick to my stomach because I knew they have an agenda. These demons know who don’t subscribe to their filth and wanna get it to you my force. They don’t give you anything for free. They want you and your kids’ souls. So I happened to turn on the TV and a demonic cartoon came on. Oh Michael, it was so demonic. Then it occurred to me that we are no longer desensitized to this filth. After spending all this time using our smart TV to watch YouTube programs that glorify God, it seems that what others may see as a mere cartoon, looks more like satan’s dung to us. When I felt sick to my stomach, I realized that I hate what the Lord hates! My goodness, He has indeed consumed me.
Michael, I have a weird question. Perhaps naive but humor me, will you? Do you think that the bride of Christ as a whole will come from this generation (Incl those from this generation who have passed on) Or that the bride is part of the group that won’t experience natural death, rather will experience the rapture? I ask this question because David Wilkerson is passed and I wonder if he would be a bride (I realize that only God knows the heart of a man). Regardless of who is a bride, I have compiled a list of people I wanna spend my time with during the millennium reign.
Dear Ugo,
I love how “full on” about Jesus you are. It stirs my spirit and soul! It is like nothing is restrained to you when you are talking about Jesus. I think that is the correct attitude too. It is my belief that we should not restrain ourselves from doing anything our Lover wants.
I am not sure why there are less women who talk about intimacy with Jesus than men. Perhaps it is a cultural shame that restrains them from sharing such intimate details with others. However, as I have said, in order to call the Bride we much first be the Bride. Furthermore, how can people know we are the Bride unless we share with them the intimate things of His Spirit?
To me, my ministry is the call the Seraph of God to the marriage supper of the Lamb. It is a time of love and we naturally express our desire to our beloved. There is a holy remnant in our generation that is hearing the song of God in their hearts and bodies. We feel our Lovers advances and reciprocate His love willingly. The only thing that many don’t realize, is that we love God through loving one another as He leads. As we open our hearts to God manifest in the flesh in others, we are able to fully experience Christ in each other. I am talking holy intimacy here, not a free-for-all that many natural minded people may fear. We only love as the Holy Spirit leads and no further. To the pure all things are pure, therefore we need not fear sin when we walk in His Spirit.
When I read what you write, I know you. You are familiar to me because that same Spirit that dwells in me dwells in you. Therefore, I am completely open to you and receive you as another part of my body. Isn’t it refreshing to be at easy with another believer without all the barriers that you normally encounter at church? This is the unity of the Spirit and it is a spiritual work that God is doing in our generation.
Personally I believe we are in a post-doctrinal era. While we all love the word of God, yet what we are focused upon is personal experience with the one who wrote it. Our attention is drawn to the lover of our souls and whatever doctrine we believe is replace by pure experience of Him. This shared experience in Jesus makes us of one heart and one soul. We agree on the person we all know, who manifests through us to each other. This becomes the basis of our fellowship.
Actually, I believe that the Bride of Christ will be drawn from every generation since Able to the day Christ meets us in the air. Though YHWH is doing a special work in our day among those who will hear His voice, I don’t think the Bride is exclusive to our generation. However, and this is important, what was acceptable in the past is not necessarily allowable in our day. For example, there was a time that people in Israel used to worship in the high places and to was ok. Yet when God buily His house in Jerusalem, through Solomon, He wanted people to worship there instead. In fact, when God commanded them to worship in his temple it became sin to still worship as before.
Likewise, in our day and age, God is calling us to open up to Him in one another. Whereas it was acceptable to worship Jesus alone and connect with Him exclusively in the past, now God desires us to unite with Him as He loves us through each other. If you wanted to really meet God in the first century, you had to do so through Christ. If you want to meet God in this century, you have to do so through his Body.
I think your desire for fellowship is a current moving of the Holy Spirit among a lot of us. We are so scattered everywhere, yet there is a deep yearning to be one in Him and each other. We feel that too and towards that end we are about to start a podcast (audio program) called “God’s Love Club”. We hope, through speaking about the Tabernacle Blessing once per week, we can connect with others that our interested in God’s Divine Love and connect with them wherever they may be. Perhaps, if God blesses our efforts, we will eventually connect with enough people to start having Love Feasts in different parts of the USA.
The most important thing for us, as individuals to do, is to allow God to manifest His nature through us. This means that, as He leads, we open our hearts and spirits to those He connects us with. The Tabernacles Blessing is very powerful because it is God in us, revealing Himself to us. Many are really wanting to connect, we just have to help them learn how to do it.
You’re doing really good Ugo, I am proud of you.
Lots of love,
Thanks for your encouragement. I look forward to your podcasts. It will be a great way to connect like-minded believers.
I have many questions. I know for sure that the Holy Ghost will answer them but I am afraid at times. I’ve been making huge requests of Him in regards to our time in heaven and in the new earth and new heavens. At times I think my request though it might seem small, might be asking for something that can’t be granted. But then He just smiles and tells me that He put the desires in my heart. Part of me does not believe this. I know that I am not making sense but all this back and forth has caused me to lose much of that deep intimacy I experienced for 2 months straight. So I want to believe that I was on the right track then – no matter how much I second guess myself. That feeling was everything to me and it didn’t hurt anyone and it didn’t go against the word of God. I just worried so much about taking everyone else with me and I can’t be bothered with that anymore. Just as He called me for a deeper intimacy with Him, I must trust Him to call anyone else He pleases.
Now I understand why He kept asking me why I so earnestly wanted to experience Him on a personal level if it now seems as though I wanna share Him with everyone else. He keeps reminding me of His omnipresence in being with each of His children in the throne. A vision He showed me in 2017. But when I hear everyone talking about how He would be relating to all of us as a WHOLE when we are married to Him, I can’t forget the revelation I was given of seeing different forms of Him with each of us and making it seem and feel as though we were the only ones before the throne. That single vision was was changed my relationship to Him to an intimate one bc I had said that I never knew why people always personalized His passion like, “He died for ‘me’” – Until He basically showed me the mystery of His omnipresence.
I can see brides coming from all ages as you said. I just wonder what He does with the ones that have passed. I’ve been reading about the similarities between a Jewish betrothal and wedding and Christ’s relating with His bride. How he has paid the dowry and has gone to prepare a home for us – only to come back for us later. Then I get stuck when I think of the brides who had passed on from past generations. If He is coming back for His bride, are those who are already present in heaven kept in a separate chamber from other non-bride believers? I don’t expect anyone to know unless revealed by the Holy Ghost and I honestly have not asked Him yet. I just wondered about it. Perhaps I should ask Him that today and wait for His reply.
My mind wonders too much. I think of John the beloved (I believe he was the son of Zebedee) I have always seen him as a bride of Christ and I know that His bride will sit with Him at His throne because the Bible says so – so I wonder why He lightly rebuked (not sure if that is a good word) their mom for making that request of her sons. Or even them (as is referred to in a different book – when it was said they asked Christ directly. I wonder if he responded the way He did bc of the possibility that it would apply to John but not James. But why not James?? I wonder why John didn’t die a cruel death.
Then in another encounter when His disciples were being compared to John’s disciples in the area of fasting, He referred to them as wedding guests. If they are guests, then who is fit to be a bride?
Just I’ve believed that all apostles are disciples but not all disciples are apostles, I have a belief that in order for one to be a bride, you would have to be a servant first but not all servants become brides.
I have probably totally confused you at this point. Lord help me. I am coming back. I guess I should have started all this by telling you my belief. I believe that some of His followers are brides and some are servants. At the wedding ceremony, some believers will be guests and some will be brides. I can’t wrap my mind to think that the guy that joined Jesus in paradise at the last minute will be a bride. Please help me answer this question: Is it right to believe that not all believers will be bride? I want to know if I’m in error in this belief.
Dear Ugo,
It is really stunning how much Jesus wants to be with us and bless us. It is like we say “who me” as he lavishes his attention on a Shunamite who is black as the tents of Kedar. However, as we stay in the palace, gradually we come to believe.
That is the best way to put it, “the desires of my heart”. There is a scripture which says,
“For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”
Philippians 2:13
So, I think the things you feel to ask for in your heart are a combination of your longing and His will. Therefore, ask whatever you desire and allow your king to lavish himself upon you.
You know, it is extraordinary that you were experiencing Jesus for two months straight and I think you began to walk in the fulness of His Spirit during that time. However, once you tried to examine what was happening and why and if there was any support for that type of behavior, things started to slip a little.
I want to talk to you plainly if that is alright. I hope it is ok and I trust that you know my heart is for you to be blessed and loved in all you do. So with that in mind, let me say this…
Though I do believe this is the next and greatest move of God, even if others are experiencing it, not many are talking about it plainly. Therefore, while you want to see if there is support for your type of experience within Christian circles, it is going to be very difficult to find any. You may be more unique than you realize.
What I feel about you, Ugo, is that you vacillate between being very Spirit Led and trying to figure things out on your own. You thrill to His presence, yet when you stop and look around, you feel insecure. It is like Peter on the stormy sea of Galilee, you’re fine when you focus on Jesus, but then notice your walking on water, you panic. The fact is, you may be the only one within a hundred miles of where you live that is experiencing such marvelous things. So finding others who are where you are at in God may be problematic. Plus, why do you need to seek confirmation for any other than Jesus? He chose you, he loves you and that should be enough.
My suggestion Ugo, is to simply let go of having to understand, or be confirmed, or even to be able to quote scripture to support what happens to you. You know your Father’s voice, so just leave it at that. Commit to Him and to what He is doing without needing to justify it to yourself or anyone else. My feeling is that you start to lose that close, intimate relationship with Christ because you start to lose focus upon him. As you become concerned whether or not you are crazy or even biblical, you become natural minded again and thus drift from God. This is why you come back to earth and feel a bit distant from your Lord.
You don’t have to be completely, 100% right to follow God. All you need to do is know, in your heart, what the next step is and do it. As you step out into the unknown, God places your feet where He desires and you just trust Him.
Also, I am feeling in the Spirit that God is directing you to do a few things that seems too difficult, from a natural standpoint, and you are wavering. My suggestion is to simply be obedient and follow through with what God is saying to you. Fully commit to His Spirit no matter what. Be willing to be wrong so that you have a chance of being right. Obedience to His voice, no matter if performed perfectly, is very pleasing to your heavenly lover.
Yeah, I hear you about the Bride. The particulars of who meets Christ in the air and from what times, is still somewhat of a mystery for me. What I do feel strongly, though, is that we have a calling now to become the Bride of Christ in this time so that He can catch us up to Him to be where He is. I think each and every one of us has a chance to become his collective Esther and marry the King.
All apostles were disciples, yet not all disciples became apostles. Why is this so? Primarily, it is because not all disciples where with Jesus to the same degree. Likewise, in our day and age, what you are experiencing demonstrates why you are called to be part of the Bride. While the Bride is made up of believers, not all believers will be part of the Bride. It takes a special relationship to be invited to be intimate with the King. Thought all those called to replace Vashti had the potential to become the next queen, it was only those who had a pure heart and a genuine passion to be with Him which stood any real chance.
Not all believers are the Bride. Salvation is based upon your confession and belief in Christ, nothing more. However, to become His bride is a higher calling that only those who truly are in love with the King are worthy to experience.
You are doing really good Ugo,
Big hugs and lots of love,
Dear Michael,
Oh I how love the way you always end your replies to me with a word of encouragement even when I feel like I have failed. God bless you more than ever for your steadfast love for your fellow saints.
When you write to me, do you at times wonder why you write certain things, or do you at times even hesitate but decide to write it anyways bc you feel led to say it?
I ask because there was an intimate conversation I had with the Lord last night that you actually captured without me ever telling you about it. It would have been pretty amazing if it didn’t feel so scary. But that is the Holy Ghost for you. So needless to say, I have my confirmation. I had asked Him for confirmation and I didn’t think it would come through you.
Then your post provided yet another confirmation for me with the Philippians 2:13 scripture. He tried to convince me for two days straight 5/29 and 5/30 that he gave me the desires I had to serve and want Him. So, Yes Michael you are right, it is a combination of both my longing for Him and His will.
You say, “Therefore, ask whatever you desire and allow your king to lavish himself upon you.” And I freeze. I freeze because I know He wants to give it to me but I don’t feel worthy. I see Visions of Him laying down sleeping vulnerable by my side and I just stay up all night watching Him like He is an art project. In my vision, He opens His eyes bc He feels me watching and asks why I am not sleeping and I am speechless. I wonder if being in awe of Him will one day be a turn off and He smiles and says, “never, that is one of the reasons I want to be with you, your affections for me do not grow old; they are new every time.”
Yes, my old pastor confirmed the same thing was called, the fulness of His Spirit. So was Piper’s description of what I went through. And yes, I slipped when I started to doubt. You perfectly used the example of Peter on water. I feel exactly like that!!!
Even when you speak to truth to me, “plainly” as you put it, I’m left waiting for the punch. You certainly speak the truth in love. I wanna be like that with others. I want to speak the truth in love as you do. Lord help me. It’s ok, I now know enough to know not to continue talking about my experience. Can I just say, I never even shared details with them as I have done on your page. The most I’ve said is how I am realizing who we are as a bride of Christ. And that alone scares some Christians away. Imagine if I sent them links to your site. 😰
Now I know sharing this with believers who are not called to be a bride grieves Him!! It took me 2 months to learn that lesson. Now a new me has emerged. A bolder me that I feel is more selfish now. I’ll tell you plainly how I feel….So, I went from wanting every Tom Dick and Harry to have this love affair with Christ to now being at peace with not sharing and say to myself, “well at least if we keep the pool small, we don’t have to share this experience with all these other people.” I know that’s bad of me 🤦🏽♀️ to think this way Michael, but I guess it’s the way my mind justifies not being able to share Him. I am being reminded as I write this that God is not desperate for companionship. He rescued Noah’s family alone from the entire world! He rescues Lot’s family from an entire city! I’m learning that substance matters more than numbers for God. I’m reminded of Gideon’s army. This is the same God who says the road to Him is narrow. Why did I think He needs a ton of people in His chamber??
Yes, it is true, in as much as I know His voice and I am confident, I do find myself between being Spirit led and trying to figure out things. That is because I wonder if thinking about our future with Him as His bride falls under sexual immorality- there I said it. When I read about your writing and Piper’s on consummation (especially yours since it is more detailed, spicy, and you have got several articles on it) I find myself agreeing with this as truth but wondering what to do with all this knowledge. Piper’s article on Holy Consummation made me blush severely but yours made me feel naked! So when I read about how the sexually immoral won’t inherit the kingdom, my mind races – “should you be imagining Christ in this manner?” Then He Himself sends confirmation of my being on the right track. I’ve read other articles from people who like you have eluded to this intimacy movement as what would separate some believers from others in the end. Yet my mind keeps going…”I don’t want this to keep me away from heaven; I’ll be happy just being your servant!” Then I console myself with the fact that we will be married and it will be justified. Michael there you have it. That has been my struggle. But He Himself has told me that He is my bridegroom and He has shown me His omnipresent power and has also used other brides such as yourself to show me that I am not alone so I can either take it or leave it.
You’re right, I do not need to seek confirmation from anyone other than Jesus. He chose me, he loves me and it IS enough.
I promise to fully commit to His Spirit no matter what. You say, “Be willing to be wrong so that you have a chance of being right.” I Love that!
You also said, “It takes a special relationship to be invited to be intimate with the King.”
This quote of yours is yet another confirmation from Him in May 2019.
So this is my prayer: I want to be one with other believers who love the Lord as I do or even more so we can sharpen each other and please Him more. I feel that if we, His brides, can come together, we can move mountains. He told me back in May that such a relationship with other brides avail much more in power when we pray together. I am ready for this. I am no longer afraid. I have you guys here to help hold me accountable.
Oh yes…speaking of being ready. The Lord reminded me of a song I love when I was in the world. It came to me one of those times that I felt as though He and the Holy Ghost were speaking about my Esther preparation. So he put this song on my heart, “Ready for love” and asked me to read the lyrics. It is by India Arie My goodness, Michael, if you read the lyrics to that song, it was exactly how I felt – Like an immature bride whose groom is hiding!!! The second line of the song actually asks, “why are you hiding from me??” If I had to write a song for Jesus based on how I felt 2 weeks ago, that would be the song. He knows me so well bc eventhough I no longer listen to worldly music, He reminded me of that song from over 14 years ago after I had prayed in tongues. This song was probably telling me what I was feeling and praying about in the spirit. See link
Also, there is a tune He plays for me when He wakes me up at random hours of the night to be with Him. I actually found out that it was a real song called “Come Away with me” by Norah Jones!!
See link
Michael, I’m realizing that Jesus loves music!! 😝 I thought you would appreciate the songs too since you usually have music at the end of your posts. You and Esther love music too!! ❤️
Much love!
Goodnight from NC
Michael, I sent you a reply to this June message and sent another to CL. I can’t believe I lost the one to you! I want to cry! I wrote so much! 😢😢😭😭😭 It’s so painful. Lord please help me!!
Anyway…I can’t wait for your podcast. I long to be with like-minded believers. I crave it. At the same time I’ve lost interest in others who don’t understand Holy intimacy. I have also stopped trying to tell people about it bc it is very clear to me now that I have grieved Him every time I tried to make a bride out of everyone I meet. It’s like I’m trying to shake them and say, don’t you see? Can’t you taste and see how good He is? Then they look at me like I am nuts. I had to repent bc Christ made it VERY CLEAR to me that I was not to do that. I am to trust that just as He called me deeper, He can do the same for others as He desires.
Another thing He has been telling me is basically how I’ve wanted to experience one on one intimacy with Him and now that I have it, He asks why does it seem like I’m in a hurry to share this precious moment with everyone. I’ve not been as close with Him as I had in the last 2 months and it’s my fault. I feel Him near and it’s just a matter of pulling Him close – so getting back is not a problem. It’s promising Him that I will not try to bring others along unless I am led by the Holy Ghost.
Based on my experience, I now believe that not every believer is a bride. I believe some are servants and friends. But I do believe that in order to be a bride, one had to have been both a friend and a servant. I just don’t believe that all servants or friends become brides. For one, many believers can’t even imagine intimacy with the bridegroom. The term “bridegroom” grosses many out let alone “consummation”
And then others want to believe that He will relate to the brides as one whole. I don’t see this either. I can only speak from the revelation I received in 2017 of when I wondered how in the world some people would personalize His passion as being for them alone “He died for me” – I never got that. I understood it as “He died for us all” but something in my spirit envied those who confidently said, “me” vs “us” until Christ told me the mystery of His omnipresence.
I was before His throne in the spirit, praying along with many other believers when He basically came up to me and took my hand and I looked around to see what other believers would say about what seemed, “preferential treatment” it was then that I saw that no one noticed. They were all in deep prayer. He further opened my eyes to see that He was actually also with each of these people – one on one. He then opened my eyes to see no one at all at the throne but Him and I. I remember laughing and calling Him a “player.” But everything made sense to me that day. His omnipresence is powerful and if He is that way with us in prayer, I can’t help believe it will be that way after we are married.
My question to you is this: do you see error in my thinking that not every believer is a bride? I just can’t help thinking that people who are grossed out by the very term or even the guy that was crucified next to him (who made it into paradise) can be brides. I don’t see it. I could be wrong. Please help.
I love what you commented:
“Personally I believe we are in a post-doctrinal era. While we all love the word of God, yet what we are focused upon is personal experience with the one who wrote it. Our attention is drawn to the lover of our souls and whatever doctrine we believe is replaced by pure experience of Him. This shared experience in Jesus makes us of one heart and one soul. We agree on the person we all know, who manifests through us to each other. This becomes the basis of our fellowship.”
The major difference between where I think Christ is taking His body now and where the church has been, is that this move requires believers to be completely led of the Spirit (i.e. post-doctrinal).
It seems to me that as God draws a believer into this blessing, our flesh does one of two things: It rises up and rebels against where the Spirit is leading us, either because it offends our doctrine or because of how it makes our flesh uncomfortable; or, as we yield to Him, our flesh begins to “fade” and really becomes inconsequential, because we don’t give it the attention and focus it craves and we don’t give in to fleshly desires. I think this is the point of where He is taking us, and it is how we can get to the place that Paul describes in Galatians 5:18: “But if you are led by the Spirit you are not under the law”.
The Spirit leads us to have unity with each other as we experience Him individually and through each other, and never into sin – but this requires sensitivity to Him and a willingness to be led by Him into the experience of Jesus we share. But this cannot be done without walking in His Spirit and obeying Him as He leads us.
Good insight! Thanks for sharing and big hugs!
Dear CL,
Yes, as you say, our “flesh begins to fade” as we become Spirit led in all things. Just as the law was a schoolmaster to bring us to Christ, so too the New Testament is an instrument to bring us to our Bridegroom. Our Father never intended for us to live by the knowledge of good and evil, that is why He forbade us from partaking of it. Somehow, we have lost this truth in our present church age and practically worship the knowledge of good (our doctrine). However, the knowledge of good causes death to ourselves and those around us. Many have become neo-pharisees, straining at a gnat, but swallowing a Camel when it comes to the practical application of their beliefs. Those caught in the midst of natural minded thinking about spiritual things, will say they love someone and in the same breath inflict the most mind-numbing pain upon them. To them, because the minds and hearts are bifurcated, they see now incongruity in what they.
When you begin to live by everything that proceeds out of God’s mouth today, doctrinal beliefs fade. It is not that we do not know or believe in doctrine, but it is subsumed and placed in its proper perspective in light of our constant leading by His Holy Spirit. We don’t major on doctrine because we are focused on the One who wrote it. Why read the scriptures when you can talk to the author at any time you wish.
In this post-doctrinal era that the Body of Christ is entering into, we must let go of our precious teachings as God leads us onwards. Frankly, most of what we have believed is wrong anyway, so leaving them to go be with Jesus should be a no-brainer. If the wilderness of this world teaches us anything, it is that God is always moving onwards towards a pre-destined place of His will and design. We must pull up camp and move with Him, else we are left in a hot, dry place with no blessing.
Big hugs and lots of love,
I’m finding that the more I spend time with the Holy Ghost and He gives me FRESH insight which I have never heard before from anyone, when I go back to the world, the voice of the doctrine appears so minuscule. However, there is indeed a stronghold I face. When I get out of His presence for long, I find myself looking to hear what is out there. I’m made observation: The deeper the intimacy gets, the more I wonder if I’m on the right track and then I wanna go online to search who else is experiencing this and then I get so far from the Holy Ghost that it harder to come back. It’s a vicious cycle that must end.
Dear Ugo,
It is hard to leave the knowledge of good and evil, casting off into the endless sea of God’s revelation. I think that we all struggle with wondering if these wonderful things can be true and we naturally desire to find others who affirm and support us. One of the reasons that I am others here at the final feast have been so open about our spiritual experiences is so believers like you can realize that you’re not alone, but among those who love God and each other as deeply too.
One question I am constantly asked is, “how do you know it is God?” For me, it all comes down to faith. I believe what He says to me simply because I trust Him. This is the same trust and faith that caused me to give my heart to Him in the first place. It is the same confidence in Him that allowed me to yield my tongue to Him when He filled me with His Holy Spirit. That same voice, that same presence who was with me during salvation and Spirit baptism, is the same voice who leads me onwards now.
Therefore, we know that these things be of God because we know our Shepherds voice and another’s voice we will not follow. There is a profound connection between us and our Lord that no one can measure much less break. We feel Him, we hear Him, and we do His will because we believe in Him.
What you are experiencing in Jesus is Divine Love. You are on the forefront of mighty move of His Spirit as a forerunner of the Bride of Christ. Thus, there are not a lot of people you will find that will openly proclaim God’s love to the extent that you are experiencing Him. However, you have been chosen to represent His heart to a lost and dying generation who desperately wants to love and be loved.
The love that you are experiencing along with the manifestations of His Spirit in you, is the hope of glory. It is just that many have never realized how deep and profound His love is. I encourage you to keep yielding to Jesus and allowing him to love and pleasure you in whatever way he desires. Give yourself totally to your Beloved without holding anything in reserve. Cast yourself upon Him and trust His voice and His Spirit. In that way, you will be God manifest in the flesh both to yourself and to those who meet you.
Big hugs and lots of love,
Michael, I sent you a reply to that June message and sent another yo CL. I can’t believe I lost to one to you! I want to cry! I wrote so much! 😢😢😭😭😭 It’s so painful. Please help me!!
Actually it looks like I didn’t lose it after all. Now just pardon some of the repetition in the other post. 😝 GOD IS TOO GOOD!!
Dear Ugo,
Sorry about that. Don’t cry, we love you so much!
Big hugs,
Awww I love you guys too. Thanks Michael. It feels like home here. I feel like I am getting closer to finding that Acts early church that I have been praying for, for the past 3 years. Let us know how we can support your efforts to start the podcast. May the Lord make all the grace abound.
Dear Ugo,
We are glad for your fellowship, it is really encouraging. You know, I do think that what we are beginning to experience (between each other) what knit the first church together in the book of Acts. Having all things in common was not a goal or a stated purpose, but rather an natural reaction to a supernatural love that flow through everyone present. They unity of hearts their and spirits allowed the Spirit of God to flow in unprecedented ways and truly unlocked the potential of God’s people.
The other thing is it was a radical departure from the acceptable way to practice religion. The blessing that Christ’s body experienced was because of their willingness to embrace him as Lord and Savior. It wasn’t a modified Judaism that lead to the shadow of Peter healing the sick, it was a total break with what was considered proper and right.
As I look at the Tabernacles Movement, I also see a need to totally break with religion and embrace what God is doing. We cannot “reform” the church, we can only go off into the wilderness and meet God where He chooses to be. Only at that mount and in the way that He decides, can we meet our maker and hear His voice.
I feel a great need to “network” with others whom God is drawing to Holy Intimacy. I feel incomplete right now and I know it is because I long to be connected with my brethren. Home, that feeling of being where I should be, will only come about as I open up and embrace His body of believers. That is what I look forward to and that is the rest I seek in this present world
Big hugs!
In response to your latest reply. I will do my best. I had been feeling like Jonah lately and have not liked that feeling. What I mean is that I have been loving His judgement (especially after hearing His pain from the many betrayals of His beloved in the book of Ezekiel).
But I have been finding it hard to understand His mercy. It wasn’t until I put myself in a make-up context that I realized that I would like for God to be merciful unto me to if I were lost. So no…i don’t want to take His grace for granted But i don’t want to be hardened as Jonah, either. So I asked Him 2 nights ago how I could serve Him and others in these last days and the reply was instant. It came in a dream that night.
He was sitting – teaching a group of people. With a child on his lap and He looked at me and I understood He was telling me what He told Peter after his resurrection – “feed my sheep” I understood exactly what He wanted when I woke up bc He made it clearer – more specific. It had more to do with helping guide believers away from false doctrine – turn them away from the enemy’s fire. It’s an interesting contradiction bc He is the same one who warned me to guard information pertaining to the bride – yet He wants me to do a Jude 1:23 with them. I need a balance. I think I’ve gotten it. Lord help me.
Dear Ugo,
You know, by loving Him and allow Him to love you, you are becoming a living epistle read and known of all men. You have a spiritual glow that cannot be hid. When they time comes, people will simply ask you, why do you look like that?
Big hugs,
You are doing good,
That puts a huge smile on my face. I think people have started to see that glow. I feel honored. Especially since I am a mental health counselor and clients tell me they feel drawn to me. Even some non believing ones. To God be the glory. He deserves ALL THE PRAISE
Thanks for sharing, I certainly understand your struggle and have been there myself as God has taken me on this journey! Michael’s insight to you is so good, and I think you hit the nail on the head when you said, “when I get out of His presence for long”…..this calling we have to be forerunners in knowing the intimacy Our Savior wants us to experience with Him requires a constant focus on Him and the things of His Spirit. It’s a walk of the Spirit, led by the Spirit, and not our natural minds. The more we allow Him to take us beyond our natural thinking, the deeper He can take us in Him – but also the “stranger” things can appear!
Yes, like you said, there is often a big struggle in pioneering a move of God, because even His own people often don’t understand what He is doing and don’t believe the work He is doing is of God. It requires a confidence in hearing His voice (like Michael described above). Those in scripture who really followed His voice were “weird” in the eyes of the world, even often in the eyes of those who should have recognized Him, and not one of those men and women of God who pushed forward with what He led them to do, no matter how strange, did it without doubt at some point along the way – but God always proved Himself and encouraged them in their faith.
I feel you have a very great sensitivity to His Spirit, and I, like Michael, would encourage you to keep pressing in to His presence, and stay there even longer and go even deeper. I’m praying for you that God will keep revealing Himself and His passionate love to you and complete the work He has begun in you.
Lots of love and God Bless!
This comment of yours was like water to my parched throat, and I needed the reminder. Gracias!!
“Those in scripture who really followed His voice were “weird” in the eyes of the world, even often in the eyes of those who should have recognized Him, and not one of those men and women of God who pushed forward with what He led them to do, no matter how strange, did it without doubt at some point along the way – but God always proved Himself and encouraged them in their faith.”
You sound a lot like Michael in your writing. I guess the more we are in unity with one another, we will start to sound alike. After all, it was His prayer that we are one as He is one with the Father.
CL, you see, the truth is that after the vision of His omnipresence back in 2017, I got incredibly close to Him for about a month and lost that closeness because it overwhelmed me so. He got uncomfortably close and it messed with my head because I kept saying, “wait, this is my creator and my God.” Even though I was a much better person, wife and mother with His overwhelming presence upon me, My husband LOVED my experience and was in awe of the me that I had become and wanted it for himself. He was not threatened by the closeness I shared with Christ and the Holy Ghost, yet, I personally felt as though I was cheating!! What I never heard of at the time was the topic of the bride of Christ even though I had been saved since 10/3/03.
Fast forward to April 2018, He started to get close again and I froze like a prude. He hid away. He tried later that year and I didn’t last 2 weeks. Then April 2019, He makes a powerful reappearance and seemed to court me for several days starting in form of a random customer service rep on the phone (I knew it was Him!!) And later that day with a song that struck me at the heart and drove me into His arms.
Then I hear, “bridegroom” And the urge to learn about this overpowers me until my research leads me to Michael’s page. Michael’s writing sounds like Christ is speaking directly to me and fits me – like a missing piece of a puzzle. I relax and open up more and Christ reveals more and feels more comfortable with me. I take bolder steps and knowing Him feels so good that I start wanting to scream it over the rooftops. I grieve Him. But this time He refuses to let me go. Even when He starts to walk away, I feel He doesn’t really wanna leave. He wants me to chase Him and ask Him to stay with me – very reminiscent of the evening he appeared to the disciples on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24:28-29. I keep hearing Him ask the Holy Ghost, over and over, “Will she be ready?” “I’m working on her” is the reply. It’s as though they want me to hear this conversation. Sometimes I imagine Him Just waiting patiently with His head down and hands clasped together. With what seemed like an arch angel next to him with a sword. I hear them talking about me and it seems to good to be true. Like Michael eluded to earlier, I wonder, “what in the world do they want from me?” Then when I become confident and own it, i feel terribly prideful and ask myself, “you must be nuts, who do you think you are?” And I see His eyes and they are fiery, yet gentle, and it says, “I want you, and I can’t say it enough” but His mouth says the same thing, “The Holy Ghost will tell you what to do”. I must admit I do feel like a child that He is running out of patience with but this time He does not seem to be hiding. He is lingering and it makes me feel strongly that The rapture is around the corner.
I am grateful for your encouragement and I feel stronger knowing I am not alone and there are others who love Him as passionately as I do – if not, even more. And who have walked this walk longer than I have.
You know what’s interesting? I don’t feel rebuke from Him when I am on Michael’s platform, speaking to likeminded saints. It’s when I start speaking about the bride of Christ elsewhere that I feel He is grieved. He truly must have a select group of us that He is trusting with this stuff. I feel so foolish for once asking Michael if He ever thought of speaking publicly about this stuff. This is the kind of stuff that one must be led to give out. But I need that podcast to reach other like minded believers bc it can get lonely out here.
Dear Mr. King,
I have been praying to my Lord for some time now and I believe he has answered me through your article. I accepted him back into my life in 2019 and have been blessed with visions of him (Jesus) making love to me and later having visions of myself birthing a boy. I am madly in love with YHVH. My visions are strange and I have found myself unable to tell anyone (even family) about them. They tell me to be wary of my visions. That my visions may not be Godly, but in my heart I have felt assured that they in fact are. The Lord has taught me much the last few years. I swore as a young child I’d only marry a man who could love me the way God loves me. I was lost for a big portion of my life (I was abused by men) at a young age. I was angry at God and cursed him for allowing the abuse to go on, but I had a revelation about him and I’m now a different woman because of it. Thank you for your article. It’s been a helpful guide to me when I doubt my Heavenly husband.
Dear Caitlin,
I am glad you are finding love and healing in the love of our Savior Jesus Christ. I do understand how it is difficult to accept the blessing that He is when it does not fit with the normative churches idea of holiness. However, the truth is, and what I believe you are experiencing, is that Jesus designed us for intimacy from the very beginning and we, in the end of this age, are the fulfillment of the mystery of the church, the bride of Christ. All brides want to make love to their bridegroom, and the Bride of Christ is no exception.
Many times, those who are marked out from the foundation of the world to be the wife of the most high, become special targets of the enemy. You find that many who have profound callings in God, go through very difficult things. However, instead of being a proof that God does not love you, it is merely a proof of how much the Devil fears you. God’s love from above is what can mend us and if we will allow, like you are doing, in his love we find rest and happiness.
Your doing great Caitlin,
Big hugs and lots of love,
Thank you, Michael for your kind words. People have been telling me I’m sick in the head for loving Jesus the way I do. Lord Jesus has always felt more like a husband to me than a brother. I have been told that there is a difference between a person who is saved and an unsaved believer. It puts fear into my mind and heart that I might be a unsaved believer. I try to ignore people who shame me for my relationship with our Lord and savior, but sometimes they get to me.
Anyways, thanks again for your quick response. I wasn’t expecting you to get to me quickly. God bless you and may Saint Michael look after you. 🙂
Dear Caitlin,
You’re welcomed and trust the Holy Spirit. You are on the right track.
Big hugs and lots of love