Hello, I am very pleased to meet you!
My name is Michael and I, along with others, are the authors of the final feast.
I have not said much about myself before because I thought it largely irrelevant. So many seem to have a desperate need to know what “covering you are under” or what “doctrines you believe”. My answer is usually, “My covering is the Holy Spirit” and “My church is the Body of Christ.” These answers rarely satisfy and many continue to press until they find a “box” they believe I fit in. I assure you, though, I fit in no box. In fact, I have simply given up trying.
I stand before God and not before men
Through the years I have come to believe that the only allegiance I owe to anyone is to the Lamb of God. In order to receive His revelation, I simply cannot care about what others think, lest I change or color what He says. I do understand that a great deal of what I write challenges what Christians are taught is acceptable doctrine. However, in view of the state of the church and the Strong Delusion we live in, I do not think that’s a bad thing at all.
It is not my intention to offend, but I realize offense is inevitable. Moreover, I wish sometimes I could say the word of God in such a way that all could receive it. Such skill is beyond me though, and perhaps that is by design of our Father anyway. Know that I desire to help, heal, strengthen, and console rather that offend anyone. Let God help you to see Tabernacles Blessing for what it really is; God with us. I pray the truth sets you free as I have graciously been.
As for my calling,
I am an Apostle of Tabernacles
Some notes about contacting me.
I remember when I was seeking truth, I had a lot of difficulty talking with ministers that I believed could help me. Either they were too busy, or those around them would not allow contact. Therefore, I do wish to be available for those whom God desires to connect me with. However, because my time is limited, I would like to set some minimal guidelines.
- Please be as clear as possible in your initial email. If you are vague or ramble, it makes it difficult to reply.
- Be bold – trust that God is leading you and say exactly what is on your heart.
- I do not do interviews.
If I choose not to respond or do not keep up a correspondence, don’t take it personally. Also, I may initially ask someone else to talk with you, because of lack of time. I have instructed all those who assist me to prayerfully consider each request and be Spirit led as to who to ask me to talk with. I really want to be accessible to all those whom God is leading to speak with me.
God bless,
Dear Connections,
This website is intended to be a resource to those who wish to understand the spiritual fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles. I have written down much, but not all, God has taught and showed me over the last 30 years. As our Father begins to restore this final feast people will want answers to very deep questions.
These essays do not attempt to answer all these questions, for you must hear God for yourselves, but they do point the way to places you might find them. Take what you find useful and do not worry about the rest. What I say is VERY concentrated. That is to say, a little goes a long way.
If you begin to understand the magnitude of The Final Feast remember that all wisdom comes from God above. We are only men and women who are privileged to be filled with His Spirit. Never mistake the illumination of God in someone for something they possess in and of themselves.
God bless,
Dear Readers,
As I read over (while editing) my writings I realize that I don’t cut the church nor it’s leaders much slack. I have wrestled with this personally for some time. While as an individual it sometimes pains me to pen such things, when I write I try, as much as I am able, to accurately reflect what God is saying.
After much consideration, I do not feel led to moderate my tone as to the present Christian church. In fact, I am letting loose even more to write what the Holy Spirit speaks. As I do so, two things are happening: I am going deeper into the revelation of Divine Love and I am writing more about Strong Delusion.
My goal is not to please anyone but my Father and I know that I have left the realms of acceptability within the Christian church a long time ago. I desire, with all my heart, to simply reflect what God says as plainly as possible so that His truth be told without alteration of any kind. However that falls onto the paper, so to speak, is ok with me.
Dear Connections,
I really dislike institutionalized wickedness. Sometimes, institutions are simply incompetent and inadvertently harm those around them. However, there are others who know full well what they do and have given themselves over to do evil, believing that the end justifies any means necessary to perpetuate their existence.
I want to tell you plainly, though, that God is against such wicked organizations. When you hurt innocent people for personal gain, eventually the bill comes due in heaven. God hears the prayers of the oppressed. Evil only prospers for a season and then it is destroyed forever.
When God judges evil, His judgement may seem harsh, but it is righteous. God is long suffering and slow to anger, but when He chooses to move against those who oppress His children, His judgement is final.
Dear Connections,
Interestingly enough, I attended a very conservative Bible College for about five years. I know what sound doctrine is according to the normative church. I’ve read a fair amount of church history too, from after Christ ascended to the Latter Rain movement. I also love reading about classical history. I’m schooled in the basics of where most of the current Bible translations come from, what original texts they used and the various controversies surounding them. Moreover, I’m familiar with the major cults that proport to be Christian as well as the basic tenents of Islam.
I said all that to say this, I am fully aware of what I write and how it deviates from most organized religions and their dogmas. Being under no illusions. I accept that what I say will never be embraced by the normative church. In fact, I don’t even attempt to talk with Christians who are of that persuasion any longer. It’s not that I am exclusive or ascetic, it is just that I want to use my time wisely.
The Holy Spirit is leading me to focus on those who may benifit most from these revelations. Those who do not indentify with the Final Feast are well served by other portions of the Body of Christ.
The Bride of Christ, the Elect, are in every conceivable place. Some are in the church, but most Tabernacle saints find no place within orgainzed Christianity. In these writings I speak directly to the spirits of those who are the future wife of God. The Lamb’s Bride will hear His Spirit gladly for they know His voice. You don’t have to convince a woman in love to listen to her intended, she hangs on his every word. If what I say is true, you will know it by your spirit before you understand it with your mind.
The truth is this: those who are called out must come out. We cannot stay in Egypt to minister to those who will not leave it. We must actually stand at Mt Horeb to hear God’s voice, half way isn’t good enough.
Finally, by saying the truth, I am simply highlighting where we stand in relation to where God is. What you do with that and how you react to it is a matter of record at the Great White Throne judgement.