Praising God through all things and at all times

Praising God

Psalm 9:1,2


I will give thanks to you, Lord, with all my heart;
I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. will be glad and rejoice in you;
I will sing the praises of your name, O Most High.

Imagine your self as David here…
His son has died, and yet with ‘all his heart’ he gave thanks to the Lord! Even in the midst of tragedy, he declares God’s wondrous deeds! After his son passes, and instead of grief, he speaks of gladness and rejoicing in the Lord! In a time of sorrow, David sings God’s praises!


When we are sorrowful God remains great


There’s hardly a greater loss than your own child dying: it is it is an overwhelming grief. Many at that time would blame God for taking live and be angry and not praise God as David did.

This is in itself a testimony of how close a relationship David had with God, how he walked with Him through all things, and how much David loved God. This is a complete spiritual bonding between him and God where he knows that in praising God through all things, he is assured of God’s peace. If David did not know the reality of God in his life, he would not have been able to do this at the worst time of his life.

It is important to note, that singing praise to God is NEVER linked to what is going on, but to whom God is!


Mean what you sing, with your whole heart, mind and soul.


Praise is participation and clapping, raising your hands to the King of your hearts, is demonstration.  CHOOSE to be cheerful and triumphant in Him!  Seasons change but God never changes.  Trust God always, freely praising all things at all times, no matter your season.

Psalm 5:11

But let all who take refuge in you be glad;
let them ever sing for joy.
Spread your protection over them,
that those who love your name may rejoice in you.

Philippians 4:4-7

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.




Do your best not focus on negatives, God is still doing positives in your life like praising God. Speak, witness, testify of God in your life, giving evidence that Jesus is still alive and powerful! You bring forth Emmanuel when you praise Him!.

Plainly, we need to testify of Him now, reaching people who do not know Him, so they understand that He still works in people’s lives today, and not just in Biblical times.


The Lord is in His holy temple and the kingdom of God is within us… His temple isn’t so much to be reached out and sought at a distance, but very close within you.


Intimacy with God is our daily bread


You are a temple of the Holy Spirit. God is Spirit and He is Love. Your intimacy with God is not something reserved for only prayer and worship time, but for each moment of your life, because for each moment of your life you are walking with Him.

Likewise,  your intimacy, freedom, praise, worship and testimony of God is consumes each moment of your life, even through your waking and sleeping moments. Through what you do and do not do, through what you speak and do not speak, through what you think and do not think. Beyond your beginnings and ends, because He has no beginning and no end.


With your eyes wide open, see Him…


With your mouths open speak of Him, testifying of Him through your praise and worship. Proclaims, “Taste and see that the Lord is Good!”

Likewise, with your ears, listen out for God speaking and hear what He is saying being ready to obey instantly.

Allow your hands, reach out and touch that which He has made, reach out and let Emmanuel work through your hands to bring healing and comfort to others.

In conclusion, with your hearts, be open to His Spirit teaching you His truths and leading you in each moment of your days, bringing glory and reconciliation to our Father for all His children, the lost, the rejected, the outcasts.

Finally, be the ambassadors for Christ you are, as spirit led sons and daughters of God. Be filled with His Spirit and Love and take that and distribute it to the world, Amen.