perfectly matched

Twelve Individual Wings Perfectly Folded, The Seraphim Bow, Coming Together Into Alignment Above His Mercy Seat, Matched Mates Of The Most High

Two covering cherubs, face each other and look upon the Mercy Seat. Perfectly matched, having six wings each, they bow in reverence to their Most High God.

Holiness is an reflected attribute of Seraphim. They are the burning ones simply because they dwell in YHWH’s Shekinah Glory. Seraphs are perfectly matched mates, not only to God, but also to each other. Intimacy is their supernatural state of being as they submit in all things to their Lord.

Knowing Him, because they are like Him, Seraphs are perfectly aligned with God and His purposes. When people speak of “a match made in heaven” they’re actually talking about Seraphim. When someone remarks “she is a vision” they are seeing a type or picture of Seraphim.

Perfectly matched mates

The only way meet God’s Seraphim is through revelation. Isaiah saw God, closer than any man every had before, high and lifted up in His temple. Only by reason of his close proximity to God could Isaiah see Seraphs. Seraphs are the intimates of YHWH, hidden away in the secret place of the Most High.

However, there is a unfolding revelation of Seraphim throughout the scriptures. God begins to reveal His perfectly match mates starting in the book of Genesis. We first see them when YHWH makes man in His image and likeness. Again, God consults with them as He decides to confuse the languages at Babel. We see them depicted above His Mercy Seat in the wilderness Tabernacle and then later in Solomon’s temple. It is interesting that as time goes by they grow until an earthly temple can no longer contain them. In the millennial temple they open the doors and leave with the Ark of the Covenant. The next time we see the Ark it is in heaven in the book of Revelation.

In the secret places of the Most high

God Wants You To Be A Perfectly Matched Mate

Seraphim are not for public consumption. For the better part of history, they have lived behind the veil. Even when Seraphim travel with the ark, they are covered and hidden from view. However, in the restoration of all things, finally God reveals them fully as they stand before His Throne in heaven as the seven spirits of the Living God.

God invites us, His perfectly matched mate, into the sides of the north. Welcomed into the congregation, we take our position beside YHWH as His chief musician. Seraph are pictured by the lives of,

Sarah ( lady, princess, noblewoman )

Esther ( Star)

Ruth (friend, companion)

Mary (Beloved)

Each one of these amazing women were perfectly matched mates of their husbands, foreshadowing the Bride of “YHWH saves”. God makes us a little lower than the angels but crowns us with Glory. In Christ, we are perfectly matched Seraphim sitting at the right hand of our King, ruling and reigning with Him forevermore. Amen.

Kiss Of Fire and Worship Flags by Kathryn Marquis