Moving On With Connections

Don’t Miss The Dance
I remember, praying in the back prayer room of CC&BTC’s large sanctuary. As I prayed, I yearned to move forward with God in the connection move of His Spirit. However, with all the turmoil in the church, I felt like we couldn’t progress further.
Unfortunately, through infighting among the leadership our church split in two. The pastor remained with a small group and formed a new church. The Elders, having wrestled the church from its leader, sought to carry on, but without God’s anointing or approval they could not. Eventually, they liquidated the church and Community Chapel and Bible Training Center ceased to be.
Moving on with God’s Spirit
Though the moving of God’s Spirit derailed for a time, due to man’s arrogance and self-will, God always has a remnant. In fact, if it is only few, God can make a nation from them if they will hear and follow His voice. So too, the move of Divine Love, or what others call Agape Love, cannot be stopped, it can only be delayed a little.
Sure enough, there was more of what God wanted to do through His saints in the area of Divine Love. In connecting us through His Spirit, God purposes to bring us Back to the Garden and restore our pre-fallen sinless state. God says,
“This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.”
Galatians 5:16
“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Romans 8:14
God is Love, therefore we become love
The spiritual fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles is oneness with God. Being one with God results in taking on His nature. Therefore, our Bridegroom’s Love manifests itself through us in whatever way He deems necessary. Who are we to gainsay or resist the Spirit of the living God?
Divine love is the key to heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Only through the unity of the Spirit do we regain access to the spiritual realm. This website is a chronicle of someone who experienced spiritual connections at Community Chapel & Bible Training Center and journeyed on as God led.
Rhema is an ocean
The truth is, God has so much more for anyone who will dare hear His voice. The Rhema of God is as infinite as He is, therefore, we all have much to learn. As God manifests in and through each one of us, revelation will overflow like a great flood, covering the Earth with the knowledge of the Lord. This knowledge, though, will not come from the forbidden fruit, but by direct revelation from the mouth of God Himself.
In conclusion, I am moving on with God and don’t intend to camp anywhere He is no longer at. My desire and hunger is to be where God currently is. I would prefer to do this with my brethren. Let us all travel onwards with our Lord to the promised land of the New Heavens and New Earth wherein dwells righteousness. I want to move as He moves forever. Amen.
Dear Connections,
As I rode the shuttle back from the main sanctuary after service one day to the Bible College Campus. There was this one brother who wore a type of broad rimmed “The good, the bad, and the ugly” hat sitting near me. I could not help but overhear the conversation he had with a visitor to Community Chapel.
This visitor was from Casey Treat’s church. I remember very clearly how our Chapel brother lectured the visitor on the evils of Casy’s church, the Christian Faith Center. It struck me as prideful then and it still stands in my mind as a demonstration of how prideful we were in CC&BTC’ hayday.
God says,
“Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”
Proverbs 16:18
The truth is, we honestly believed we were better and more balanced than everyone else. We bought hook, line, and sinker, what Don Barnett told us concerning the abundance of revelation he shared. In retrospect, I now understand, that our legalism blinded us to much of what God wanted to teach us. Yet, in our hearts, we really did desired God and that is why He allowed us to experience a foretaste of Tabernacles.
God’s Rhema, or His spoken word, is infinitely vast. Every time we think we have “extraordinary” revelation we are only nibbling around the edges of a great feast that lasts forever. They day we think we have become something in Him is the day that we lose perspective and open ourselves up to deception. This is the primary sin of Chapel.
The difficult thing about revelation is that people persecute you for it. In a world of blind people, sight is heresy. Our natural reaction to those who hurt us is to retreat from them and become closed and separate. However, this is a trap of the devil, because when you do that you begin to lose perspective. Within Don Barnett’s church, no one could challenge him and so whatever He though or did went unchecked. I remember his dream he shared of become both a prophet and apostle. In the end, he became neither.
I want to put down our pride and realize together that only God is great. It pains me to see those who kept the revelation of Divine Love camp at no-divorce. The fact is that God never created marriage in the first place, and refusing to do as our Father says is tantamount to telling Ezra that we will keep our heathen wives (or husbands). Thus, we pollute God’s will for our lives holding to a doctrine and practice that God never created.
Divine divorce goes hand in hand with Divine Love because we choose our mates unwisely. Even though not everyone must correct their rash vows, some do. If God believes that the mate we have will do the all well and good. However, at other times God believes our choice of mate hinders His will to such an extent that to follow God means we must separate from our sin. Such decisions are agonizing, soul searching moments that test our faith and commitment to God. No one takes such a step lightly.
We asked that God visit us at Chapel and He did. It is just that when He showed up we were not willing to let go of our dogma and accept Him. In our pride, we did not even believe we could have dogma because we were so “free in the Spirit”. Yet, pride in what we knew kept us ultimately from who we wanted to know.
Do you really want to perish in the wilderness of Sin? Do you really desire to stop short of the promised land because of unbelief? Carry on and go the distance with God. Else everything you went through, every hardship you experienced, all the glories of the world to come you came to know are simply dust in the wind.
Dear Michael , you’re right on the money with this post and comment. One huge lesson I just recently learned is my relationship with God is an all or nothing proposition . Just as long as I can keep my head out of the “dogma box” I have joy in abundance, but if I try and limit Him in any way , I feel cold as a stone .
Concerning marriage , about year 17 of my dysfunctional marriage ( three years ago) I had reached my wits end and was just screaming in my heart at God about how I had done everything I was supposed to and He wasn’t keeping his end of the bargain . Suddenly , God told me in the Spirit unmistakably that he never said that (all the church propaganda about marriage), then instantly the word polygamy came clearly into my mind and how He had revealed to me 30 years prior that biblically He had never done away with the practice of polygamy (I had just put that fact on a shelf for all these years ). While beginning to reel from that, He then clearly told me that He didn’t appreciate people (me included ) putting words in His mouth . I felt lower than a skunk for a few seconds, then His peace and joy fell upon me. I would estimate the whole incident took less than a minute.
I am just so grateful to the Lord for you, your friendship, and all the work you do on this website.
Bless you all, my friends (both those of you I know and those I have yet to meet)
Hi Steven,
It is amazing isn’t it. God says things that seem so outlandish to our natural understanding, then once we understand where He is coming from, it seems the most natural thing in the world.
Big hugs and God bless,