Why You Need a New Wine Skin

The Grapes Are Ripe: Are You Ready?

When you think about it, it is our experience with God that is central to our Christian faith. For a few thousand years the Jewish people thought that they understood who God was, but when Jesus came he was very different than their theology expected. Even so, Jesus was exactly, perfectly, and completely in line with what the word of God really said. Only those who allowed the experience of God to modify their theology were able to accept Jesus.
God says,
“Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.”
Matthew 9:17
We must choose a new wine skin
So too, in the coming move of God’s Spirit we will again have to choose whether to trust what we think or to trust our experience with Him. Initially, we won’t be able to intellectually understand most of what is happening because it is so far removed from our current theology. However, if we will accept our experience in Him, then gradually we will understand how it all fits together. This is why we all need a new wine skin.
Tabernacle Theology is an experience
The theology of tabernacles is borne not out of study, but from experiencing God in new and different ways. Personally, God did not fit in my old wineskin. I simply could not accept the reality of God and keep my old ways of thinking. Knowing my Father’s voice I accepted what He did, even though I could not shoe horn it into my idea of “sound doctrine”. Only as I accepted God for who He was, allowing Him to fashion a new wineskin within me, did things start to make sense.
Those who will not make a transition to a new wineskin will either sit out this great move of God or persecute it. If we cannot change our point of view, even in the presence of God manifest through His body, we will lose His Spirit.
You’ve come to a place full of new wine

Within this website is a new wineskin that allows you to successfully hold the new wine of The Tabernacle Experience. Even as new revelation increases, the Tabernacles Theology is designed to expand along with it. Of course, no wine skin lasts forever and someday we will all have to discard this also. However, for now, this new perspective on God’s eternal word provides a starting point from which to accept and understand the experiences we are having.
I invite all those who desire a new wineskin to take what I show you and use it as God leads. The “common” people heard Jesus gladly, and experienced the greatest outpouring of God’s love in human history. Now it is time for the common people to hear Jesus gladly in our generation. Come, understand the deeper things of His spirit as we ascend to the mountain of the house of the Lord!
God bless,
Michael King
How can I apply this teaching to my life?
The next time a new thought comes into your mind simply stop and consider it. Pick it up, handle it, turn it over, examine it. Think about it carefully. Ask yourself “if this is true, how could it fit in with what I already know?” Consider also, “If I change my viewpoint to what I feel God is saying what does that mean?”
Train yourself to hear God
Train yourself to resist the urge to reject any thought that does not line up with your doctrine. Give yourself time to consider a new revelation or truth. If, after careful consideration you decide it is not “sound” then discard it. No harm, no foul. Even if you make a mistake have faith that the Holy Spirit will help you sort it out. Frankly, over the years, the Holy Spirit has helped me sort “a lot” of things out.
Finally, give yourself permission to consider new ways of looking at old things. Allow God to help you see His word a bit differently. In this way, as God leads and guides, you will align more closely to what His scriptures really say.
“So too, in the coming move of God’s Spirit we will again have a choice whether to trust what we think we know about God or to trust the experience we are currently having with God. Initially, we will not be able to intellectually understand most of what is happening because it will be so far removed from our current theology. However, if we will accept God as we experience Him then gradually we will understand how it all fits together. This is why you will need a new wine skin.”
With the last 2 or 3 threads on here, I have been thinking of wine skins. How in general I think people have thought there were only two. The first one being for Old Testament times, and the second one being for post Pentecost times.
However, I believe there has been many wineskins over the centuries, that many brave men and women of God have faithfully stepped into. If we don’t step into a wineskin, then we are not going to be in a position for the new wine to completely cover us and immerse us, in God’s revelations and movements.
As much as our spirit is constantly under renewal, so are our wineskins.
If we switch off or deny this reality, then we will fall into the trap of denial of God’s current revelations and movements. This is what causes our faith to crack, when the wineskins are old and crack.
I haven’t been able to read further into this post than from that paragraph, but wanted to communicate my thoughts on that.
Peace in Christ
Dear Kingdomshier,
I really do believe that the anointing of the Holy Spirit gives us the breath and depth of His word. Like you mention about there being many wine skins and not just one or two. I find that my spiritual vision in God is always expanding the more I allow Him to lead and guide my mind and heart. God is really big, a lot bigger than we have thus far imagined. I am excited for the called out ones to come together and allow God to give a corporate vision of what He is…that will be truly awesome!