mirror mirror

“The natural world mirrors the spiritual world”

Specifically, the explosion of knowledge since the reformation, and hence technology in the natural world is due to the fact that the true church is nearing perfection in this age.

Here is a truth,

All truth comes through revelation from God and outside of God no truth exists.

As the Holy Spirit grows stronger within God’s people, so too does His illumination, rolling back the darkness of the natural world.  Sir Isaac Newton is a prime example of this.  He, an intellectual giant even among geniuses, was a biblical scholar. Isaac came to the conclusion that God was one centuries before it became common knowledge. 

I believe his drive to uncover the fundamental workings of the universe was an anointing. YWHW revealed these things to him because the time was right to move mankind towards the end of the age.  God often intervenes at certain times in History to bring about His desired plan. Chosen vessels receive revelation, whether theological or secular, moving the world forward to the end God desires.

Overlapping creations

Actually, the illumination that’s taking place is a function of the New Heavens and New Earth overlapping this creation.  Due to the fact that the Holy Spirit is a foretaste of our inheritance, things that are meant for the world to come are showing up in this church age.

A course correction, by divine intervention, happened when God confounded the languages at Babel. Allowing Nimod’s people to continue “as one” would have brought on the technological revolution too soon.  This was not according to God’s plan so He decided to “mix it up” a bit.

Technology is not of God

Odd as it may seem, computers, planes, and space travel is not God’s preferred lifestyle for mankind. Almost all of the modern world vanishes after this church age is wrapped up.  Our wondrous machines will be all but forgotten, existing like Atlantis, only as myth and legend. 

I know this is just speculation, but if Atlantis was a pre-flood reality perhaps they were the first world government.  When that pre-flood world government became completely corrupted, God did away with it. Moreover, YHWH hid their knowledge from us just as He will hide the knowledge of our civilization from those of the millennium.  It is amazing that approximately sixteen hundred years of world history is gone except for what we read in a few verses in the book of Genesis.

Tyrannosaurus Rex is a mirror image of a world fallen into continual violence

Another interesting point is that dinosaurs may have been simply a mirror of how big and evil certain rulers had become.  Perhaps the terrible violence of mankind was mirrored in the animal kingdom.  Also, the most feared of all the creatures was leviathan who was a type of Satan.  The reason why Dinosaurs did not survive the flood, is that God no longer allowed that level of evil to manifest in His creation, therefore, the animal kingdom no longer need reflect it.

A doctrine of revelation

I don’t know if people understand how I come up with these things so I want to explain the process for teaching purposes.  Most of our doctrine in the church today is derived from study of the scripture.  That is, people have a “set” of fundamental doctrines and they study the scriptures with these dogmas in mind. 

This “set” of master doctrines are fundamental postulates that are not open to question.  With these axioms in mind everything that scholars read must “fit” with these basic premises.  Therefore, when those who study God’s word come across something that does not fit their preconceived ideas, they reject these thoughts and never  re-examine their basic premises to see if they be true.  The fear of heresy keeps most from ever traveling down certain paths, good or bad, and thus limits them to proving what they already know.

Scriptures are just the beginning

I operate differently because of how the Holy Spirit works in me.  For me the word of God, as I understand it, is simply a starting point to knowing my Father.  I recognize that my understanding of His scripture only approximates the truth and that I need His input to really understand the deep things of His word.  I believe the Holy Spirit is the only one that can correctly lead and guide me into all truth and therefore I listen when He speaks.

God wants to speak to us directly

The revelation or revealing of what I said in this current Blog came just that way.  I was actually watching TV and it hit me that the natural world explosion of perfection is reflecting what is happening in God’s people.  I was not thinking about this at that particular time but the Holy Spirit just chose to drop that bit of information into my consciousness.  The fact that I am not afraid to consider most anything started me thinking about how the myth of Atlantis may have been the first world government that turned totally evil.  The way it was said to have been destroyed certainly sounds like something God would do.

We are secure in our Father God

When it comes to doctrine I am like a child who feels secure enough in his Father’s love and protection to play freely wherever His Holy Spirit leads.  I know that if I go off in some direction that is not in my or others best interests, my Father will gently pull me back onto His path.  This allows me to consider things that others might not.  Other theologians tend to operate from a place of fear when it comes to considering new ideas. They feel this way because they do not have the assurance that God will protect them if they venture off down some little known alleyway of inquiry.

It is ok to take a look at things and consider new ideas

To me it is O.K. to play with new concepts and see where they might fit in with what I already believe and know.  I am not so concerned with perfection in my doctrine and I can freely change my mind later if I see something is not fitting properly.  When I pick up a piece of new theology I test it and see how it looks overall with everything else I believe. Then, if it seems to work I lay it next to the other scriptures and consider it for a while.  Sometimes I go too far and have to take something out and discard it because, after reflection, it really does not harmonize with the whole of Gods word.

A lot of theories are fun to consider and I like knowing how things happened even in such distant places as pre-flood history.  However, though these types of ideas are interesting, they are less important than what God is currently doing.  It is always good to keep in perspective what is truly relevant and solid as opposed to what are just curiosities that add color to our doctrines.

God is a person, not a book

Brethren, don’t make the mistake of thinking your doctrine is God.  God is a person and not a book.  The Bible is about God and not God Himself.  People have elevated scripture to such an insane height that they are starting to worship it more than the One who wrote it.  Theoretically, if you did have just the pure word of God (meaning your theology) then you could say it accurately reflected God.   The truth is, though, that what you actually posses is just your particular doctrinal approximation of it. If you understand that your doctrines only approximates the true word of God and keep it supple then you are ok.  However, if you make the mistake of thinking you doctrine is perfect then you have, in fact, fashioned an idol.

It is a gospel of revelation

I am not primarily a teacher but a revelator.  God reveals things to me and I reveal them to others as best I can.  It is my hope and prayer that true teachers will get a hold of some of these uncovered truths and teach them to others, line upon line and precept upon precept, so that we may better know Him and become like Him.

Lastly, younger men and women of God need to benefit from those who have gone before them so that they can be encouraged to explore and come to know God for themselves.  This is important because, in the end, it will just be God and each one of us as individuals giving account for our lives at the final reckoning.

Paul says,

“But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.”

1 Corinthians 2:9

A Space Oddity By david Bowie and Sung By Astronaut Chris Hadfield