What Happened To Us?
We have all heard that the initial intense love relationship between two lovers tends to fail a year or two into the relationship. People say the “madly in love” stage is said to be transitory. However, is that really so or is there another reason that we do not continue to be deeply and passionately in love?
One possible reason may be that people try to fill the longing and need they have for God with the love that should only be filling the need they have for a mate. The couples love is simply stretched too thin and, while it initially satisfies all their needs, eventually it fails.
When natural love is not enough
We are all created with a what is termed “Olam” in Hebrew. That is, our Lord fashions a God-shaped vacuum in our innermost being that only He can fill. Many spend their lives trying this thing or that thing to satisfy their need for a relationship with the Almighty. Women, Drugs, Money, Fame, Power etc. can’t fill this void but no matter how hard they try.
When lovers fall out of love
People, who have this inner need for God, initially feel “made whole” when they fall deeply in love. There is a sense of fulfillment, purpose, and all the world becomes right for a season. However, our need for God is so profound that no earthly love can satisfy it for very long. As the initial feeling of completeness begins to wear off people fear they are falling out of love. What is actually happening, though, is that their need for God resurfaces and that brings about their dissatisfaction.
What is needed is for people to have a strong love relationship with each other and with God. You can have both for they are not mutually exclusive. When God is satisfied with an ongoing and deepening relationship, you can spend your earthly love where it belongs.
Allow God to be in the center of your love
God continually repleshes your Olam (inner need for God) when you align yourself with His plan. Truly, the “madly in love stage” never has to fail if God fills us. If you want your love relationship to deepen simply love God and satisfy all your needs at the same time.
Dear Brethren,
When you listen to Pink you instantly know what she’s singing about. Many of us have experienced the euphoria of falling in love only to have it slip away little by little. It is like slow, painful death that leaves our souls wondering what happened.
In fact, what happens when we first fall head over heels for someone is that we enter for a moment into true love, the kind that existed in Eden. It feels so right and brings life to us because we were created by God to know such agage love. However, such love cannot be sustained except by the Spirit of god Himself. Our own earthly love will always ultimately fail leaving us disappointed. Thankfully there is hope for God’s love never fails.
Only when we allow God to love through us, to possess us body, heart, and soul, can we love completely and unreservedly. It is an experience just like being filled with the Holy Spirit. We can ask and receive the love of God just like asking for the Holy Spirit. The key is to be willing to open up to Jesus so that He can live His life through you. Not I, but Christ that lives in us. This is what happened in the first century when Peter walked through the streets and healing people by his shadow. It was not Peter who healed but Christ in Peter, living and walking among His people once again, who performed the miracles through him.
Jesus suffered the Cross willingly because the love that dwelt inside him empowered him to endure the shame and torture for us. He loved us so desperately that He willingly took our place and suffered our fate so we would not have too. Likewise, it is only the very nature of God, who is love, that can enable us to love so completely. In heaven there will never be seperation because the love of God will unite us forever.