Divine Love
The truth is, the Tabernacle Move of Divine Love is already here. You only have to know where to look. Where we find it manifesting is mostly in avant-garde Christian and Secular music. These artist, who are really sensitive to the Holy Spirit, express God’s Divine Love.
What many don’t realize, is that this move of Love is coming upon the whole world, not just Christianity. This means that many people, who are not professing Christians, will also feel God’s love. This is not opposed to Christianity, but will allow God to work outside of established church doctrine. He does this, in order that people might be saved, who otherwise wouldn’t come to know Jesus.
If you desire to know more about God’s Divine Love, listen to these songs. Hear them with your heart and not your head. Try to find the real meaning and intent, rather than judge them by religious creed. Remember, only those who accepted Jesus at face value, were able to receive him at his first coming. Likewise, only those who accept Jesus in us at face value, will receive him today.
God bless,
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