Tabernacle Center

Tabernacles in a Real, Tangible Way

(To do the impossible, you must see the invisible)

Lately, I have been feeling led to build a Tabernacle Center. Elysia, in the Seraph Hunter series, is one of the seven realms of God in which His Seraphs dwell. Though this concept is somewhat fictional and geared towards the Seraph Hunter books, it also has some real-world application.

As believers, one of our goals is to bring the Kingdom of Heaven down to earth in a real, tangible way. For me, as an apostle of the Tabernacle Blessing, that translates into the concept of creating a place, here on earth, where people can come and experience what it is like to live Tabernacles. A space, if you will, where people can come and see what Divine Love is and how it works out in a practical setting.

Every Journey Begins with a Single Step

Every journey starts with a simple decision to take the first step. No matter how far we intend to go or how difficult our excursion, it all starts with a decision to move out in faith. Therefore, I am just going to start writing about this foretaste of heaven and believe God to lead and guide us in realizing this vision.

Therefore, I am writing the vision and speaking it out so that we can imagine what a place where we can experience Tabernacles is like. What does an environment look like where people can spiritually connect without fear of judgment from others?

Elysia, or the Tabernacle Center, will be a physical place whose overarching purpose will be to articulate the Tabernacle Vision as clearly as possible in all we say and do. It’s core mission is to demonstrate what Tabernacles is to those who wish to experience this blessing. It is a place that promotes personal revelation though the sharing of God’s Divine Love with one another.

What Do I Mean?

At this stage, what I envision is a sort of center where people can come to fellowship with others who have experienced Tabernacles. During short term conferences or stays, we will host workshops that discuss what the Tabernacle Blessing is. Our desire is that people come and taste and see that the Lord is good. Then, after they have learned through personal involvement, they can testify of what they know with whomever God leads them to share with.

Spiritual connections, of whatever form, are given through God’s Spirit. We cannot make them happen, all we can do is be open for them to take place and allow God to do what he wants. Therefore, coming to any Tabernacle meeting implies a willingness to set aside preconceptions so that we can experience God in whatever way He desires.

What Would a Meeting Be Like?

For instance, during a meeting of Tabernacles, we would first set some guidelines that people should follow. Notice that I did not say ‘rules’, because in Tabernacles, if done correctly, there are no rules except what the Holy Spirit sets at the time He sets them. Our basic tenet is that whatever is not of agape love is sin, so if you act in a way contrary to selfless love, you know you are not acting in a Tabernacle manner.

An initial orientation would be given so that people understand the scope of what we hope to achieve during the meetings. After that there would be scheduled breakout sessions to share about different aspects of Tabernacles. Some of these topics could be as follows.

  1. Experiencing Spiritual Connections.
  2. What is a Holy Kiss?
  3. What does God want to accomplish through the Tabernacle Blessing?
  4. How does God heal us through spiritual union with another saint?
  5. Divine Mates vs. Spiritual Connections
  6. The Bride of Christ
  7. We are children of the supernatural
  8. How to be led of His Holy Spirit
  9. How to overcome sin
  10. Doctrine vs. Revelation

A Bit of Heaven on Earth

The Tabernacle Center would be loosely based on what we imagine the New Heavens and New Earth to be. Ideally, it would be either set on a hill or on the slopes of a mountain range. There would be a meeting hall in conjunction with a professional kitchen because, after all, it is the “feast” of Tabernacles. The food would tend towards healthy fare, without being too restrictive. On-site there would be gardens including a large greenhouse. The center would also be landscaped appropriately to represent the restoration of all things.

Moreover, there would be seven small apartments located around the sanctuary and then, eventually, 24 apartments located around them. The seven would be for those who live permanently at Elysia and the 24 apartments would be for those who visit for short periods of time.

Learning Through Experience

When people visit, they learn through experience. They experience Tabernacles through hearing and doing. Tabernacles is an experience, therefore in order to know it you have to immerse yourself in it. Those who wish to know God, do it best when experiencing Him though His saints. Moreover, Elysia is a place where everyone works together, prays together, and worships together.

One of the ways Elysia supports itself is through renting out the 24 cottages as Air BnB units. Another way that we can earn money is to rent out our facilities as an wedding event venue.

Our Compass is the Holy Spirit

In conclusion, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. However, you do need a direction to head towards. As I receive revelation, and as we progress, I will add to this blog section. We also welcome your comments and suggestions.

Big hugs and lots of love,


Better place by Rachel Platten