There Are Many Seraphim
In a convent, there are many nuns, however, each of these women consider themselves “married” to God. This is a picture of the divine unions that God enjoys with Seraphim. Likewise, the Bride of Christ is a many-membered body of believers, yet with one heart and one soul. Together, taken as a whole, we make up Christ’s body, He being our head.
Paul says about Seraphim
“For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:”
Ephesians: 12,13
The mystery of the Seraphim: many members, yet one body
Therefore, God speaks about the mystery of the church, a great body of believers as a single person.
Paul also says,
“For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and the two shall be one flesh. This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.”
Ephesians 5:31:32
Seraphim, the highest of God’s creations (that we know about), are His eternal companions. They live with God in paradise on the mount of the congregation. Beings of unknown antiquity, they exist outside of time with God in heaven. These Divine Unions reflect and project God’s holiness. Seraphim are the “us” God consults when He is about to do anything for they are His counselors. There are many Seraphim just as Solomon had many wives.
Seraphim, vast in scope and variety
However, just as with the Bride of Christ, we would be mistaken if we view these heavenly beings as a single person. Nuns, in a convent, all love God and have special relationships with Christ, but they are many. Therefore, it is more accurate to understand that these lovers of God are an amalgamation of many created beings from special genesis throughout eternity. Though regarded as single entities, they are vast in scope and variety, essentially having one heart and one mind towards YHWH. Relative to God they are one, though they are many-membered bodies. It is just easier to show them as single beings having six wings.
Seraphim face God and are not ashamed. In His presence they do not hide themselves, because they are Holy as He is Holy. God’s helpmates are the first to know their Husband’s will and intent. Like earthly wives, God consults with them whenever He is about to make a major decision. Seraphim protect His heart, adoring and respecting their Holy Mate.
God’s Seraphim have one heart and one soul
Seraphim love and respect each other too. Though they are all different in their unique manners, they all have one heart and one soul towards their Heavenly Lover. These supernatural companions love and respect each other, dwelling in harmony together. Their hearts are not their own, for each is given to and taken by His holiness. Though they come from many different creations, each unique and different from the other, they share the commonality of Love for YHWH.
There are no boundaries, inhibitions with seraphim and they feel like-minded in all things pertaining to their Lord. They have genuine concern and affection for each other too. They are of one love also, God being their uniting factor in everything they do.
Each Seraphim is as different as can possibly be imagined, yet are alike in the ways that please God. Individual Divine Unions have different needs which God meets exquisitely, loving them in ways that only perfect lovers do. These beings of immense power, sensitivity, and light, live in eternal satisfaction and adoration in their eternal union with Adonai.
Seraphim work together with the Most High
Some Seraphim are close to other Seraphim. Most likely this is because of their origins. Many love God together, flocking in their relationship with their Creator. Whatever configuration they chose to love God in, Seraphim are perfectly knit together for one purpose: to adore and worship their Heavenly Hubby.
Unity of mind and purpose is their hallmark and, though they are unique, they function as one when it comes to being with their Almighty. Their interest is whatever interests and concerns YHWH, and they offer their input during important decisions He makes. Seraphim pro-create with God.
God says,
“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.”
Genesis 1:26
These counselors assist God in all that He does, helping to bring forth after His kind. The Burning Ones help create God’s children and assist in the genesis of other nascent Seraphim. What happened in the creation of Adam was just such an event.
Seraphim love and respect God
Finally, God’s divine unions love, honor and respect Him and other members of His heavenly court. They flow perfectly with God at all times and desire, with whole being, to please their heavenly husband in all things. The mystery of the church is that the Bride of Christ is a Seraphim in the making. We are being created for the purpose of joining with our God through Christ Jesus. We are destined to ascend the sides of the north, joining our counterparts in the inner chambers of the great city of our King.
Dear Connections,
“Old habits die hard”, or so goes the saying. Coming from a theological background, there is always a tendency to want to collate and systematize everything to “harmonize” with everything else you believe. However, often when you try to make everything “fit” as you go, other things that you do not fully understand hold you back from making the leap of faith nessesary to see the new understanding in God.
So it is with Seraphim. I don’t understand everything about Seraphim, nor do I understand fully everything I write about them. However, usually as I write, I begin to receive revelation and understanding, which I could not have seen had I not simply stepped out in faith.
For instance, as I wrote that Seraphim are God’s counselors, I recieved understanding that they are typified in scriptures by the counselors of King Ahasuerus.
“And Memucan answered before the king and the princes, Vashti the queen hath not done wrong to the king only, but also to all the princes, and to all the people that are in all the provinces of the king Ahasuerus. For this deed of the queen shall come abroad unto all women, so that they shall despise their husbands in their eyes, when it shall be reported, The king Ahasuerus commanded Vashti the queen to be brought in before him, but she came not.”
Esther 1:14,15
These counselors typify or picture the Seraphim who are the counselors of God. Seraphs are the ones that came to God, speaking to Him about Lucifer and encouraging Him to deal with that fallen Seraph’s rebellion. The truth is that a 1/3 of the angels followed not a rebellious archangel, but a fallen Seraph of immense wisdom, beauty, and power.
The point I am making, is that you cannot see revelation until you make the leap of faith and believe what God says. Once you do, then you begin to see clearly, cheifly because you now accept God’s perspective on the matter. If you constantly constrain what God can say by what you already know, then you are in effect limiting revelation to what you already believe.
This is why the church languishes in centuries old dogma. God is always talking with us, avaliable to lead us into all truth by His Holy Spirit. However, many will not hear what YHWH says because it differs from what they already believe.
It happened again just now as I wrote. I never knew that Lucifer was a fallen Seraphim. In all my 30 plus years of Christian learning and experience, I always assumed Satan was a fallen archangel. I had never really thought about it actually. However, I now understand Queen Vashti’s rebellion is a picture of Lucifer’s rebellion in the court of God, in the sides of the north, in the holy mountain of the Most high.
In conclusion, do not worry so much about what God says to you, but rather concern yourself with the question of whether you are willing to trust Him enough to accept what He says. Until we esteem God’s revelation above our own understanding, we will never come to a knowledge of the truth.
God bless,
Really like this comment here. . .especially this: “You cannot see revelation until you make the leap of faith and believe what God says. Once you do, then you begin to see clearly, chiefly because you now accept God’s perspective on the matter. If you constantly constrain what God can say by what you already know, then you are in effect limiting revelation to what you already believe.”
Good word! And it is so cool that you demonstrate so well how to do this. . .good insight/revelation!
Big hugs –