
Don’t Miss The Dance

I remember, praying in the back prayer room of CC&BTC’s large sanctuary.  As I prayed, I yearned to move forward with God in the connection move of His Spirit.  However, with all the turmoil in the church, I felt like we couldn’t progress further.

Unfortunately, through infighting among the leadership our church split in two.  The pastor remained with a small group and formed a new church.  The Elders, having wrestled the church from its leader, sought to carry on, but without God’s anointing or approval they could not.  Eventually, they liquidated the church and Community Chapel and Bible Training Center ceased to be.

Moving on with God’s Spirit

Though the moving of God’s Spirit derailed for a time, due to man’s arrogance and self-will, God always has a remnant.  In fact, if it is only few, God can make a nation from them if they will hear and follow His voice.  So too, the move of Divine Love, or what others call Agape Love, cannot be stopped, it can only be delayed a little.

Sure enough, there was more of what God wanted to do through His saints in the area of Divine Love.  In connecting us through His Spirit, God purposes to bring us Back to the Garden and restore our pre-fallen sinless state.  God says,

“This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.”

Galatians 5:16


“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.

Romans 8:14

God is Love, therefore we become love

The spiritual fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles is oneness with God.  Being one with God results in taking on His nature.  Therefore, our Bridegroom’s Love manifests itself through us in whatever way He deems necessary. Who are we to gainsay or resist the Spirit of the living God?

Divine love is the key to heavenly places in Christ Jesus.  Only through the unity of the Spirit do we regain access to the spiritual realm.  This website is a chronicle of someone who experienced spiritual connections at Community Chapel & Bible Training Center and journeyed on as God led.

Rhema is an ocean

The truth is, God has so much more for anyone who will dare hear His voice.  The Rhema of God is as infinite as He is, therefore, we all have much to learn.  As God manifests in and through each one of us, revelation will overflow like a great flood, covering the Earth with the knowledge of the Lord. This knowledge, though, will not come from the forbidden fruit, but by direct revelation from the mouth of God Himself.

In conclusion,  I am moving on with God and don’t intend to camp anywhere He is no longer at.  My desire and hunger is to be where God currently is.  I would prefer to do this with my brethren.  Let us all travel onwards with our Lord to the promised land of the New Heavens and New Earth wherein dwells righteousness.  I want to move as He moves forever. Amen.

God’s Great Dance Floor