Love Someone In God
God is way cool. The revealed sons of God are simply going to be the most awesome presence this world has seen since Jesus. It’s going to be fun, it’s going to be felt, and it’s going to be “swag” done right!. I can’t wait to see and experience God in my brethren. I am sooooo… looking forward to it!
Actually, I think a holy kiss pretty much sums up all of creation. When you love someone, the expression of intimacy and vulnerability is really why God spoke the worlds into existence.
Our natural minds limit us
When we limit our faith to what our natural minds can comprehend and accept, we miss almost the entirety of what YHWH is all about.
Most people, as they listen to “Love Someone by Dubfx” just see a street performer with a kewl song. However, what I see is a sidewalk prophet heralding a move of Divine Love that is about to sweep over the world.
Do You Hear The Revelation?
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