Kissing Towards God: The Sign Of The Bride
In this essay, I write about a topic that is considered taboo in Christianity. If frank discussions of intimacy bother you, please do not continue reading.
How do you know that you are part of the Bride of Christ? Some say the measure is holiness, some say faithfulness, but I say to you the sign of the Bride is,
It is a pure revelation to know God as He truly is. In fact, the literal meaning of worship is “kissing towards” God. So much of Christianity is about barriers, however, so much about YHWH is about glorious liberty. In fact, if you are a Spirit led Christian, everything about your life tends towards freedom.
The Bride is essentially the Last Eve, just as Christ is the Last Adam, the pattern son for all humanity. Originally, just as Eve was taken from Adam, she was brought back to Him as a wife. The Bride is born of the Holy Spirit, yet through grace becomes one with that same Holy Spirit.
The direction we are heading
Intimacy has many forms and expressions. Divine Love can be a look of heart-felt kindness, to a comforting Hug, all the way to Holy Consummation, In all these ways God expresses His love through us to one another.
In the Spirit, there are no barriers, yet nothing we do is inappropriate. There are no do’s and don’ts because there is no law for those who walk in the Spirit. The only law we follow is the the law of love, doing as Gods leads at the time He leads us to do it.
Perfection of heart and motive seems unobtainable to most. Our natural minds simply cannot comprehend living in sinless perfection. However, for the Spirit led, purity is as natural as breathing. I know that we are not there yet, but this is the direction we are heading.
Here is a truth,
Revelation and Intimacy are one in the same
The truth about love feasts is that revelation and intimacy are one in the same. You cannot have revelation without intimacy and you cannot be intimate without revelation. That is why the early church spoke of “love feasts”. The strong revelation they experienced naturally led to intimate expression. The barriers that normal society placed on people simply vanished. People acted as they would have in the Garden of Eden had Adam never sinned. God created us for intimacy and, as led by His Spirit, they were as intimate with each other as God desired.
The behavior of the Body of Christ is about to challenge everyone’s worldview. Divine Love is literally dividing the Bride of Christ from everyone else in these last days. If you don’t believe me, note your initial reaction to the featured picture on this post.
Don’t be afraid of a Holy Kiss
We have been set up by fallen Lucifer to fear kissing towards God. If you associate expressions of intimacy with worldly sin, you are predisposed to reject YHWH’S advances. However, God created all forms of intimacy and when we yield to His Spirit, in any area, whatever we do is by definition holy and pure.
Most people get scared when they stand on a high places, yet eagles feel completely at ease; why is this so? Well, normal men and women fear falling to their death, while eagles anticipate stretching their wings to soar. The same is true of those who have the Holy Spirit leading and guiding them into Divine Love.
God says,
“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31
God gives us the ability to be perfected through His only begotten son. In Christ, as we give ourselves fully over to that same Spirit, we become His perfect Bride. Likewise, as the Lamb’s wife, we are naturally intimate with God and each other.
Kissing towards God
Nothing was restrained from Christ because Jesus didn’t want to do anything his Father didn’t want to do. What made the son of God controversial, though, is that God’s will included much more than the religious leaders allowed. Likewise, YHWH’s liberty in our day is as an ocean, whereas what Church leaders believe is appropriate is as a mud puddle.
Like an eagle, we soar on the winds of God’s Spirit, going places humans without His Spirit can’t attain. To some, this makes them envious. However, there is no need to be jealous, the Holy Spirit is a free gift that anyone can have for the asking. Allow God to give you the wings to soar in the Spirit too!
Loved all the recent essays, each leading into the other going further and deeper into this Revelation of God’s Divine love and intimacy. It is true that revelation is the product of intimacy with God. It is as much a holy and right by-product of union with God as the fruits of the Holy Spirit are to those who are lead and filled by His Spirit.
This came up today that I wrote a year ago. I feel is very relevant so will share it here too…
“When you become Spirit filled children of God, Ambassadors of Christ, YOU become a temple of the Holy Spirit to dwell.
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom, not only for us, but freedom for God to have movement here on earth. It is how God reaches out and touches us in this creation.
Scripture states ‘we love because He loved us first’ (1 John 4:19). We love with the Love of God, not any other kind of love, but Divine Love. We emanate God’s Love and Peace through all we do to others. Again scripture shows us ‘do unto others as you would have done to yourself’ (Luke6:31) I am going to apply it in the context here of: you Love others as you would be Loved yourself.
The hand you give someone to lift them up.
The hug you give someone to comfort them.
The holy kiss you give someone that they know they are touchable.
The smile you give someone so they know they are not invisible.
The coffee/meal you buy a stranger and eat with them so they feel worthy.
The shoulder you give someone who needs to cry and let out their pain.
The ear you give someone who needs to talk.
The words of encouragement someone needs that may prevent them doing something drastic.
Help them ‘taste and see’ that the Lord is indeed good, very real and relevant to them in their lives. Cause them to feel that they are worthy and whom God wants to know personally, intimately.
Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Divine Love, Intimacy, Unity, Peace, Reconciliation, Light, Healing and Freedom. Amen.
Much love and peace in Christ ?
Dear Esther,
Thank you for your comment, I think it is very appropriate and insightful. I came to a rather startling conclusion today. I have been living in a love feast for quite some time, but have been calling it by various other names such as spiritual connections, the first love of Eden, Divine Love etc. The truth is they are all just facets of the love feasts. In fact love feasts are just life as God meant it to be in the Garden of Eden.
Big hugs and many Blessings,
Dear Beloved,
In any restored truth, especially when it is a major piece of the puzzle, there is a sense newness. Having not experienced much divine intimacy before, it seems unusual and even awkward at first. The inclusion of sensuality into our Christian belief system can be quite a shock to those steeped in Christian doctrine.
However, the shock is not from divine intimacy as much as it is from the lack of it. We have been so starved for Divine affection, that once someone genuinely hugs or kisses us, we don’t know what to do with it. It’s like a thirsty man suddenly finding a clear, cool stream in the desert; he rushes to it and drinks as if his life depends on it. It is isn’t pretty or decorous, but should expect anything else?
Likewise, people who demand others experience Divine Love “properly” have unreasonable expectations. You simply can’t demand a thirsty man to sip daintily on a cup of water; it isn’t going to happen. Moreover we shouldn’t expect it to happen that way either. Furthermore, given the same situation, we wouldn’t do any better than they.
Tabernacles is going to be messy according to the natural man. If people thought the apostles were drunk, Tabernacles is going to make us look like we are high on something. Oddly enough, that is not far from the truth, for the Tabernacle Experience is the high that addicts crave. The only thing is that God is a positive addiction with no side effects except holiness. What many addicts are, in truth, are simply those who have a profound need to touch God, and are willing to do anything to feel Him. They just don’t know what they are seeking.
I actually think the majority of the body of Christ is trapped in very desperate places throughout the world. I think that the members of Christ’s body are experiencing every type of sin imaginable. I believe they were marked out by Lucifer for special treatment from the moment of their birth, slated to be destroyed by every means possible.
In fact, most of potential saints are mired in so much sin that only God’s Divine Love can bring them out. Persecuted from birth, these diamonds in the rough are demonized through hurt and abuse with exteriors that look nothing like potential mates of the Most High.
Those who are well have no need of a healer. It is telling that Jesus most often dinned with sinners that the religious people felt were unworthy. In this coming move of God’s Spirit, know that we are going to see people make mistakes and there will be excesses. However, the heart of everything will be God’s Divine Love.