muslims searching for God

Speak Revelation To Muslims

Sometimes, we forget that Islamist’s are people too.  Lacking their total immersion in their cultures, it is easy to forget that Muhammad is all they’ve ever known.  Like staunch Catholics, their whole world revolves around their belief system.

To the natural minded Christian, challenging the deeply entrenched Muslim faith seems like a daunting task.  Islamist’s are often taught how to rebuff Christians with arguments against what they believe.   When believers in Christ speak the truth to followers of the Koran,  they often hit a brick wall.

We cannot fight Islam with our natural minds

However,  it is the way in which we approach the evangelization of Muslims that predisposes us to failure. Essentially, we approach deeply entrenched natural minded beliefs with our own natural minds.  We endeavor to convince people who are sold out to their own version of evil with our version of good.

There is a place in God, through yielding to His Spirit, that is as if Islam does not exist.  Through the manifestation of God’s divine love, we love as Jesus loves, and we see people independent of their circumstances.

When you become one with God, you see beyond circumstances

The Tabernacle Experience raises us up to a place of union with God, where those things we view as insurmountable simply don’t exist.  It is like Jesus walking on water, when we believe the world conforms to our faith until nothing is impossible.

Islam holds people’s natural minds enslaved,  yet has no power over their spirits.   Speak to Muslims through revelation,  just as Jesus did to the woman at the well, and they will believe.  Activate a Islamist’s spirit, and they will leave Muhammad like he never even existed.

God simply reveals, He doesn’t explain

YHWH reveals Himself to people and they accept Him because they are created to do so.  You don’t have to explain the truth, simply speak it clearly and concisely,  activating their spirits through contact with the Holy Spirit in you.  Resist your natural minded tendency to look at the things you can’t do and simply speak the revelation you can in Jesus name.

Jesus Christ Revealing Himself to Muslims