Dr. Seuss says,

“Now, the Star-Belly Sneetches Had bellies with stars. The Plain-Belly Sneetches Had none upon thars.”

I remember times when I would witness to people I met about the baptism of the Holy Spirit.  Many times I would meet with some negative reactions.  People, especially Baptists and Lutherans, would actually get belligerent when I said that if they did not speak in other tongues they were not spirit filled.  The more doctrinally educated amongst them would have all manner of ways to gerrymander scripture, proving that they received the Holy Spirit at the time they received Christ.  I thought this was really the wrong way to go about it because when I was told that there was more of God through speaking in other tongues, I wanted it!

Are you acting like a yellow-bellied Sneech with no stars upon thars?

I came to realize that their reaction was more from perceived injury to their personal pride than biblical truth.  Many of those I spoke with rested in the firm belief that they had stars upon thars.  When I said they did not have stars upon thars, they felt inferior and insecure.  Rather than humble themselves, they rejected it as “sloppy agape” and “pure emotionalism”.  Asserting they were the true soldiers of the faith, they did not need the “crutch” I offered.  Rather than seeing if the things I said were true, they searched the scriptures to support the position they already held.

Don’t feel badly, The Tabernacle Blessing is for you too

So too with the re-introduction of the spiritual Feast of Tabernacles.  Those with no stars upon thars feel indignant that someone may have something that they don’t.  It is not reason that moves them to such emotion, but rather jealousy.  However, just as the baptism of the Holy Spirit is a gift from God, so too is the experience of Tabernacles.  Those who receive God’s gift are not special but just open and willing.  It is like a child who sees another child receive a gift being upset when there is a like gift waiting for them also.  There is simply no need to fuss because God wishes to give good gifts to all His children.

God is no respecter of persons

In conclusion, everyone can have stars on thars (receive the Holy Spirit) for God is no respecter of persons.  Just as salvation is for all, Holy Spirit baptism is for all.  Moreover, the Tabernacle blessing is for all if we will just ask for it.

The Sneetches by Dr. Seuss