A Paradigm Shift Is Coming
I don’t often like to use the term “Paradigm Shift”, because it was a buzzword that many used to death a few years ago. However, on occasion, it does fit quite nicely and so I will apply it to what I am about to say.
What is a Paradigm shift?
“A fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions.”
God’s creation experiences major paradigm shifts from time to time. The first such shift was, of course, when God drove Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden. The second paradigm shift occurred when God sent the great flood. The third break occurred at the tower of Babel when YHWH confused the people’s language. Next you see the Abrahamic covenant, the Mosaic Law, and the deliverance of the children of Israel from Egypt, etc.
One of the biggest paradigm shifts was the transition from the Old Testament to the New Testament. Although, the truths that Jesus spoke perfectly aligned with the revealed word of God, most could not make the transition. Much later, the reformation produced another major shift. Similar, but smaller shifts, occurred with the reintroduction of speaking in other tongues and, almost simultaneously, the revelation of the oneness.
A Paradigm Shift from Pentecostal Theology to Tabernacles Theology

In our day, the paradigm shift that is currently taking place is the move from Pentecostal Theology to Tabernacles Theology. Once again, God is inviting us to view His revealed word in a new and fresh way. People become predictably unsettled by new truth which challenges old assumptions.

Yet, what people look upon as new is, in fact, as timeless as God Himself. Just as New Testament theology is perfectly consistent with the Old Testament scriptures, Tabernacles theology is perfectly consistent with both the Old and New Testaments. Unfortunately, just like the first century religious system, twenty-first century leaders resist God’s new paradigm. Truly, there is nothing new under the sun.
A Paradigm Shift Inevitably Results In Disruption
Accepting God as He reveals Himself means that the church will suffer disruption. Resistance comes first from religious folk desiring to preserve the status quo. Our own brethren turn against us because they refuse to accept what God is doing. Secondly, contention comes from our immediate family who do not understand why we choose to be controversial. Our Fathers, Mothers, Brothers and Sisters don’t grasp why following God demands we reject normalcy. The final stage of this persecution occurs when secular society, aided by apostate Christians, desire to eliminate those they perceive to be heretics.
A Servant Is Not Greater Than His Master

I said all that to say this, do not be surprised when these things happen for Jesus plainly says the servant is not greater than his master. If they have persecuted Jesus they will persecute us. However, as Christ says, rejoice when they do for great is your reward in heaven.
Many Christians harden their hearts, stifling natural compassion, because their heads dominate what they believe. Mercilessness results from deeply entrenched legalism. Law without compassion tends to purge basic human decently from people souls. These types of believers willingly hold the cloaks of those who stone other believers to death. The demonic spirits within them nash towards those who believe differently than they do. Unfortunately, without receiving their own Damascus road experience, it’s tough for legalists to have a change of heart.
Trust the voice of God
As Tabernacle Christians we must pray for those who oppose what God does. It’s important that we trust the love of God over the hate of men. The world (including the church) will disparage this final step in the perfection of the saints. Here is a truth,
“Though we love and feel badly for those who reject what God is doing we cannot stay in Egypt in order to minister to those who will not leave it. ”
In conclusion, we are witnessing the spiritual fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles and the rise of Strong Delusion. Embrace God’s paradigm shift to Tabernacles, simply by receiving His love through Spiritual Connections. Whereas we first gave over only our tongues, we now give over our entire hearts, minds, and bodies to our Lord to use as He pleases. In giving God every part of us, we essentially disappear, revealing Jesus Christ. In this way, we become Christ’s body, continuing the work our Savior began over 2000 years ago.