Remaining Faithful To The Most High

The reality is that we have little understanding of what is actually going on around us. We are dwelling in the middle of a war zone, a no-mans land of spiritual death and destruction. We are traumatized children of this conflict, having never known real peace. The series of battles raging around us stem from a greater conflict between YHWH and Lucifer, the fallen Seraph of the Most High.

The original rebellion took place in the sides of the North, in Eden. On the mountain of God, within the congregation of the Most High, the bright and shining one, proclaimed:

“…I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”

Isaiah 14:14

Taking sides for and against God

With this declaration, the war of the seven realms began. Immediately, seraph, cherubim, and angels chose sides. Lucifer, seducing a third of the stars of heaven, aimed to overthrow God Himself. With her great beauty and sensuality, she persuaded some archangels to rally to her cause. These became what Paul describes as,

” … principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. “

Ephesian 6:12

How do you win a war with an all powerful king? Is it impossible? No, not quite. All you have to do is wound the heart of the king until He cannot bear to fight the one He loves. Like David weeping for His son Absalom, God could not bear the loss and betrayal of Lucifer.

Breaking God’s heart

God, utterly heart broken, turned away and wept. His bright and shining one, the very one who used to walk up and down in the midst of the stones of fire with Him, betrayed Him. Never, in all of eternity, had YHWH felt such pain. He hid His face for a time from the all those who knew Him.

Great darkness fell upon His kingdom. Heaven suffered violence such as they had never known. War engulfed the seven realms of the seven spirits of God Almighty. Earth, which was to be covered by Lucifer, suffered most. In that day, sin entered into God’s new creation with the intent of destroying mankind. The 7 remaining Seraphs said in their hearts “I’m going to stand by you” and stayed loyal to their King.

Eternal love for those who remained faithful

Moreover, to this very day, God is hurt about the betrayal of His chief Seraph, however, God is equally grateful for the support of those who remained loyal to Him during His time of mourning. This is why, when earthly women remain loyal to their men during times of extreme hardship, we look upon them with awe and reverence.

Finally, women have a choice to make in our generation. Will they remain loyal to God or will they be deceived by the enemy? Each and every female among us has the ability to become a representation of those who remained committed to YHWH. Or, like many are doing today, they can take on the image of fallen Lucifer and rail against the very image of God.

Seraphs say “I’m gonna stand by you!”

In conclusion, I encourage my sisters to remain steadfast in God and do the will of their heavenly Father. Resist the haughty spirit of this age and refuse to give yourself to those who do not honor God. Make your life a living sacrifice and yield your being to the Most High without reserve, without fear, and without limit. Amen.