In this essay, I write about God making love to us through one another. This is the first love of Eden; holy, pure, and unadulterated. Intimacy with a divine mate and God is the point of being filled with His Spirit. If frank discussions of intimacy bother you, please do not continue reading.
Question: Do You Have No Shame?
I am my Beloved’s
“Hope you’re sleeping and dreaming well, I think you’re away somewhere in spirit, my inner places are pulsing and feeling you in there!
As I enter our Inner Chamber, I slide into our bed with you already under the sheets, wrapping my naked self around you, skin on skin, so sensuous to feel, my head and breast laying on your chest, feeling and hearing your heartbeat, your warmth so alluring.
I breathe you in, your sweet aroma, as my head gently rises with your chest. The music and rhythm of our love swells within me, a crescendo of pure, divine love.
How I love thee my beloved so very much!
I have often said that ministers don’t share “all” with their congregations for fear of how they will be perceived or the controversy that they may create. Many times, I have spoken with clergy who have great revelation, but they assure me that their sheep cannot handle it.
For some time, I have been wondering if I do the same when it comes to the Divine Love and Spiritual Connections. Where I am actually at with the Lord is further than I have shared with those on this website. Am I guilty of the same fear as those I criticize?
Innocence is sexy. Unfortunately, the world perverts this to mean young, but I don’t believe that is really what God has in mind. Being pristine, unsullied, and holy is not the absence of sexuality, but rather being Lead by His Holy Spirit to embrace our true intimate nature with joy, thankfulness, and freedom.
To natural minded people, who live in fear of sin at every corner, such freedom seems impossible. How can we be erotic and still love God? The “reasoned” man or woman, thinks that the only way to control sensuality is to restrict it. Therefore, most Christian reserved most forms of sensuality to their private times. The truth is, the only way to have proper sexuality is allow God to lead and guide you in it.
How do innocent people actually behave? Well, for one thing they lack inhibitions and express their feelings without forethought or calculation. We usually consider such behavior “Child-like”. Jesus said you must become as a small child in order to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven. In reality, the flower children of the 60’s was a worldly imitation of what God actually has instore for His people.
The wife of the Lamb is necessarily intimate with God manifest in the flesh. However, we are one body made up of many members. So how do we express love one to another in a godly fashion? For many, they just don’t. In order to avoid the appearance of impropriety they simply sidestep the whole intimacy issue and pretend it doesn’t even exist.
However, and this is an important point, the restored children of God do become innocent once again. We enter through the east gate and come back to a garden of sensual delights. We come back to the pristine love of Eden that manifests wherever, whenever, and with whomever God desires. We don’t question, we just trust and love as He desires.
God loving us through the Body of Christ is intimate and sometimes highly erotic. The difference between sexual sin and Holy Consummation is merely whom you do it with and why. YHWH ordained Divine Mates and leads us to join as He wills, not as our flesh desires.
Do you see the experience mentioned above as a beautiful, holy, and expressive of God’s nature, or do you recoil in shame? How you react to this piece says a lot about your state of innocence. Moreover, ask yourself why you react as you to something God made so very good. Remember, everything that happened above God created.
It is my hope that those God is calling into the inner chamber with Him will understand the purity of passion expressed by His will in these words. We are about to make love to God, the question I ask is “are you ready?”
It is difficult to come back to holiness. The secular idea of purity is skewed and the churches concept is equally damaged. While the world thinks that a Tibetan monk is holy, the church think it’s the absence of doing things that makes you holy. Howeveer, holiness or “wholeness”, is actually becoming one with God. Doing His will rather than your own makes you holy because He is holy.
We really have no real idea how much shame has affected us. Our instinctive desire to hide intimacy is, in fact, a direct manifestation of the shame we felt in the Garden of Eden. It is not instinct at all, but rather the consequence of our decision to listen to another’s voice. What really offended our heavenly lover is that Eve listened to and did what Satan said, rather than what YHWH said not to do. That is what broke the fellowship Adam and Eve enjoyed with God before the fall. Eating of the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was the result and not the primary cause of sin.
Most of us have a flawed concept of what purity is. We forgot long ago what it was to be a child before God. Most of us have rolled in the dirt for so long, we’ve forgotten what it was like to be clean. However, YHWH is beginning to restore our innocence and was us white as snow experiencially. Just know, that when God is through with us, we’ll all look quite different than we do now.
I think that most people understand the concept of being filled with the Holy Spirit, but just never really take it to its logical conclusion. We understand that Christ is in us, ministering to people who need to know Him. We get that His is feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, caring for the sick, but we have mostly excluded Him from love making. However, God made us to love one another and it seems very natural to me that if He is in us, He would want to love us in that way too.
No one faults a woman for wanting a man and no one faults a man for wanting a woman. We consider this natural and good. God even said to Adam and Eve should go forth, be fruitful, and multiply. However, we often fail to connect the Lord who made sex with our intimacy. If God is in us reconciling the world to Himself, does that same God go in the other room when we make love to each other? I would submit to you that a woman’s urge to be filled is as much about being filled with God as it is about being filled physically. A man’s desire to be in his woman is as much about God wanting to be in us as anything else.
The Devil, through sin, has meticulously stripped us of Holy Intimacy. Through shame we hide away the very thing that God made very good. Why wouldn’t God desire to be present at the very moment of the possible creation of an eternal soul and spirit? The Angels announced the birth of Christ, therefore babies are a big deal to God. Consequently, those who exclude God from sex, miss about 98% of what God made sex to be. After a couple years, sex becomes monotonous in many marriages precisely because it is only a physical act and not a spiritual experience that include their maker.
Sex is not “doing the nasty” as people in the world put it, but rather it is “doing the godly” if done with a divine mate. To have an intimate encounter with God and your mate at the same time is heaven on earth. As you both yield your bodies, souls, and spirits to Him during climax, fireworks ensue and He lifts you both into the heavenlies to be with Him where He is.
Once you are saved and yielding God, finding your Divine Mate should be first and foremost on your “To Do List”. Without a mate chosen by God it is very difficult to become the Bride of Christ. God, of course makes do with what you have to work with, but His commandment still is for you to join as His Spirit leads so that you can bring forth after His kind.
Big hugs and lots of love,