Are You Willing To Marry The Man of God’s Choice?
There are many different things that women look for in men. Some seek wealth and security, others seek physical appearance, still others seek men with social standing. However, many women look deeper than that and value men of character who will be faithful and lead them spiritually. For many ladies, finding a Godly man is tops on their list. How do you marry a Godly man? Furthermore, where are they and how do you meet one?
To begin with, are you a godly woman?
- To begin with, are you a godly woman? If you want to find a godly man examine your walk with God first. Godly men are attracted to spiritually minded women who demonstrate their faith. I am not talking only about going to church or dressing conservatively. What I am talking about is your inward walk with Jesus. Do you volunteer for ministries that feed the poor, visit the sick, etc. Do you pray and obey His voice? What is your conversation about when you speak with other ladies? Are you a gossip or do you keep people’s confidences? Are you sensitive to God’s Spirit and do you do what He says to do when He says to do it? A godly man will be attracted to the Holy Spirit in you
Do you trust God?
- Are you willing to trust God and allow Him to lead you to a Godly man? Most of us look at others and size them up by outward appearance. However, God looks upon the heart. If you truly desire a godly man you must do the same. Many men of God do not fit the worlds definition of success. They look rough and you may find them outside the norm of society because, when you walk with God, you do not fit in with the world. If you desire a true servant of God, learn to look past your natural mind and see, with spiritual eyes, what God sees.
Are you willing to see his heart?
- Many men of God are diamonds in the rough. Though they are precious, they need some cleaning up. Until they find their God give mate, possibly you, they will not become all that they can be in Him. Though God knows the future or the husband He wants to give you, in the present He may not look exactly as you envision your husband to be. This is where you must hear the voice of God and trust Him to join you with the man He knows is best. Remember, it is what God joins together that no man should put asunder. God leads you to marry and it should not be a decision you do all by yourself.
Are you flexible?
- If you want to marry a true man of God, expect the unexpected. To find a man who loves God (and marry him) you cannot have everything pre-planned in your natural mind. Many women are very detailed in what “they” want in a man and “how” it is going to happen. Men of God do not live by their natural minds and if you want to marry one you cannot live that way either. Be flexible in God and do what He says when He says to do it.
- When God selects a man of God for you He does not mess around. Usually, if the Spirit is truly leading you to marry a man of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit will move fast. You will need to trust what God says more than what your natural mind or those around you tell you. Many women miss their opportunity to marry their king David because they meet him when he is still running around in the wilderness avoiding Saul. However, take a lesson from Abigail and recognize and marry your man of God when the opportunity presents itself even if it is unexpected.
Are you respectful?
- Do you respect men? This is perhaps the most important key to finding a godly man. Godly men are made in the image and likeness of God. They manifest His Spirit and take on their Fathers perspectives and attitudes. God Himself values a humble and contrite spirit and resists the proud. If you want to find a good man to marry conform to the attitudes of godly women in the Bible and resist the proud and haughty spirit of this age. Seek to be submissive in a society that promotes women power. Seek to be humble and helpful, putting others first in Christ. Consider having the attitude of Sara who respected Abraham so much she called him Lord. If you, as a woman, seek to conform to how God made you to be, i.e. to be a help meet for a husband, no godly man can resist those divine charms.
When you fall in love with a godly man, you fall in love with God at the same time.
Dear Sisters in Christ,
Sometimes there is confusion when it comes to the notion of submission. Many times, the world portrays submission as weakness or a type of slavery. However, in God’s economy submission is true strength and enhances rather that detracts from a woman’s natural mystique and power.
Submission is a heart attitude. It is a woman’s willingness to take her position relative to her man or those in authority. God, in His wisdom, put Eve under Adam for he was not deceived. Likewise, submission is simply a recognition that God made a choice as to a woman’s position to protect her from Satan.
The true power of a woman lies in her becoming what God designed her to be; i.e. a helpmate. The glory of a woman, like her hair, is to be in submission to whatever authority God set over her, be that father, husband, or church leadership. Within that realm of submission, she can be as smart, industrious, serve in leadership positions, or do anything else that she is capable of doing. In fact, God withholds nothing from a woman if she is in submission to authority in her heart. For example, in a male dominated society the proverbs 31 woman did it all and her worth was far above fine rubies.
Submission is a willing sacrifice, given from the heart of the daughters of Eve. Godly men swoon over submissive females and are powerless in their charms. Submission is not helplessness but an active desire to be what God created you to be. As a woman takes her position relative to her man she allows God to make her and her spouse perfect in Him. We are created in the image an likeness of God and when both men and women strive to reflect God’s nature everything becomes and He intended.
It takes true courage for a woman in this time and culture is to be submissive. Women are taught to push and shove and roar (insert Katy Perry music) their way to the top. Militant feminism seeks to make females feel useless and marginalized for being mothers and wives. This is not the spirit of the bride but the haughty attitude of a Harlot church who seeks to ride even the beast of revelation.
True happiness for an eagle is to soar high in the sky. An eagle delights in being just what God created him or her to be. Likewise, our delight as men and women of God is to be exactly what our Father created us to be. Submission is the element in which a true woman of God soars and if you every have the good fortune to witness her flight, it’s simply breath taking.
Dear Connections,
I really like the song “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri, however, I do not like the music video that goes with it. Essentially, the Twilight series is about a young woman who falls in love with a vampire. Eventually, she decides to give up being human to turn vampire too. Along the way she rejects the werewolf who desires her also. Why portray divine love in such an non-divine setting?
The people who write and produce such movies hate God. Such perversions of God’s love seek to dull our matural aversion to Satanism. I ask you, what young woman would desire to marry someone who is cold,dead and must eat others to survive? How is that true love? You might as well become the bride of The Devil himself.
However, such things are so “normal” these days that people who create such movies make millions and millions of dollars doing so. It is just amazing and so wrong. It is a power demonstration of “Strong Delusion”.