
Paul says,

“And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:”

Hebrews 9:27


“And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.”

Daniel 12:2

It is odd to me that people rarely speak plainly when it comes to talking about the judgement of Christ and what happens afterwards.  People make this event so awesome or so terrifying that the real facts are obscured.  Here, briefly, is what is really going on.

We are immortal beings

The truth is that you are not mortal… only your body is.  What is housed in your body is an eternal spirit (you) along with an eternal soul (also you.) The combination of your spirit and soul is the real you and it cannot die. When your body dies, your soul and spirit do not cease to exist. They wait in a place called Sheol along with everyone else until the day of  judgement.  Just before the great judgement Jesus resurrects you. At that time He reunites you with your body (which is now glorified and made immortal too). Christ weighs you in the balance as you stand before Him.

No one escapes this, be they great or small, rich or poor, young or old.  At this time you are judged according to the things you have done, good or evil, during your lifetime.  A record of everything you do is kept and will be reviewed by Jesus to determine your judgement or reward.  Then, Jesus will check to see if your name is in the Lamb’s book of life.  When Jesus finds your name written the book of life, your sins are not held against you. If your name isn’t in the Lamb’s book of life, you must pay the penalty for your sins. That means you will be cast into the lake of fire forever.

God never intended the Lake of Fire for mankind

God created the lake of fire as a punishment for Lucifer (now called Satan) and the angels that rebelled against God in a time before this creation.  Hell is eternal because God created it to punish eternal beings. This place of torment never meant for mankind, but if a man chooses serve Satan then he will suffer his same fate.

Conversely, the reason it is good to accept Jesus Christ is that you will be welcomed into heaven as a friend.  You will live forever with Jesus, His Father God, and the other people who are saved.  All the pain and suffering you have experienced in this world will fade from memory like a bad dream.  There will be no sickness, no death, and no sorrow.  You will experience total love and acceptance for eternity.

We will all live forever, it is just a matter of where

God resurrects everyone and they receive an immortal body…not only the just.  Those YHWH takes to heaven live forever. Those who He casts into the lake of fire die forever away from His presence.  Once you are in either place your lot has been cast and you will forever live with that choice.

There are no second chances, no do-overs, no back doors.   After Jesus renders judgement there are only two possible outcomes.  No one who goes to heaven will ever leave and no one cast into the lake of fire ever escapes.   You only have this life to decide your fate and after that you cannot change that decision.  If you die without accepting Christ, Hell is your only possible future. The choice is entirely yours.  Their is no such thing as fate, because God has given all men and women free will. We are free to decide to accept or reject His Son Jesus Christ.

Hell is hell, no matter what form it takes

Some doubt that God really casts people into a literal lake of fire.  I say this is moot point because if these descriptions are not literal it is only because our earthly language lacks the ability to describe their true horror.  If it is not a “lake of fire” the reality of  that place is actually much worse. The only problem is we cannot imagine or describe it.

In conclusion, these are the facts of the matter.  You cannot escape them for  they will find you.  God only allots you one life to live. You have the choice whether to accept or reject Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.  Jesus choose to die in your place because He knew it was the only way that you could be saved.  He knew it was the only way He could save you from everlasting torment.

Here is a anonymous quote:

“The actions of your past determine the consequences of today. To change your future alter your decisions today.”

While you live, the future (good or bad), isn’t set in stone. 

God says,

For God says, “Your cry came to me at a favorable time, when the doors of welcome were wide open. I helped you on a day when salvation was being offered.” Right now God is ready to welcome you. Today he is ready to save you.”

2 Corinthians 6:2 (the living bible)

God knows whether or not you’ll make heaven your home, but the decision to go there is strictly your own.  I have told you the truth: what you do with it is up to you.

Spirit Led Me by Hillsong