Let’s Talk Honestly For A Moment
We live in a world filled with words like “Reasonable”, “Prudent”, and “Sensible”. Forced to toe the line in order to “fit in,” we bow to convention to gain “success” in the worlds eyes. We work all our lives to “Achieve” and then die leaving all we gain to others. So I ask you,
“Why Be Reasonable?”
In my spirit today, I feel that there is no need to conform or cow-tow to convention. because that convention gets us absolutely nothing in the end, but a gravestone.
I DO NOT BELIEVE God is calling me to be reasonable, or predent, or sensible. I refuse to believe that “reason” is the order of the day in God’s big scheme of things. Only revelation that is straight, true, raw from the throne of God is what matters. Reason, or what seems right to our natural minds, is what got all of us into this mess in the first place. So away with it. I am done being reasonable.
Live by revelation
I will live and die by revelation from my Father thank you. I will dare great things in God because He says to do it, not because it seems reasonable. Frankly, I cannot listen to those who rest in sensibility, because they are already twice dead and buried. The fashion of the world is passing away and I want none of it. Give me the divine and the courage to embrace all of God!
Dear Spiritual Connections,
When you begin to trust God, and do what He says, a whole new world opens to you. Essentially, we are living in a false construct, and altered reality that has very little to do with what our Father wants. I see it more and more in the media where ungodly men and women are trying to change the perspectives and views of our society into something even more against God. We are literally seeing, before our eyes, the rise of the spirit of Antichrist.
I have shared, to the extent I believe allowed, what God is doing in these last days. Painting with broad strokes, God is illuminating the Spirit realm and the wonders it contains for those who hunger and thirst for my intimate contact with Him. This is a time when oil of the Holy Spirit is freely available for purchase to all who ask. However, I am shocked at how few are buying.
A young person, the daughter of a cousin, passed away a few weeks ago. She was only 22 and had her whole life before her. Suddenly, she was gone from, as of yet, unknown causes. The striking thing about the funeral was the complete and utter lack of any reference to God or His son Jesus Christ. Her parents are wealthy, educated Democrats and came together to “celebrate” her life. As I looked upon the proceedings I could not help but see the utter emptiness of it all. Their deceased daughter was a liberal who did not believe in God and now she is cut, unexpectedly, from the loom of the living.
It is a special kind of Strong Delusion that denies God. People who are atheists live on God’s Earth, eat the food it produces, use and misuse the bodies He created, yet pay Him no respect. Atheist will not even acknowledge God at their daughter’s funeral. Truly, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.”
Many Christians are trying to have a semblance of normality in this world of altered consciousness. We try to “fit” into this madness in order to “get” along. Yet in doing so, we stand by while people like this young women pass into eternity without the covering of the blood of Christ. This is a special instance of deception and we are falling victim to the same Strong Delusion that is leading unbelievers astray.
The lie that we can do nothing is just an excuse to not do anything. It is up to us to be agents of change while it is still possible to do so.
God bless,