Michael’s and Esther’s Great Adventure

God’s Divine Love Is For Everyone
Michael, 30 years before meeting Esther, experienced spiritual connections. During the intervening time, Michael experienced many wonderful things in God but never delved back into those types of experiences in full. Partly out of hurt, partly out of mistrust of the church, Michael shied away from such experiences. That is until he met Esther.
Closer than a brother
Esther initially found Michael on the net posting some of his writings here and there. Identifying with the things Michael spoke, she took the step to say hi. Immediately, God began to form a spiritual bond between them which gradually grew stronger as His Holy Spirit united them. While Michael had the benefit of knowing that a spiritual union was forming, Esther walked totally by faith. Soon, a full-blown spiritual connection formed and both began to benefit from following the Holy Spirit together.
The Connection Chronicles
These chronicles follow Michael’s and Esther’s great adventure in God. Starting from their shared experience of visiting the temple of heaven, We will attempt to document how God is working between us, in us, and through us. We hope that by sharing how God flows through a spiritual connection it will help others who are entering into the Tabernacle Blessing and experiencing God’s love.
Saddle up your horses! Let’s go on a great adventure!
God is about to connect the Body of Christ in ways never imagined before. Jesus desires to love each one of us through others who share His heart, mind, and Spirit. Moreover, God shows His nature in us by manifesting His glory to the world. Spiritual connections unite the Body of Christ through God’s Divine Love.
In conclusion, I hope that our great adventure will provide some encouragement, solace, and hope to those who explore this undiscovered country of spiritual connections.
God bless,
The Great Adventure by Steven Curtis Chapman
The Lost Chronicles,
You may notice “gaps” in the chronicles. We will just call these the “Lost Chronicles” for the time being. Some of the things God did were just too personal to speak of at this time.
God bless,
Dear Connections,
I have begun adding some of the lost Connection Chronicles into this site. These essays document amazing experiences that Esther and I have because of our spiritual union In God. For a time, they were just too close to our hearts to make them public. However, as God has encouraged us to be more transparent, we feel it is time to reveal them.
The fact is, these sorts of adventures in God are avaliable to anyone who is Spirit filled. They are a function of God’s Holy Spirit and not anything we do. All we do is yeild and allow God to take us/do with us as He wills.
Hardly anyone ever talks about what really happens in Spiritual Connections in a Christian context. Most of what you get is natural minded men and women speaking about their encounters in a mystical/non-Cristian realm. Therefore, while their experiences may have an element of truth to them, their explanations are fanciful and incorrect.
The truth is that many Christians have experienced Spiritual Connections in one form or another. Unfortunately, because people lack spiritual and biblical context, most of the time they do not know what is going on.
Providing an example of what a true Spiritual Connection is, allows you to see how God is working so that you may be encouraged. We hope that you will take heart and allow God to love you through your union as much as He has loved us through ours.
God bless,
Hey friend,
Is Christy Smith …… Esther?
Dear Chad,
Hey! Nice to see you Bro. Unfortunately no cigar. However, they are both spiritual women for sue.
Thanks for you comment,
Big hugs and lots of love,