Spiritual Connections and Intimate Healing
God is the author of our intimate nature
In the beginning God looked upon what He had made and said it was very good. Our sexual nature, which God gave to us, is at the very center of who we are. Our bodies, with all their reproductive organs and sensations are holy and good. We are created to be sexual beings bringing forth, after our kind, abundantly. Indeed, couples often mention God, as if to thank Him, during the act of marriage.
Naked and unashamed was just a fact of God’s new creation. There was no shame because we did not know sin. If Eve hadn’t eaten of the forbidden fruit, chances are, we would all be naked to this very day.
We are all in need of intimate healing
Shame is the nexus of evil in our lives and it derives power from our distorted and damaged sexual nature. In the beginning, we were created with wholly intact intimate natures. However,through sin we felt ashamed of our bodies and covered part of ourselves. This symbolic act represented a deeper and more fundamental repression of who we were. We knew shame and that shame manifested itself in a panic. Adam and Eve hid what they believed to be indecent. Since that time hardly anyone has ever never known what love without lust is when it comes to the opposite sex. Shame, in fact, is the source of all perversion.
In truth, because that part of us is damaged, guilt in that one area affects everything else in our lives too. The reality is that people who are sensitive to God are also often very sexual in nature. Satan uses their God given intimate nature to tempt them into all kinds of trouble. Satan, sensing who people may become in God, tries to destroy them through violating their intimate nature.
Hiding our pain because we are ashamed
Many of us are, sexually speaking, the walking wounded. These are the types of hidden areas that people carry around with them all their lives but never openly confess. Many learn to cope, but they never completely heal because of the damage done to their intimate nature. Others, too hurt to cope, simply spiral down until they end up dead of a drug overdose in some back alley. Intimate natures can be damaged through being abused or partaking of sin. In short, hardly anyone escapes from the effects of sexual sin.
How far will God go to save a soul? What are His boundaries? Does He care about offending our sensibilities? I would submit that, if God gave His only begotten son to die for our sins, that He will stop at nothing to heal a person also.
How far would you go to heal another?
There once was a woman who was bitter about a break up with her boyfriend. This man said he loved her and convinced her to sleep with him before marriage and she lost her virginity. Then, that same man left her for another woman. She was so bitter that all she spoke about was how she hated him. Friends and relatives could hardly stand to be around her because of the hate and pain pouring out of her in an unrelenting flood. Through lies and deceit, someone she trusted destroyed her intimate nature.
God gave me a heart for her even though I found it difficult to be in the presence of such bitterness. One day, feeling to pray for her, I asked her if she would let me do so. To my surprise she said “yes.” She was sitting down and so I came over and laid my hand on her. Though I have told this story many times before, I have never said “where I laid my hand.” God told me to lay my hand on her breast and I did. When I prayed her face instantly softened, relaxed and then, with a look of surprise, she exclaimed, “it’s gone!”
After that she was a different person. Everyone, family and friends, noticed that the bitterness and anger was gone. She no longer talked about her past boyfriend and seemed to be in her right mind once again.
Our secret places
If you’re honest with yourself, you’ll admit that in your secret places, the ones you never talk about, you’re in need of intimate healing too. Many feel worthless. Individuals harbor deep feelings of shame for what was done to them or guilt for what they did to others. Even knowing forgiveness does not erase or fix that part of our psyche. For many, our intimate nature is broken and we see no way to fix it.
However, I have good news for everyone: when God’s divine love comes God will heal those areas of pain and shame through the Body of Christ. Spirit led brethren will, as it were, lay hands on your intimate areas to deliver you from the hurt you carry deep within you. God will, through His divine love, move those whom you spiritually connect with to figuratively and sometimes literally touch those areas that are the source of your pain and intimately heal your souls and spirits.
The only true love is from Above
God will do a new and holy work. Returning to innocence will allow God to deal directly with deep seated wounds at the very core of who we are. We will trust those He sends to heal us because we trust our Father in them. You, like the woman I described above, will know sudden relief from your pain. I want to tell you that hope and help are on the horizon. God will completely heal you through receiving His Divine Love. Be encouraged and comforted, the glorious liberty of the sons of God is at hand.
This is so comforting. It’s like a kiss of freedom. There isn’t anywhere God’s love won’t go. 💛
Healing feels like a process (sometimes it feels very slow) and having this revelation to look back on really helps.
Dear Kimberly,
Healing is a process, but it does not have to be a long process when Jesus is involved. Many people find it difficult to overcome bad experiences, because the hurt and pain causes them to literally hide from love. The very thing they need to be made whole is what they fear the most. This is why there are so many that are wounded in our churches.
Frankly, instead of being a place of healing, many practices within congregations actually contribute to keeping us bound and fearful. The Godly intimacy we need to open up to another, is often denied us by well meaning, yet deceived clergy which mistake God loving us for sin.
This is why Spiritual Connections are so important. Tabernacle love, because it is God’s nature, cuts through all the man-made barriers to the intimacy. This experience of God in us allows us to trust on another enough to open ourselves to be healed. It is like the leper which came to Jesus, knowing that everyone else fear his disease, yet he trusted Jesus to touch and heal him.
When God manifests in a brother or sister, we immediately open to them, because we were created to trust and be open to our Lord. Thus, like a mother who pulls out a sliver, we trust Jesus in another to deal with things that are too painful for us to treat.
Agape love, no matter how it manifests, heals and cleanses us from this worlds pain. Jesus healed all those who came to him, not just some. Heartbreak in all its various forms is our malady and Jesus is the cure. He is that missing part of us that we need to be made whole again. Our Father created us to love Him and when we find Him, even in another, everything, like the leper, is right again.
Love is what will heal this generation. However, it must be true love from above and not the made-made substitute which always fails us. People need to be touched and feel accepted, but by God in us, not just ourselves. The reason Jesus made such an impact on the world is that He allowed His Father to manifest His nature through him. This is why people followed him and listened to what He said. It is why we still listen to what he says up to this day.
Healing is not complicated, it just requires two hands, two eyes, a mouth to speak, and a heart to be vulnerable and open to whatever the Holy Spirit desires to do. Truly, we have a lot to look forward to in each other!
Big hugs and lots of love,
I was just pondering on why we hide from the very thing that can heal us- love? Agape love is pure and from above but why do we fear it? Perhaps it’s from having a distorted view of “love?” Or a distorted view of God? (Who is love) Also, a disconnection between the heart and mind? We say and think God is good (and He truly is ❤) but if our hearts believe this then why do we hide?
Personally I want to believe He is always good (because He is) but it just seems like there’s a disconnection between my heart and mind…..
Dear Kimbers,
Thanks for you comment, I really appreciate your questions and perspectives. We all benefit from honest, heart-felt discussions about love.
One of the reasons, I believe, why we tend to want to hide from love is lack of trust. We simply don’t trust those who want to love us, because we have experienced how hurt we can become when they fail. Having our hearts totally open to someone only to be disappointed, is a pain like no other. Once our trust is broken with one person, it is harder to open up towards the next. Though we may heal in time, after a few such disappointments, we learn that, even though we like the thought of opening up our hearts, we dare not do so.
Our society associates physical love so strongly with true love, it is like there’s practically nothing else. The truth is, though, that a great deal of love happens outside the bedroom, and emotional love is just as important. What happens with the Tabernacle Experience, is that we begin to love as God loves. His love is selfless, pure, kind, generous, and compassionate. He seeks our blessing and wants what is best for us. Thus, we find that we can trust His love and instinctively open up our hearts to Him. The other aspect of Tabernacle Love is that God’s love comes through a saint or saints of His choice. As He inhabits another brother or sister, we feel God’s love flow through their vessel, which is their body. We see Jesus in their eyes, hear Him in their voice, and feel Him in their touch. Furthermore, it is a non-sexualized love, because it is agape love. Thus a holy kiss is only an expression of God’s love and not an invitation to go to bed.
We have been taught to fear intimacy, because of what I just said. Though we long to be close to another, we fear what it may lead to, therefore we distance ourselves from such expressions altogether. In effect, the Devil tells us that to experience the depth of love we desire, we must be sexual. The truth is, though, that people can love each other and be very close without wanting or being tempted to take it further than God desires.
This is a really difficult concept to get across to those who have not yet experienced Jesus’ Divine Love. When I tell someone that a holy kiss is simply an expression of God’s love through another saint, they want to know what type of kiss is it? Is it a peck on the cheek or and deep, passionate kiss? Their minds can possibly embrace a peck, while they are sure that a French kiss must be fleshly. However, and this is the point that most people have difficulty with, it doesn’t matter what type of kiss it is, as long as God is expressing Himself through it.
It is our distorted view of what love is (mainly physical) that prompts us to focus on how intimate the kiss is. We must come to understand that a holy kiss is not a method that is the same with everyone. A holy kiss is an expression of God’s love towards an individual and it is tailor made by Him to show the amount of love in the way that they need to experience Him the time He does it. Thus, for some it is a peck and for others it is more intimate. We can never know what God will do until He does it.
For most people, what they need from God is a safe place to love and be loved. Once they know that opening up their hearts is not an invitation to sexual intimacy, then they can relax and just be themselves, receiving the love He gives. Only carnal people imagine that Godly intimacy will result in sinful behavior. They do this because the sin they fear in others dwells, in fact, in themselves. However, to the pure all things are pure and to those who love as God loves, their actions are only the actions of a loving, heavenly Father.
Big hugs and lots of love,