inside you

Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask that you will help all those who read this essay to know, through your Holy Spirit, that You dwell in each and every believer who speaks with other tongues. I ask that You give your people a revelation of the power of the Spirit of Elijah, Your Holy Spirit, that is able to move mountains with the smallest of faiths.  I ask that You enlighten the minds and hearts of your people so that they will understand that “Emanuel” desires to walk this Earth again in them. Amen.


The Spirit of Revelation inside you


The Spirit of revelation is upon me this evening and I feel compelled to write to all those who have ears to hear what His Spirit is saying to this generation.  It is not a small thing when God speaks and we, as His people, should consider listening to the words of our Father as He communicates His will and desires to us.


The Body of Christ


Tabernacle Blessing

We are the Body of Christ.  We are God incarnate on this Earth at this present time.  As the world looks at us they are supposed to see Jesus Christ looking back at them.  When people of the world hurt they are supposed to feel the healing touch of God through our fingers.  The world cries and Christ in us comforts them. What people need and really desire is to experience God with them and the way that our Father has chosen to do this, at this time, is through the many-membered body of believers that he is uniting under Christ, as our head, by His Holy Spirit.


Share the treasure that is inside you


This treasure, which each one of us possess inside,  must be shared with one another.  We cannot be witnesses for God unless we experience Him in our lives.  People are literally dying because they don’t know how to allow God to live through them.  Like unfeeling travelers in the parable of the good samaritan, we pass by those who are hurting.


Here is a truth,


“People want God and only God.  Until they find God inside you, they won’t listen to anything we say.”

Only through becoming one with God will there ever be a unity of the Spirit.  Being of one heart and mind in Christ causes the unity of the faith. The fact that we believe different things only demonstrates we do not yet have the mind of Christ.

Having the mind of Christ is not something we can do in and of ourselves. The truth is that the unity of the Body of Christ results from a “shared” experience in Christ.  Divine Love is a by-product of the  “Tabernacle Blessing.”   Through becoming “one” with God we manifest His love to one another.  This is what knits the Body of Christ together. We ask for it and received it just like salvation or Spirit baptism.  We cannot save ourselves nor speak in other tongues.  Likewise, the Tabernacle Blessing is a free gift given from above to bless God’s children. 


For as many who are led by the Spirit of God


Be filled With His Spirit

Paul says,

 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.”

Romans 8:14

Being led by the Spirit is a fundamental characteristic of the sons of God. People, who know us, should say, “oh yeah, that person is always talking about hearing the voice of God and doing whatever He says.”

Be filled with the Love of God

In conclusion, do you know who is inside you? Are you allowing Christ to reveal Himself to others through you?  Seek the Tabernacle experience as a thirsty man seeks water in a desert.  Yield to the love of God when He fills your heart with it. Don’t be afraid to touch those who are hurting or needing reassurance.  

Above all, “trust God more than you trust those around you.”  YHWH is your master and you are His servant.  No one has the right to intervene in what God is doing through you.  Be a good and faithful servant so that Jesus says to you,

“His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.”

Matthew 25:23

How can I apply this teaching to my life?

Quiet yourself and pray

The next time someone speaks to you about a problem, silently pray and ask Jesus to speak to them through you. Consciously give Jesus the go-ahead to say whatever he wants.  Imagine yourself being transparent as the Holy Spirit speaks to the person before you.

As God speaks don’t judge the impact of what you are saying.  After all, most people do not have a personal encounter with God manifest in the flesh every day.  Simply let them know that God loves them and, in your heart, give all the glory to Him.


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