Intimate/Non-Intimate Spiritual Connections
How Do We Love God?
In As Many Ways As Possible
There is a vast range in types and purposes of spiritual connections within the Body of Christ. In fact, the diversity of how God loves us through one another is probably infinite. This means that there is no “one way” to spiritually connect with another member of the Bride of Christ.
While the combinations are limitless, God’s agape love is the foundation of all Divine Unions. Selfless, compassionate, pure love courses through each and every one of us as we unite with another. It is truly like the tree of life growing in and through each of us.
Intimate and non-intimate connections
Therefore, though there are intimate connections there are also non-intimate connections. Neither is superior to the other, for both are in accordance with God’s will. What is important in each, though, is that we yield everything and express His love.
At Tabernacles Central I write a lot about Spiritual Connections and the intimacy associated with them. However, when I speak about God’s intimacy, it includes everything from a friendly pat on the back to intimate union between Divine Mates. Within these two extremes lies an endless variety of loving expressions among His people.
Every connection within the Body of Christ is important. Every member that God loves through another is precious. No one is better loved or less needed than someone else. The truth is we need each and every soul to fully manifest God’s glory.
Spirit recognizes Spirit
The measure of a spiritual connection is not in what it looks like, nor in what others think about it, but in the witness of God in our spirits. Spirit recognizes Spirit and when God testifies of someone’s love towards another, then the matter is settled.
We have little real idea of where all this is going to end up, except that when we see him we shall know him, for we shall be like him. Amen.
Dear Connections,
The intimacy of Christ within His body has to be a revelation granted by the Holy Spirit. In our present state of confusion about what is proper and not proper, we will never see the truth ourselves. The Devil has muddied the waters so much, that the church cannot and will not accept the love of God demonstrated through His people.
All this testifies of a great move of God’s Spirit based upon Holy Intimacy. The Devil has set us up as much as she is able to reject God’s advances of love through His believers.
The mere fact that you are freaked out about physical touch within the Body of Christ means that you have already fallen prey to this trap. To you, decent and in order means very limited physical expression, while decent and in order to God is full on Love Feasts. You think Nuns are holy while God thinks Nuns are severely deceived because the refuse to procreate as He desires.
Holy intimacy is not sin, but it is the full expression of God’s love in and through us as He leads. Most of the time the expression of God’s love is merely a kind word, or a hug, or perhaps a holy kiss, but as God deems appropriate and needed, it can be a whole lot more.
The Tabernacles Experience is the love of God shed abroad in our hearts. Divine Love is the next, greatest, and final move of His Spirit in this church age. Those who reject God’s advances fall prey to the Antichrist Spirit. The spirit of iniquity that already works in this world allows for all forms of intimate expression, except true agape love shown as God Spirit leads through His people. This should be telling in and of itself.
In conclusion, I know that from the standpoint of most Christian believers what I say seems like a recipe for disaster. However, fully yielding to God’s Spirit in every area of our lives is actually the only way back to the Garden. We cannot eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and live a Spirit lead life. It simply does not work that way.
God bless,
So good – love this article! So many different types of connections, but all such a blessing a His Spirit leads us.
Jesus said they will know us by our love. And when He prayed for us before He left the earth, He asked His Father to make us one as He and the Father are one. He wasn’t talking about “fellowship” but “oneness” – there is a difference, and I think we usually settle for fellowship in the body of Christ out of fear of sin. How blessed we would be if we would be TRULY led by the Spirit, trusting that what He leads us into is NOT sin – letting Him set holy and pure spiritual boundaries, not doctrinal ones. Then He could show us the oneness He was talking about – oneness with Him in us and us in Him, and His Spirit in all of us drawing us together to make us one. . .it’s a taste of heaven. . . 🙂
Thanks for sharing!
Dear CL,
I really like what you said,
” How blessed we would be if we would be TRULY led by the Spirit, trusting that what He leads us into is NOT sin – letting Him set holy and pure spiritual boundaries, not doctrinal ones.”
That is spot on! I love revelation flowing through my brothers and sisters, it is like a drink of cold water in the desert.
The undestanding, given by His Spirit, is that what God leads us into cannot be sin and that is pivital for everyone in this day. As we break the restraints of man’s traditions and give way to God’s desires, He works in us as He worked in His son Jesus Christ. We do only that which we see and hear our Father do. We conform to His image and likeness. Way kewl. Thank you for sharing.
Blessings to you!
Nowhere else does 1+1 equal 1, except in Divine Love, and Holy Intimacy. “A man shall leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” And therein lies the mystery of Divine Love.
Seek and you shall find.
Much Love, Sheila
Dear Sheila,
Great comment, thank you for sharing. I wonder if that is why God says, “let us make man in our image and likeness”, then goes on to say, “God created he him; male and female”. Maybe, like you say, God really only recognizes man and women as one being.
Big hugs,