love feasts

God’s Divine Love Feasts

To begin with, we must never refuse to hear God’s voice just because His words are inconvenient.  We are a peculiar people, a people set apart for His service, servants of the Most High.

One of the main hindrances in the Body of Christ is that the leadership filters everything that the Holy Spirit says through their personal fears and prejudices until what actually gets to the people is so sanitized that it becomes almost useless. One of the reasons that I started the Final Feast is to provide a way to speak God’s truth to others without such filters.

Love Feasts are a revelation

What I am speaking to you today is a revelation. These words bring to light an understanding in God’s scriptures that has been lost to the church for many centuries. This is actually what God is saying to His people now and as such it may be much stronger meat than you are used to consuming. However, at some point, in order to “grow up” we must start to eat right.

What are “Love Feasts?”


Paul says,

“These are the men who are hidden reefs in your love feasts when they feast with you without fear, caring for themselves; clouds without water, carried along by winds; autumn trees without fruit, doubly dead, uprooted;”

Jude 12

In the early church there was a practice of feasting together and the main attribute of this fellowship was love.

The difficulty that many have fully understanding the New Testament scriptures is that we lack the early church’s frame of reference.  Not having shared the same types of spiritual encounters that they did we tend to try to fit their description of events into our own level of experience in God.

People feel Love feasts

For example, when an unsaved person tries to understand a saved persons experience they can’t because they lack the same frame of reference. When a saved person tries to understand a Spirit filled persons experience they can’t because the lack the same frame of reference. Likewise, when a Spirit filled person tries to understand what the apostles wrote concerning love feasts they can’t because they have never experienced it.

Moreover, to the unsaved the Bible is essentially a closed book because they lack salvation.  To people who have only experienced salvation, speaking in other tongues does not make sense to them; until they do.  To those who speak in other tongues, love feasts (unless they have experienced them) remain a vague reference to “something” which they do not fully understand.

Love Feasts are the natural outflow of God’s Divine Love

Love feasts are a natural result of the outpouring of Divine Love. They are not planned, they just “happen.”  When people feel God’s divine love flow through their hearts they naturally want to be together.  The power of the Spirit that led the first believers to have all things in common is the same Spirit that causes people to want to be together in love feasts.  When you feel the Love of God flowing through you it feels like stepping into paradise once again. Total peace and unity feels so “right” that you simply don’t ever want to leave.

The scriptures that encourage believers to “greet one another with a holy kiss” are part and parcel with the same experience of Divine love that results in love feasts.  In reality, you don’t even have to encourage people to do this because they naturally show their heart-felt affection to one another in this way.  Divine love causes people to open up to one another in total trust and acceptance.  Just as you would kiss a close family member you automatically show this level of comfort and affection to your Christian family too.

The Devil copies but never matches true Love Feasts

Often times what God does the Devil copies and debases.  This is true of almost every spiritual experience that God has for His people. Satan, knowing how God created mankind to function and interact with the spiritual realm, takes the good things that God created for His saints and perverts and twists them into evil shapes that our Father never intended.

This is true of love feasts also.  Rome became renowned for sensual debauchery, Love feasts are the opposite of that.  Whereas people who participate orgies only care about their pleasure at any cost, love feasts are the exact opposite of such selfish perversions.  In a love feast, the Holy Spirit leads everyone to show the appropriate amount of affection.  Believers never take advantage of another they are connected to by God’s Spirit.

We don’t understand what pure love is anymore


The truth is that hardly any of us understand what pure love is anymore. When we were children we often times did love special friends in this way but as we matured we forgot what selfless love was all about. The closest to that kind of love that many experience in their adult lives is their love for their children. In God’s kingdom, true love is more selfless than a parents love for their children.  God’s Divine Love only wants what is best for those He loves through you.  A holy kiss is not sexual in nature.  Even if a man kisses a sister in the lord, that physical expression is only a manifestation (or outward act) of a pure. loving heart.

You can’t understand Love feast with your natural minds

Right about now some who read this may be reeling in your minds and emotions. People think of all the different ways such freedom may be misused and abused.  You think that regardless of what I am saying you are sure that, in practice, this cannot be allowed.  Here is a truth,

“be careful that you do not try to steady the ark.”

 As God returns, don’t try to put your hand to what He does.  Like Uzzah, doing so may destroy you.

God says,

And David and all the house of Israel played before the Lord on all manner of instruments made of fir wood, even on harps, and on psalteries, and on timbrels, and on cornets, and on cymbals.  And when they came to Nachon’s threshingfloor, Uzzah put forth his hand to the ark of God, and took hold of it; for the oxen shook it.  And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for his error; and there he died by the ark of God.”

1 Samuel 6:5-7

This is God and natural men cannot control what happens.  Step out-of-the-way and let our Father take control of His own vineyard.

The first century church was beginning to move into the Tabernacle Experience

Certain sections of the first century church started to move into the Tabernacle Blessing.  We are one flesh and inhibitions drop, because we are of one heart and one soul.  Just as your hands rests comfortably on your body,  innocence brings familiarity many find disturbing.  Their freedom with each other stemmed from the fact that they were experientially the Body of Christ.

What does that really mean?  It means that people who come into the Tabernacle Blessing literally have no boundaries with each other. The only boundary is what the Spirit leads them to do when He leads them to do it.  Innocence leads to displays of affection that, in any other setting, would be inappropriate. However, to the pure all things are pure, therefore in Love feasts people love freely as the Spirit leads.

God is the author of physical affection


When we are children we are shown physical affection constantly from everyone.  Later, as you grow up, affection is limited to very defined areas in our lives.  However, this is more a construct of society than God. As God flows through us we return to the kind of innocence we experienced as a child.

Many believers in the first century church  grew up in a Roman society and had no idea what pure love was.  In Roman society love meant conquest, domination and exploitation.  In Rome most people were out for themselves and would do anything to anyone in order to fulfill their lusts. People don’t immediately do away with wrong concepts just because they come to church.  Paul and the other apostles had to deal with these types of issues in their day too.

Revivals are never tidy in a fallen creation

This brings me to a very important point: moves of God are rarely neat and tidy.  Births are unpleasant and messy, yet that doesn’t mean having children is wrong.  Likewise, the restoration of the Tabernacle Experience isn’t going to be any more orderly than the day of Pentecost. I declare that what happened to those in the upper room will be mild in comparison.  Remember, the Holy Spirit’s order is not our order.

In conclusion, I have given you a little glimpse of what a Love Feast is all about.  Much of what you may imagine it to be is not even remotely true of the actual experience.  It is not your fault though, you just have no frame of reference from which to understand it. Just know that it is part of the restoration of all things. Rejoice because it is a foretaste of the world to come.  The Tabernacle Experience is what you have been longing for all your life and it will heal and make you whole in ways that you cannot yet imagine.

Paul says,

“But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”

1 Corinthians 2:9